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Everything posted by j_wong00

  1. I figured that part out, but it won't show up as a target that I can lock on with missiles or gunpod. I was wondering if you have to beat all the other ones first, but they just keep appearing.
  2. What about the mission right after "Mars Base"? You're on Earth, and after fighting a bunch of Quads, you have to target the Meltrandi battleship, yet when I get to it, no targets pop up, and keep running out of time.
  3. Dodging them is easier. I generally just go to fighter, and hit the afterburners while doing a bunch of barrel rolls, and what-not.
  4. So do I. I already have a Super 1J, and I just want to get the GBP if I can help it.
  5. I've found that you have to move one of the pins to the side (slowly, but with a little force, as if you do it too fast, it could crack the plastic), so that it's a little off-center. The pins DO overlap a bit, and when you stand it up, it is a little wobbley, but it will hold. Hope that helps.
  6. Your definatly right about the 1st and last one, have to get back to you on the second one though.
  7. As much as I enjoy the FF series, I'll pass. I have a policy of not getting games where you have to keep paying in order to play.
  8. boot legers wil boot leg anythign that sells. they even bootleged the crappy dubbs of dbz. hg, no matter hwo badly thye handled macorss. did legitinmalty pay for it. you can't compare the two. True, but you gotta admit, it's funny.
  9. You know the saying: "What goes around, comes around."
  10. Well those rights must exclude Korea as well http://koreandvds.com/dvddetail.html?id=12114 http://koreandvds.com/dvddetail.html?id=12116 these were released on 10/13/03 These are legal region 3 DVDs. Japanese/Korean with Korean subs The single disc version have been released throug out the last year. And those are Region 2 Bandai Visual covers. http://koreandvds.com/search_result.html?s...&stitle=macross edit added link Just because some one does something doesn't mean it's not an infringment. Perhaps too, HG is unaware of these releases. HG could be working right now to get those releases shut down. There's too much we don't know about this to draw any inferences. Your right in the regaurd that we don't know what's happening. However, by the same argument, they are out because HG can't do anything about it either, and that no copywrite has been infringed at all.
  11. Studied a bit of genetics in U, and I can tell you without a doubt, that bloodtype is 100% independent of the sex of the individual.
  12. Gasaraki is an anime that you really have to sit down, and really pay attentioin. It is very slow, but then so are most politcal dramas. It's just that this one happens to have mechs.
  13. I felt the 2nd half was more of a commentary on the social, political, and economical situations on Japan, and the rest of the world. If you think about it, both halves actually do compliment each other pretty well. The 1st was in a way commenting on world issues on the for front, the 2nd more on what goes on in the background.
  14. j_wong00


    A word to all the would-be collectors out there. Drugs are cheaper.
  15. j_wong00


    I'm one of the victims <_<
  16. Gasaraki is not as much a mech show, as it is a military show with mechs. The 1st 8 eps. is mostly about military strategy, and if you don't like that stuff, it WILL bore you. Persoanlly, I enjoyed the series. Oh, it's the first (and probably only to this date) show that portrays mechs as the should be; SLOW.
  17. I think that's what a lot of us wants. But what we want, and what will happen are always 2 different things.
  18. I will admit they do look nice, but 130 bucks for a pair of bookends is not worth it.
  19. I can't say if HG is actually "hiding" this fact. However, it's plain to see that they weren't advertising it for all to see either.
  20. Sign, why must you troll, and do nothing but cause trouble. So far this conversation has been more then civilized, with actual ideas (some good, some bad, some just plain weird).
  21. Try this link. http://protoculture.lebhead.com/
  22. I didn't know it was coming out.
  23. I have a few models when they were imported under the "G Generation" line.
  24. For about a second I considered answering his post. But then I figured it wasn't worth my time. As the old saying goes: "Never argue with an idiot; they drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience." Edit: Banky likes to call us "Macross Purists", maybe we should nickname him the "Robotech Propagandist"... then again, that would just give him credence.
  25. Because it already has been talked to death. Plus is a great show, but you can only talk about it so many times until almost everyone knows about it. Plus the most recent released in NA IS the original SDF Macross, and in Japan Macross Zero is the one gardering attention. Basically, it's what's out there right now, and Macross Plus, as good as it is, is somewhat old news.
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