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  1. I liked it! One of the more fun and entertaining shows I’ve watched, especially after the acolyte fiasco. Ended well too, and I liked that the season could stand on its own. I think this is the first time
  2. Yup, the photo at the store says 1 piece per customer. It’s how Tamashii Nations limits this by taking a picture every time you get a store exclusive. Not sure how accurate it is cos I’ve never tried to get duplicates 🤔
  3. The Devil-like character should be Azazel, he appeared X-Men First Class. Can’t help you with the neon Deadpool though, I was too distracted with all the other ‘pools! 😆 on a side note I hope we see more of X-23 in the MCU. I only just realized she played Jecki in Acolyte and duel with Qimir was one of the few highlights in that series.
  4. I have a pretty low bar when it comes to media, for what what it’s worth I have at least enjoyed most of the prior SW and MCU shows (yes even she-hulk!). I’d think reasonable suspension of disbelief is a basic requirement, but the leaps of logic requiring EU knowledge that was central to the plot (cortosis?), characters that don’t really make sense (rat sabotage, sol’s non-response, osha), cringeworthy moments (power of one! Two! Quimir X osha) broke the back of the proverbial camel for me. I just don’t know who this show is for. I actually liked Russian doll, which was also written and directed by the showrunner, so I’m not sure what went wrong here.
  5. Most of the Star Wars shows have been somewhat passable to me, but the Acolyte is probably the bottom ranked show for me. The only thing going for me were the lightsaber fights. Everything else is best forgotten.
  6. The two y-wings docked on the side kinda remind me of the draken with two ghosts!
  7. I spotted that too! Caught both episodes yesterday, and I'm kinda meh about it so far. The premise of having a murder mystery set in Star Wars is intriguing, but as of now it's not exactly compelling tv. Might be a combination of the production values and characters up to now, hope it improves over time. At least the starship designs looked nice, I liked that they seemed to reflect s more simple, geometrical aesthetic I wonder if Yoda would make a cameo... technically he's been training Jedi for a few hundred years!
  8. I was also surprised when the movie suddenly appeared on Netflix without any fanfare. The unkillable not wife Might explain how she survived
  9. Nice! Time to get myself a copy. 😬 I think the appeal of the VF-1 is also how it’s based off the F-14 which was probably one of the coolest fighters in the 80s, in no small part to Top Gun. Have always wondered how well the more modern designs from the VF-25 to 31 would resonate with those who’ve never experienced Macross before. Is the appeal of the VF-1 really evergreen or is it colored by our nostalgic lenses? 😂
  10. I guess the same could be said for many franchises? RX-78-2 for Gundam to X-wings and TIEs for Star Wars. Thanks for the headsup on HJ! Btw, is Perfect Memory still good buy if I already have Macross Chronicles and the Macross Designers Notes? Just wondering if the material in Perfect Memory has already been reproduced in some form or other in reference materials. That said, SDF Macross is still my favorite part of the franchise, so more materials are never a bad thing 😬
  11. For my switch version I ordered from Amazon.jp that I’m playing on a non-JP account, Hikaru and the DYRL stage are there too. Maybe the DLC is if you buy from the JP eshop directly? has anyone figured out if there are any unlocks in the game? Given that the boxart shows a VF-1S with fast packs, and there are ??? on the mecha gallery, I’m thinking there should be. Completed the Hikaru and Isamu routes, but no unlocks so far.
  12. For the switch, while you could change your location to JP and your account would be linked to the JP eshop, the easy way would be to create an user with a Japanese eshop and use that to download the DLC… is there already DLC available?
  13. Despite my excitement with the overall exclusives, i have to agree with Mommar. Controls don’t feel as tight as it could be, seems to be some lag, which is a really a downer, cos I was hopeful it would be at least something like Macross arcade. I’m usually decent at shmups but so far haven’t really been able to get beyond the first stage for each pilot (each pilot seems to be in a mashup area, so Hikaru appears in a Macross Delta stage while Hayate seems to appear in a Vajra stage etc). More practice is needed! What’s nice is that BGM seem to kick in at the boss phase, so Bokura no Senjou starts playing when Keith windermeer appears, which at least feels cool 😎
  14. Nope, I ordered the non-exclusive limited edition from Amazon.jp, no clear file and I didn’t get the Amazon.jp exclusive version which I thought to be some downloadable material. Did you get a clear file with your order?
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