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Everything posted by j_wong00

  1. F91 could have been so much better if they had kept it as a TV series, but I guess something happened, and they had to change mid-way. 0083 is ok; it had great eye candy (GP03, Neiul Zieul, and Xamel looked incredible). However plot leaves something to be desired. Edit: Oh, Seed is definatly NOT part of the UC timeline.
  2. 1 - It is assumed that Hikaru and Misa got married somewhere between the end of the TV series, and the launch of the Megaroad 01. Flashback 2012 is a 30+min music video that wraps up the 3 main characters, where as DYRL? is now considered a movie within the TV continuity (think a war drama movie). They are definatly NOT the same thing. 2 - Not sure about the population thing, but for food, I'm pretty sure they had food producing areas (ie. Hydroponics). 3 - Ahh, Battletech. See the Fasa case, and you'll see things you'd rather not know; and BT, RT, and Macross are NOT releated in ayny way. 4 - You'll have to ask Kawamori (aka. the Great floating head), since he's adding Mac0 to the list, there's no way to know when the franchise will actually end. 5 - I think you mean the "Supervisional Army". They were the (mostly unseen) enemy of the Zentradi, and the original owners of the Macross fortress.
  3. Thanks a lot dejr8bud.
  4. Hi folks, looking for some help here. Is there any way to tell wether the Mac+ vol. 2 DVD is 1st or 2nd run by the packaging? ie. catalog # etc. Thanks in advance.
  5. Who here said any of that? I just said that I Don't care for most of the UC Gundam that I've seen. I like Wing so that makes me a Moron? Whatever man, I was introduced to Wing first, I can give a damn about the pretty boy main characters, I personally like the Gundam designs In Wing, and though silly I enjoy the story. Your rant is why most AU fans (which I'm not, I like what I like) don't give a frakk about what you damn overbearing UC fans think. I don't have the defend what I like and I'm not a illiterate, immature moron for enjoying Wing and not enjoying the shows you like it just makes me a individual. Which again begs the question: How much UC have you seen? Majority of people I know who have seen UC, see Wing for what it is: A shallow, unoriginal, and pathetic imitation of the better UC stories (namely 0079, Zeta, Double Zeta, CCA, and F91). I've always said this about Wing: It's decent anime, just bad Gundam.
  6. Yes, they bombarded Earth after SDF-1 folded. Azrael, can you expand on that or cite a source? The question is--when in the DYRL timeframe was the Earth laid waste, and did Breetai do it or somebody else? I was under the impression that there really weren't any answers to those questions. There is slightly more conclusive evidence in the DYRL? game (for PSX and Saturn). It clearly shows a bombardment of at least South Artaria(SP?) Island just as you see the Macross fold out.
  7. I live in Canada, and every now and then they play the Jp opening on YTV. Had to do a double take the first time I heard it.
  8. I personally liked the one about the "Vampire".
  9. I dunno, never seen the edited episode...in the original Japanese episode everything happens on Earth with Hitomi and Van arriveing in Gaia at the very end...one minute they are in the track stadium, Van shows up chaseing the dragon...Hitomi and friends flee to some sort of shrine, Van kills the dragon takeing it's heart...Hitomi and Van get transported to Gaia...when they arrive it's night...Hitomi is alone and stumbles upon that old hermit dude (what was his name?) who becomes interested in her pendiant, Van shows up to fight him off and the episode ends sorta on a cliff hanger as it seems the two of them are surrounded by monsters that come out from the nearby woods (as episode 2 starts it turns out those "monsters" are the friendly wolf/dog people (I can't recall what they were named) who end up takeing Hitomi and Van back to his castle) oh darn...!.i think mine is the edited version, i do not remember the hermit in the first episode. The hermit only appear around episode 2 or 3 when Hitomi first meet Allen. I have the DVDs, and I bought them before the box set, however, I don't think they would would make another DVD version for the boxset. The first eps. takes place on Earth, and is more about Hitomi's everyday life (school, track practice, talking about her crush with her best friend - more or less in that order). The key here, is that Van only appears right at the end of the eps. when Hitomi is running.
