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Bridge Bunny

Bridge Bunny (7/15)



  1. This thread delivered Space Pizza and booze today. Thank you.
  2. Why are all the hallways FILLED WITH PIPES? There’s SO MANY PIPES.
  3. That’s a really amazing fan made short film. Thanks for linking that.
  4. His old standup stuff is funny to this day. The Abe Lincoln PR sketch is especially classic.
  5. Thanks for the insight. I have read/watched some reviews (especially of the more recent 8-wide sets) and noticed many of the things you point out, but it’s good to hear it again. I’m not a gear head, but have always been in awe (lust?) of super/hypercars since I was very young (posters of Tetarossa and Countach, anyone?) and I love a really good Lego build. The fact that my daughter is old enough to help/appreciate/enjoy the activity with me certainly doesn’t hurt. Yeah, I think I’ll pick up a couple and see what I think. The good thing with Legos is you can almost always sell them and recoup your investment if you don’t like it or get bored.
  6. Wow. I haven’t wished I still owned a Switch in a long time, but this is definitely making me wish I did!
  7. I’ve been strongly considering getting into speed champions. They are great looking and economical. That F40 looks great
  8. Damn. That Ecto-1 is fun. Love the packaging
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