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Everything posted by the_foul_fowl

  1. Saw more pics from the 19th Miyazawa Mokei Spring Business Support Sale, as covered by GA Graphics. Lotsa pics, here's the link http://ga.sbcr.jp/g-toys/miyazawa2/01/index.html Closeup of the cockpit and Ivanov http://ga.sbcr.jp/g-toys/miyazawa2/01/17.html Stand looks really huge from this angle http://ga.sbcr.jp/g-toys/miyazawa2/01/21.html
  2. From http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/events...yam-ghost-1.JPG That answers my own question Looks like the attachments will be included after all! Yay!
  3. Thanks Graham! Appreciate your rushing it for us!
  4. Thanks Noel! Wow, haha, didn't know they were that old! 6 years!!!
  5. Saw these off dannychoo's coverage of Wonderfest... hmmm, anybody know what these are? Haven't heard anything about this before... http://www.dannychoo.com/slide/eng/wonfes2...Winter+-+Mecha/ http://www.dannychoo.com/slide/eng/wonfes2...Winter+-+Mecha/ http://www.dannychoo.com/slide/eng/wonfes2...Winter+-+Mecha/ Sculpts look really good
  6. Igloo is well-worth watching Like the others have said, the plot centres around a technical unit reviewing experimental weapons. I especially like how the second 'half' of Igloo, Apocalypse, starts to show how desperate the Zeons are. Storyline is self-contained within each ep, but the trend gets predictable. Still, the visuals are pretty amazing, and the second ep with the Hidolfr remains one of my fav eps overall from the series. :thumbs: Visuals-wise, ep 4 with the flying z'gok is pretty spectacular
  7. I'm really new into Macross, so far all I've got are: 1/60 VF-0A 1/48 VF-1A Low Vis2 1/48 VF-1J Stealth 1/48 Stealth Strike parts Yeah, really small compared to the rest of you guys! I'm pretty much trying to limit my collection to unique paint schemes though, so that kinda removes like half of the 1/48s (basically the DYRL Valks) from further consideration! Wants: 1/48 VF-1S Fokker (the only 'white' valk I should be getting) 1/48 Strike parts 1/48 VF-1J Max (if it ever gets re-released) 1/48 CF (maybe!) I like the YF-19, but I'd much rather get a low-vis color scheme, so if that's announced, I'll be all over it!
  8. The Hi-Nu looks great! Heck, if Bandai can make a Hi-Nu, I hope the Nightingale isn't that far behind!
  9. Thought so, but a search on the Internet revealed the pic was taken from one of the combined fleet practices back in 2005 http://www.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id=18516
  10. Actually, if you think about it, if Yamato re-issues a 'fixed' version immediately after the original release, I'm sure it'll get fans even more mad for Yamato not getting it 'right' the first time. At least by going about it in a roundabout way, Yamato introduces 'new' products with improvements, and by re-issuing the orignial only later it'll appease the early adopter fans who can say that at least they got theirs a much earlier than the rest, faults and all. Your money, your choice to wait or get on early, caveat emptor I'm still keen to find out if the additonal attachments like the rocket pods and fuel tanks (?) will be included with the standalone Ghost. Those attachments are pretty much the main draw for me in getting the Ghost anyway!
  11. I found the episode pretty good. Nothing spectacular but there was a decent bit of character development. For a moment there I thought Mr Muggles was gonna bite it lol Now that it's been revealed that Peter is able to retain 'powers', I wonder if he managed to remember Sylar's? He was in pretty close contact, and he did use Sylar's telekinetic powers to deflect objects back during his confrontation in Claire's high school. Still surprised to find out that Nathan is Claire's dad... that would make Peter her... uncle? Nathan still looks too young to be her dad though.
  12. that's the G-bit http://www.mahq.net/MECHA/gundam/x/gx-9900-gb.htm
  13. Hmmm, howabout a Minmei Guard? That would be nice Or maybe a Valk in Zentraedi colours like in the new CMS Valks Collection? A reissue 1J max would be great! Would love a reissue Low Viz1 too
  14. Danny from dannychoo.com had a review of the fig a few months back too http://www.dannychoo.com/blog_entry/eng/694/Mine+Blue/
  15. Eh yeah, come to think about it, Graham didn't say it wasn't from Macross... I wonder if a TV ver. SDF-1 is coming our way? A Yamato TV SDF-1 would be: 1) a transforming mecha from a popular 80's anime 2) and would make many MWers happy hmmm....
  16. One of the local shops over here recently sent an email with coloured pics of the Atelier Sai figures Here ya go! Normal Garland [attachmentid=39682] Proto [attachmentid=39683] EX [attachmentid=39684] Ltd Ver [attachmentid=39685]
  17. Thanks David! Your knowledge of aviation detail never fails to astound me! Stealth, hmmm, actually, I was just thinking the YF-19 might look interesting in Berkut colours:
  18. Ah, so that's what the Super Nova paint scheme looks like... thanks! Orange looks good, but it doesn't really work for me though. Still deciding if I should get one now or wait for the low vis or kawamori paint sheme... Yeah, besides the additonal nose pitot, noticed a tripod looking thingamagig on the shield of the orange Super Nova plane. Was looking at Graham's review again, doesn't look like there's any attachment points for the thing.
  19. Ah, the enigmatic Graham just refined his hint, so thought we might as well open up a new thread to discuss it. For one thing, we know it can't be Macross or Votoms. I don't think it's gonna be Orguss since Graham mentioned that another company is doing some Orguss stuff already. It's gotta make 'a lot of Macrossworlders happy' so it should be something we're familiar with. I personally would have wanted Mospeada mecha like the Mospeada itself or even better the Alpha fighters (lots of repaint possibilities on that one too so it would make sense from a practical standpoint. Hmmm...
  20. Man, that talk about repaints for the YF-19's got me confused. Should I go get one now or wait...hmmm I'm thinking a low viz grey would be pretty awesome, just imagine a YF-19 in VF-11 or VF-0A colors! Not too sure how Kawamori custom colors would look like though... could it be a VF-1 paint scheme? All white with coloured highlights? Haha and maybe crooked skulls? Err, don't mind my noobness, but how do the Super Nova Orange or Blue versions look like? Tried to search but couldn't find any pics
  21. It's been said already but ... wow!!! That's some custom you've got there... great work!
  22. The digital camo looks great! The white nose really makes it resemble a naval flanker Funny thing is, I'd always thought I'd prefer DD's black ver, but Nora's color scheme really looks great too. Very 'showy', think I'm liking it more and more. The price hike is not unexpected given the size of the SV-51. Still, quite painful. 1/48 VF-1 -> 14,800 yen, 1/60 VF-0 -> 16,800 yen, YF-19 -> 18,800 yen, yikes, the SV-51 is prob gonna cost around 18,800 yen to maybe 20,800 yen? ouch ouch...
  23. Haha, actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he's having too much fun with the prototype of whatever's coming out after the Shin VF-0A
  24. Ah... oops, my bad! Thanks for the headsup!
  25. Has anybody seen this set of supplemental instructions on Yamato's website? Was looking around the customer service section from the link chowyunskinny posted somewhere else. I babel-fished it, doesn't make much sense to me seeing as I don't have a YF-19 (yet ) but looks like instructions for the neck, canopy cover and the canards. Maybe you guys can make out what they're trying to say: http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/t...02%2Findex.html
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