  10. Either you have had too many drugs, or not enough...I don't know which... Whatever he's having; I'll take 2
  11. I found Heart of Sword to be a pretty good song; the second ending theme I believe. Of course it's performed by T.M. Revolution.
  12. I actually resisted for a while. Then I caved (but in a good way). Welcome to the world of collecting Macross merchandise! Say goodbye to their cash
  13. Maybe I'm missing something, but there's no "bashing" here. Just some justified opinions (not because I agree with them, but the reasons are sound) on these bookends. Just for the record, these bookends are nice; just not worth the asking price.
  14. Realistically, it aint ever gonna happen in the US. Hey, this entire thread is one big "Hypothetical situation" But yeah, if you want to get totally realistic, it'll be a while before anyone get's anything.
  15. As much as I would like Animeigo, realistically, I see Bandai getting the license.
  16. "Kids, you tried and you failed miserably; the moral: Never try."
  17. Yes, and the majority of us couldn't care less. It's already been discussed. You can find it here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=ST&f=26&t=3280 If you want to revive this (almost) dead thread, go ahead, but the majority of us pretty much done with this blantant cash-grab. Edit: Added link.
  18. I only have one thing to say: It's about frickin time!!
  19. Yes... forget about Gundam. Why? Because you will never find a person who will give you an unbiased opinion about it, specially since 90% of ppl here seem to dispise it. If you can rent.... rent as many as you can without listening to anyone. Ppl bash Wing, but you might miss out on something that you might enjoy if you listen to them. If you can't rent.... buy the first DVD of the series that are available and see if you like anything you see. If you don't.... its not really a big loss. But if you do like.... expect to be spending alot of money on it. Have an adventure spirit.... walk into this unknown region without a map. Best advice I heard all day. I mean, for every one person that says they liked a certain Gundam series, another will come up and say that they didn't. Ultimately, you just have to try it and see. I do find it ironic that people here tell you to watch the Gundam movies, but not the TV series, because they think that the TV series is too old and poorly animated. Yet they seem to universally be in favor of a TV show that's not much more recent, and for several (Animefriend) episodes, much more poorly animated. No, I'd definately go with the TV series over the movies... the movies are so crammed that they borderline on incoherent if you're not already familiar with the story. The pacing of the TV series works much better. I think it's more in the lines that the movies are subbed, whereas the TV series is dubbed only. I think it's safe to say that the majority of fans here (and anime fans in general) prefer subs over dubs. Thus the reconmendation of the movies. Heck, if I can find an R1 MSG subbed with good translations, I'll be first in line to pick that up.
  20. McBride One addition: 2 other things Gundam changed was that it was a war between humans. Up to this point, all robot shows were about humans fighting hordes of aliens (of varying designs). Another thing in changed, was the portrayl of robots. Again, the "mobile suits" were (generally) treated as military hardware, and deployed like planes or tanks. Unlike before, where it was one big robot, as the last line of defense. Overall, Gundam is a franchise with a lot of history. Some have stumbled along the way (I count Wing and Seed to be among one of the worst ones ever made, and I'm blocking G-Saviour from my memory), but all in all, it can be argued that Gundam has one of the biggest influences in anime; but then, how many series can claim they re-invented a genre. Not much, Macross included.
  21. I'll give it a try in terms of translating. The picture about 1/60 armored valkyrie. It says: Armored Parts (kanji unknown): 4095 yen VF-1J + Armored Parts: 10290 yen I would see that they ARE selling the seperatly, as it wouldn't make sense to give 2 prices.
  22. Whoa, if this isn't a text book case of comparing apples to oranges I don't know what is.
  23. I may have missed the post, but I thought the best scene they put back in was.... Ghimly and Legolas's mini contest on who had the most kills!
  24. They've already made a toy of this guy under the "Soul of Chogokin" line. Compete with a stand, extra hands, and head .
  25. Didn't the Strike also come with a little pilot?
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