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Everything posted by jigahus

  1. Ground troops are still neccessary to protect against human sized incursions. Not all raids would be mecha vs. mecha.
  2. Fuel? I thought the fighters were nuclear powered so they don't need fuel. For the AVF's 19 and 21/22 I believe the fast packs were to provide protection and armament. For the 11 it would also add to the speed as it won't be as the VF-11 is not as fast. My 0.02 cents.
  3. I remember Gamlin retiring from the miliary and Milia giving him a VF-17 as his pension. I forgot if he officially came back in a later episode.
  4. Just rewatched Macross II today. I can now definately say Macross 7 is trash.
  5. I didn't like any of Mylene's songs. Basara saying listen to my song is stupid. I loved Yoko Kanno on M+ so much that I have the CD for it. And there was music in M0? If there was then I didn't notice it or it sucked /sarcasm
  6. I'm surprised noone has been a macross product whore and say they love Kaifun.
  7. You know what. That I liked. Funny thing is those songs only appear in the Galaxy is Calling Me. I also like Try again and the planet rock. The others are just to corny child like pop for me.
  8. That's awesome dude. Looks a lot better than this. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_bandai_vf17s.htm Can anyone verify? Like sturdier build?
  9. Wow awesome job! Hope you continue to add to the site. I'm looking forward to seeing more!
  10. Sorry I was using the M7 term for the YF-21 or VF-22 Sturmvogel. Remember kids don't post while drunk! It's actually the YF-21 Omega One from Yamato. As reviewed here by Graham. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_...yamato_yf21.htm And the Bandai VF-19S Blazer Valkyrie here. I'm trying to find a VF-17 from Bandai as well as it seems to be the only VF-17 toy out there. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_bandai_vf19s.htm But if you want to think I have custom toys that the rest of you don't have then that's all good too LOL!
  11. Oh ya I also have a Bandai VF-1S Blazer Valkyrie.
  12. Yup a Yamato YF-22 Macross Plus Sturmvogel after so many years. I know some other people had it for a while but man it's beautiful! Now to save up and get a a Yamato YF-21. I had previously Yamato Max VF-1A, Roy VF-1S, and a VF-11B.
  13. Take a look at this thread everybody. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...20965&st=20 As for the split of Max and Millia I never saw why they split in the series. It never was explored. Everything is speculation. Just like in the end on how some people think they got back. All I saw in the end was them exchanging looks while each is sitting in the VF-22's. It didn't really show them "getting back together."
  14. At least it would be better than the 24 hours in downtown song...which was utter crapola. Well thanks for the welcome. And I just remembered another thing I liked about the show. The Black guy diamond force leader...he was a pimp as a pilot and with the bridge bunnies. But another thing that someone asked..I didn't like Guvava.
  15. Thanks for this thread! I purchased the remastered collection and now can re-enjoy my childhood memories!
  16. I doubt 2007 will see any more macross ovas. History shows the next one will probably be in the early 2010's. If we are lucky we may get some mangas.
  17. I second that!
  18. To me I'm gonna use the Encore OVA series to wrap up Mylene's choice. Gamlin gets Miho (which is way better than Mylene). And then Mylene chases after Basara while he goes off on his hippy space cruise (puke).
  19. I'm glad I watched all M7 and M2 on Youtube. I wouldn't have paid donkey dung for that crap.
  20. Just finished watching the entire M7 series in order to give it a try. What I like: Some of the songs (not all) The mecha What I didn't like: Basara and his supposed commitment to singing over battle. Some people will say his dedication to peaceful resolution is commendable but I think it's dumb as his stubborness is fatal. All the cannon fodder VF-11 dies around him as he sings. His singlemindedness(sp?) reminds me of G Dub and Eye-Rack. Stupid stupid Mylene. Some of the bad songs being repeated over and over again. Quantifying the mystic sound energy. This amounted to when Star Wars said the force is a bunch of midichlorines...totally killed it for me. I voted for/against M7.
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