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Everything posted by the_foul_fowl

  1. Aye... I've been itching to get a PS3, and a PS3 version of AC6 could be the final nudge...
  2. More pics from Wonderfest. Think these haven't been seen before? http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/009376/ Undercarriage sure looks sexy... that didn't turn out too right!
  3. The Alter one... this one yeah? http://www.tmpanime.com/index.php?main_pag...roducts_id=1831 I think it's got the best motoko head sculpt out of everything else that's been released. If only the upcoming RAH was based on this figure... S/w for Tachikoma, not sure but prob in Japanese?
  4. Did anyone pick this up? review: http://www.onesixthwarriors.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78174 hlj: http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/tanoue/freedom...?Code=BAN950847 The Bandai tachikoma chogokin. From the review, it seems to be mainly die-cast, though a bit small. Electronic functions are so-so too. Approx 13000 yen. Still, strangely tempted by this... looks like a fun, if expensive, desktop item. Will prob irritate the hell out of your co-workers!
  5. I kinda think the question would be how well Kaiyodo can translate non-anime characters into revy format. Everything they've done so far has been anime/game-based or non-human characters i think, so would be interesting to see how Apone or Hicks looks like anime-ized.
  6. color doesn't look that bad actually... cept for the ninja turtle-colored pilot
  7. price is... 12k yen? Not too bad, for it's size about 14cm, should compare well wit the 1/100 Gundam GFF, the mixed metal/abs whose series I can't rem right now :doh:
  8. Perhaps more than 3x MSRP, cos the way I see it, most likely it'll be 3x3 of the regular ones, and 1 mode of the secret per box of 10. To really complete a set of 12, you'd need... 3 boxes thereabouts. Would be fun to play around on the desk at work though...
  9. Aliens in the Revy line... Predators too? Can you imagine all the Revy vs Alien, Dante vs Alien, Saber vs Alien poses once the Alien Revys are out? :thumbs:
  10. I dunno about these guys. Having more valks across a common scale is always a good thing, and like Graham says, it's a good opportunity for Yamato to include 1 or 2 obscure designs like the VA-3 in each series. That said, for 1/200, it's not exactly cheap. I can't help but compare with the 1/144 valks by popy which are larger and seem to come with more stuff but at the same price point (450 yen). But then again, it's basically a single mold being re-used, so there's economies of scale and such.... I doubt we'll ever see valks other than the VF-1 in that series though. Will prob buy a few of these guys for kicks, but prob won't pick up a set.
  11. Aye. Beautiful, just beautiful. Gurren Lagann was made to be a Revy! Enkidududududu.. whatever would be good too! Yoko as well! With all the new Revys from Macross and SF2 and other assorted shows... gonna be pretty broke!
  12. 1/60 perfect transform vf-25, great news! To be fair though, 1/60 isn't a foreign scale to Bandai, their Gundam PG kits are already in 1/60. Any case, I'm just glad that a common scale looks to be the standard for Macross stuff from Yamato and Bandai.
  13. Wow, from that pic, I wonder if the regult will actually be in-scale with the vf-1j. Perhaps that's why the vfs are smaller than standard revys, so that an in-scale regult could be feasible?
  14. Aye, and what we need next are Rifleman(s), Marauders and Wasps... waitamin, don't we already have wasps?
  15. Wow, very nice, thanks for the pic! 1/60 Tomahawk to be released in September, price unknown. 1/48 weathered Fokker VF-1S, date and price unknown 1/200 Valks, 3 types、3 modes each as shown with one secret, each 450 yen w/o tax. Sculpts look good!
  16. So, to sum up, confirmed news from the revy site and collection dx is that we're getting: Max/Miriya 1J YF-19 YF-21 Regult Can't wait! Could I hope for a Glaug?
  17. Got a full set of these excluding the secret from a local retailer. Paintwork is much better than the first series, Super Ostrich is really something! I'm quite happy the Max doesn't have the reaction missiles though. Doesn't looks quite right without fast packs. I wonder if there'll be a series 3? Hopefully Max and Miria supers, a super elint... though I can't think of what else could be included in the series. Low Vis colors would rock though! Enigma or stealth/black colors?
  18. This = ノーマル? Just means normal, same for both. Probably to distinguish between the vanilla valks and the super ver. =)
  19. Yamato to reissue the standalone YF-19 in Feb: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mgangu/009006/ Don't really know where else to place this, but Hikaru's 1/48 also to be re-released: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mgangu/009118/
  20. Saw an interesting blurb from IGN Street Fighter Online: Mouse Generation. http://pc.ign.com/articles/845/845823p1.html Revoltech street fighters? Great idea! First time I've heard of it though...
  21. I hope so! I think one of the reasons mentioned for the cannon fodderish behaviour of the NUNS pilots was that they weren't expecting the enemy, while the SMS pilots seemed to have been trained and expecting the bugs. I'd love to see the ghosts in action too. They look really great but were defeated by jamming, of all things... aren't they supposed to be autonomous? I hope they get some software upgrade to improve their combat effectiveness. I also liked how the ghosts were sent first as a screening force rather than sending the NUNS immediately. "sending the NUNS immediately"... that sounds so... weird... lol
  22. Ah, this is where Alto's kabuki traditions come into play... in the next ep he'll kabuki the big red mecha to death using the VF-25 through a mixture of kabuki song and dance... song force reborn! /jk
  23. From Macross 7. Not as the VF-171 but as the VF-17 Check out Mr March's great site for more info: http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/Macross%207/...d-nightmare.htm
  24. Just watched this a second time, just amazing. There was so much to like about it! From the slow reveal of the macross fleet, to the amazing launch sequence of the VF-171s, to the space battle, the hide and seek in the asteroid field and within the colony ship. I love the way the VF-171 looks, cannon fodder though it may be. And the fully loaded VF-25 looks drastically different from the bare fighter, it's looks like its got an almost delta-ish wing shape. Needless to say, I'm hooked! Bring it!
  25. Great news! *shelves plans to get a 1/48 Roy* Btw, the price according to Graham's first scanned image: 気になるお値段は1万前後を目指しているとのこと Not sure if my translation is right, but I think the sentence says the 1/60 is aiming for an approx 10,000 yen release. Looking good for the wallet!
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