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Everything posted by the_foul_fowl

  1. So it's a two-seater... interesting. MF's homage to the VF-1D, colors make sense too.
  2. I was just browsing my June copy of Hobby Japan when an ad for the VF-22S caught my attention. Highlighted on the ad were some text in Japanese, calling the VF-22S the 'first from a new title', the new title being Macross Dynamite 7. Given this text, I wonder if Yamato is planning a M7 series, since M+ and M0 are right about finished, excluding the VF-0D, and with the news of the GBP, seems like Yamato has pretty much exhausted all possible new molds in Macross/DYRL as well. If it is the start of a new M7 series, then I'll be excited to see the VA-3, that's a pretty unique mecha that really deserves a release. And of course the VF-5000 too =)
  3. Awesome! Thanks Eugimon! That pic is poison... now I just need to find one at a local store...
  4. Has anybody compared the ROTF Jetfire next to MP Starscream, a Bandai VF-25 or Yamato Valk? At 18 inches, the scale is just about 1/72. Wondering how it'll look next to a VF-22 too...
  5. Just watched TF2 today. Kinda mixed feelings about the movie. I've been avoiding this thread till now, just read through most of the comments on the movie. Initially, I was kinda shocked at how Prime off-ed Demolishor in the opening act, and how savage and brutal he seemed to be. And bits like multiple sets of Constructicons in the Egypt battle were weird. Then it dawned on me that this is MB's Transformers, not the G1 that I knew of. So yeah, Prime is not the noble leader we know of from the G1 movie, he's determined to do whatever it takes the protect Earth. And Constructicons is a term that was never mentioned in the movie, if we take a look merely from what's in the movie, Devastastor is NOT made up of the Decepticons Demolishor, Rampage et al, but seems to be a separate entity that just happens to have its alternate form in several construction vehicles. Ok. That said, the movie was a bit easier to swallow. The fight scenes were better than the first, with Prime forest battle the best, and Bumblebee's fight with Rampage and Ravage a close second. Skids and Mudflap were dumb, but acceptable. Jetfire was cool, but more shots of him would have been appreciated. Ratchet and Ironhide seemed to be reduced to cameo roles here. I would have expected Ratchet to have a bit more to say about Prime, and Ironhide's role as Weapons Specialist seemed hardly utilized. And yeah, too much pew pew weapons. It also seemed that they hardly transformed much in the second half of the movie. I missed the scenes like Starscream transforming, hitting and flying off from the first one. What made the movie difficult was the toilet humour. A bit too much (wheelie), and I think the movie would have felt better if those scenes were simply edited out. They just don't add anything to the movie, IMO. Some of the smart bits that worked were the Decepticon bulldog on Mixmaster (awesome, where can I get one?) and the "Decepticon suck my popsicle" sign on the ice-cream truck. More of those in the movie would have been appreciated, kinda like the slogan on the first movie's Barricade ("To enslave and destroy") So overall, better fights than the first, but the lower brow than the first. Plot is irrelevant in both movies. Kinda evens out. In fact, I'd be interested to see a fan-edit without the toilet humour. Would I watch it again? Hard call, but once in a long while, and I'd prob just skip to the fight scenes.
  6. MW4+Expansions to be released free online: http://battletech.catalystgamelabs.com/200...battletech-com/
  7. 1A in Aug, VE-1 in Sep, M&M in Oct, Armored VF-25S in Sep/Oct, and Macross Quarter end of the year... man, my wallet's haemorrhaging already...
  8. Ladies and gentlemen, max and miria are IN DA HOUSE! http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1435 http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1434 So sold!!!!
  9. I'm just waiting for the next major film adaptation... PONG. The Movie. Oh yes, I can see it now!
  10. It IS cheaper: VF-22S : 18,800 yen (with stand) YF-21: 21,800 yen (no stand) w/o tax
  11. No, first time I've heard of it! And I was just lamenting the lack of Ace Combat for PS3... Yes yes yes!!!!!!
  12. Just got this over the weekend and yeah, it's an awesome TF. I like how good it looks in Biplane mode, and how steampunk it is in robot mode. A thought just occurred to me, but wouldn't it be awesome to have a line of TF toys based on realistic WWI/WWII vehicles? Imagine TFs based on Tigers, Shermans, B-17s, Zeros, Mustangs, Whippet tanks!
  13. Argh... why must these by Ichiban Kuji goods and not regular releases? :headbang: These will be next to impossible to find...
  14. Get it for Valkyria Chronicles, trust me you won't be disappointed! Great gameplay and story. And there's an event in the game that has an impact not quite felt since FF7 game spoilers follow: I'm thinking of trying out a FPS for the PS3, narrowed it down to two actually: Resistance2 and Killzone2... any comments which is better? Ghostbusters released! Review here. Looks fun!
  15. Ok, finished the game last week and just started watching the anime (didn't want to spoil myself for the game). At episode 3 right now. Good to see some of my favourite characters from the game appearing (Marina, Jann!!!), hope they get some voice roles, the VA for Jann in the game was just hilarious!
  16. Blue Noah... Earth Federaion Fragship... ah, don't you just love Japlish... Anyway, awesome trailer!
  17. Actually, I'm still waiting for any news of Ace Combat on the PS3...
  18. To be fair, the 1/100 and 1/72 versions are due this month, while the DX has been pushed back to Aug/Sep. So likely we'll see pictures start popping up in July, since there's a major toy show then.
  19. I dunno, I think the add-ons for the RVF and VF-25G are a bit of a hard-sell. especially since for that same amount it seems you're getting a whole lot more with the Alto/Ozma Super packs. Still, the RVF practically demands a Ghost to accompany it. But I'm seriously considering to instead get the RVF-25 model kit and do up the ghosts from there, it's only gonna be 20% smaller and you get all three at a much cheaper price. I figure I can live without the missles and fold comms antenna from the web exclusive too.
  20. Yes, please! I'd love to find out what the writers had planned for S3. Seemed as waste to have ended TSCC as the premise in the S2 finale looked interesting.
  21. 4th ROTF leader-class Starscream? It's something we've all been wishing for since the first movie! No pics yet though.
  22. More close-up pics from GA Graphics: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/012903/ More at the site. So it looks like the back half of the head is re-scuplted too eh
  23. Does anyone here have the OD Defender yet? Any changes from the normal ver? Really dig the color scheme, much more so than the OD Tomahawk!
  24. I caught it yesterday. I haven't been following any spoilers, so was very surprised when I enjoyed it a lot. I consider myself a casual Trek fan, having watched some of TNG, most of DS9, some of Voyager, and all the movies, but never did bother with all the technobabble. The movies was a great ride, it's got that energy which the star trek movies have tended to lack. Sulu's retractable blade was too cool for words. I loved that scene where the crew was explaining how their . That scene seemed to be written just for the hardcore fans, kinda like it was telling them things are going to be different from what you know. Chekov did seem to be over-doing the accent thingy though. And yes, Nimoy's inclusion in the show was a great choice!
  25. I'll be catching it this evening... looking forward to it! =)
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