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Everything posted by j_wong00

  1. I thought Cluadia ended up working as Global's aid when he essentially formed the new UN government.
  2. Is it just me, or did anyone else get reminded of "Castlvania" when you saw the trailer for this move?
  3. Well, first of all, the Zentradi were NOT 50 ft tall. The average Zentradi was only about 25 to 30 ft tall (roughly 5 times the size of an average human). Vrithai (Breetai), is the exception to the rule, in that he actually topped 40ft.
  4. Please don't give them any ideas.
  5. Any T.O. people here? Here's my coordinates: Lattitude: 43° 47' 3" Longitude: -79° 20' 33"
  6. I think you mean "My neighbour the Yamadas".
  7. The only one I haven't seen is the most recent one "The Cat returns". Trying to get my hands on that one though.
  8. The only VF-1 that has "true perfect transformation", is the almight Yamato 1/48 scale. Outside of the gunpod, no parts are removed to change to any mode. The Banadai/Takatoku 1/55, HCM, the little Banpresto, and even the "dreaded" MPC has the term "perfect transformation" (until the 1/48 was released that is), but all work on the same mechanics in which they have the swinging hip-bars.
  9. That is actually a damn good question. I would venture to guess that Lake Global is a post-SW1 crater filled with water, but it could also be a regular lake. I would think it's feet are touching the ground. I've wondered that myself. On a similar note, is there anything that says exactly where Macross City is? North America, Japan, or elsewhere? I always thought that the city was located in Alasaka, since that's where the old base was. Could be wrong though.
  10. A little of column A, a little of column B... Any of them up for sale? Didn't think so.
  11. Psudo spoiler alert. The end credits (from what I saw, didn't stay till the very end), was just like the previews/opening of the movie. A black and white shot of the Bride driving, with the names of the people on her list being crossed out. Anymore to this, I don't know.
  12. And I must say WOW. A slight departure in tone then the first one. This one focuses much more on the characters. I'm trying not to spoil anything here, but I highly recommend everyone go see this film.
  13. While I didn't hate the movie, I was a little let down. The plot was formulaic, and predictable. The action sequences were well done, but nothing ground breaking, and the characters were overall relatively bland. I did like the Hellboy character, and Ron Pearlman played him perfectly. Which was the only saving grace of this movie. Overall, I was expecting a bit more, but still a fun mindless movie.
  14. Hi, my name is J_wong, and I'm a Valkaholic....
  15. How "new" is your PS2? If it's a recent model, then it might still work with the mod chip installed. In the newer models (mine I got just around Christmass), you can disable the mod chip by tapping the reset button 3 times. Of course you'll have to have a NA regioned, or non-backup game to play.
  16. My Japanese skills are quite limited, and I've had no problem reading them. The diagrams are very good, and everything outside of the the labels are all alphanumeric, so it's very difficult to get lost. Basically, if you can make heads or tails of the Yammie manuals, you shouldn't have too much problems with the Gundam kits.
  17. My knowledge of legal issues is little at best, but I don't think anyone would have a problem if you buy an R2 disk, watch it, then sell it as a "used" copy. I believe that would fall into the category of resale. Then again, what do I know.
  18. This one was way too easy to spot. Nice try though.
  19. I think it's safe to say the 2 Fockers are the same person. Since they have the same name, same voice, same womanizing attitude.....
  20. Try here if you want some pictures: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/1...comparisons.htm As for the Destroids. Yamato said they were doing a 1/60 scale Monster, but that was quite some time ago, and no word about it has come up since. Hopefully they're just taking their time to make it right. Considering how big this thing would be
  21. I'm very surprised. I figure they saw the picture/description in the cataloge and thought "It's just Robotech", and skip over it altogether.
  22. I'm going out on a limb here and guess: "Clerks" We got us a winner. Yay! Is my prize the title of "Supreme Geek", or is it already taken .
  23. I'm going out on a limb here and guess: "Clerks"
  24. I have seen the Turn A movies, and like you I had some reservations as I didn't like the MS designs (the original ones anyway). However, once you start watching it, it's got a good story (different, but still kept the primary theme of Gundam), good characters, and the Mustached Gundam starts to grow on you; I think the reason why it actually looked better as it went along, was the fact that they did an excellent job animating the mech. It's movements were smooth, yet still moved like a machine. Overall, I would recomend watching Turn A.
  25. ANOTHER (FUTURE) MACROSS FAN. Congradulations Kevin, and I hope fatherhood will agree with you.
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