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Everything posted by j_wong00

  1. What, nobody listed the old Spiderman movies (70sish). I'd list the names, but I think I'm actively blocking those perfect examples of celluoid waste from my memory.
  2. Like many anime to live action movies announced, I was a little reprehensive about the project. So far the pics and featurette has rasied my hopes a bit for this movie.
  3. Mind you I haven't watched wrestling in a VERY long time, but I read this every now and then (thanks A7 for the "informative" updates). While I didn't see the PPV, and from your posts it seems your opinion on WWF/E (or whatever they call themselves nowadays) seems to be going progressively downhill, I think this fan interaction may be a step in the right direction for the show. If nothing else it get's the fans more involved then just a passive audience, and any market research will tell you that when people are more involved, they tend to like the product better. If they try this again, maybe they'll get it right... of course, I probably won't be watching, as the last time I actively watched wrestling my fav. was Ricky Steamboat.
  4. No ifs, ands, or buts, that thing is mine the day it comes out.
  5. I was just about to list that one. Too bad they didn't make a windows version... Unless they did, and I missed it.
  6. If he did "Anna Anaconda", it's enough to make be avoid it like the plague.
  7. While I'm a huge SNK fan, and for the most part have always perfered SNK games (mainly KOF), since I believed they take more skill then Capcom. I will say that I was for the most part disappointed with SvsC Chaos. The controls seemed sluggish, animation slow, and overall just not as much fun. CvsS I felt was slow, and had some characters that were just too powerfull, but at least they kept the multi-character format. CvsS 2 corrected a lot of the problems form it's predecessor, namely speed, and fluidity but still had some unbalaced characters (Blanka anyone).
  8. I enjoyed the movie for what it was. A fun entertaining 2hr (give or take) romp. Blaine, I wouldn't say there was no story, just a predictable one. Oh, and I agree that the style is a throwback to 40s style cinema. Especially with all the soft-focus, and filter type visuals.
  9. I don't know what Hasbro is doing outside of just trying to get some free press. If that person can prove it's a parody (and by what I've seen, that would be very easily done), then Hasbro has no case, as precedence has been set and reaffirmed time and again that prodies fall outside of copywrite laws.
  10. I still have the "Leader-1" kit somewhere. Bought it for $0.25 at one of those school fund-raisers somewhere. I think it's complete, and I never got around to building the sucker.
  11. Maybe a R0 version is close to being released.
  12. Damn... just damn. I'm not usually at a loss for words, but that thing just looks too damn good. But only 3 in the world... and I already have enough credit cards....
  13. If it is, my apologies. I came across this at animeondvd. Gundam Zeta Box set I like the fact that it comes with those little pencil sharpeners. Even it's $200 usd, I'll definatly pick it up.
  14. Too bad they don't work the way they're suppose to. Magnets for the most part are one of those things that look great, and work on paper, but the biggest disadvantage of them is their weight. I mean, it IS a big hunk of stone you're sticking into a toy that is mostly plastic with metal.
  15. Hikaru marries Misa prior to the Megaroad-01's launch, then gives birth to Miku months later. That's what Macross Compendium says. Either way, they have a kid, end of story. And yes, this belongs in the "newbie" thread.
  16. They did have a daughter namedMiku. She was born on the Megaroad, and basically disappeared along with the ship.
  17. Very reminiscent of their old "Game & Watch" style case. Interesting, but I'll see how the software is first.
  18. A little of column A, a little of column B... Overall, I thought the trailer was very well done. For a fan-made one, it's actually go some pretty high production value.
  19. My condolences, and our thoughts will be with you in these tragic times.
  20. I agree with that. Honestly I don't blame Hung for the CD. If someone is willing to pay me a wack load of money even though I don't have a lick of talent; I'd take the money and run.
  21. If he's making copies, put me down for one .
  22. I believe it's a Gundam thing. Yes, yes it is. The last one was the character Puru from Double Zeta. Extremely annoying character.
  23. j_wong00

    1/60 Gbp

    You do know you're not SUPPOSE to transform the toy WITH the armor on right?
  24. Ehh, let them air it if they want to. It's their money afterall. I don't get the Anime Network anyway, and wouldn't be watching RT unless someone paid me (A LOT) if I had the station.
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