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Everything posted by j_wong00

  1. Ah...AC, one of my long held pet peeves. Armor should resist/absorb damage, NOT make you more difficult to hit. Graham Which is pretty much what they did in the D20 Star Wars. Armor is near useless in this game (much like the movies ), since it also gives you a limit to your defense.
  2. Let's not forget the "Wizards" movie poster.
  3. If this is the wrong forum, I appologize in adavance. But damn that's some room.
  4. Saw the movie several months ago. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Like Shaolin Soccer better, but the Kung Fu is still worth watching.
  5. Uh, guys, I think this is leaning a bit too much towards the politics side of things. As for the topic at hand... Watch me.... not care.
  6. former presidents don't become presidents again if the present one is assassinated... yeah, usually the vice president takes over. And after that the "Chief of Staff", and after that... Ok, I may be wrong, but the take home message is that there ARE people in-line as per procedures to take charge if the head honcho get's offed.
  7. I think almost everything pales in comparison with that little "prank" .
  8. A7, looking at the list (some names I recognize, more the a few I don't), are the WWF really stretched for ideas? Those types I remember seeing them many moons ago... and I haven't watched since the mid late 80s.
  9. Wierd, my friends and I still play D&D 2nd ed. and we feel it's one of the best. Then we use the little known "Player's Option" rules, where it adds a LOT more in customizing the character. Oh well, that's off topic. Back to the actual topic at hand. I do have many of the RT RPG Palladium books (and more the few of the RIFTS books), and I found it to be not an overly bad system. It's far from perfect, but still fun.
  10. Hello all, sorry to dust off an old thread, but I figured it's better then to start a new one. Does anyone know what's going on and AnimeSkyScraper? I try to start a torrent, and it can't find a tracker. I try going to their site, and it can't connect. Thanks for any help you can provide.
  11. I thought it was called Ani-Mayhem? I think I still have a few cards, the most powerfull I remember was from Tenchi Muyo.
  12. I thought it made sense that the sniper didn't take out Jack and Tony. As a sniper, once you've shot, you have to assume your location is comprimised. Thus, you have to move after one shot regardless if you've hit the target or not. Now in that sequence it was obvious that Jack saw the sniper, and the sniper would know that. So if the shooter would like take them out as well, he would have to move to another location.
  13. Here's the thing. HK (well, mostly from Taiwan nowadays) bootleg sets in a round about way IS "factory sealed", becuase they do mass produce them. They're still bootlegs since Big West doesn't get a dime from the being sold. Back to your basic question. The SDF Macross, SDC Southern Cross, and GC Mospead are NOT "just basically RT in japanese", since that simply cannot exist as RT never existed in Japan. Thus those sets are the original series uncut, unedited containing the original story. Bascially you'll have to ask yourself this: Do you want Robotech, or the original series?
  14. Someone once said that there are no stupid questions. They have now been proven wrong. "There is only one stupid question in the world; the one that's not asked." I said this on the old board, cut the new guys some slack. I mean, you have to be a rookie before you can be a veteran.
  15. You make good points. To a certain extent, I agree. Those things do make Gundam interesting. However what I found 0080 different, was that it was a character driven story. Whereas the others were really plot driven. Perhaps that was the difference where I found 0080 a very good show. The story revolved around the characters, not the other way around.
  16. Is the season opener starting on Jan. 9th?
  17. Here's another one that I found works quite well. Press the little double arrow button on your remote with "skip" written underneath.
  18. IMO, none of the titles deserve to be in the top 25 "of all time". Maybe within the last 5-10 years, but definatly not all time.
  19. Ok, so let me get this stright. Bandai America's semi-official reason is that they couldn't get the license for the Zeta song openings correct? Yet SEED DID come out with the original op/ed intact. I think it's safe to say T.M. REVOLUTION is a bit more popular then the people who did the songs in the mid 80s. To me it's yet another UC brush-off, in favour of yet inferior product-in-better-packaged AU. Granted we don't know the whole story, but the math just doesn't add-up.
  20. WHAT, no Camille slapping montage???
  21. I might get the DVD if not for the one reason that I know someone in the movie. He played one of the (many) zombies, and I want to see if I can find him in the see of extras outside the mall.
  22. Yeah, don't put Orton at the head. At least everyone beat the crap out of HHH. Sorry I missed that. Maybe it's a sign that HHH is actually realizing that people WANT to see him lose? I know fat chance. Dollars to donuts say he'll still come out "on top".
  23. Or it's Itsuke's AE85, which had an Akina logo in a similar position The car in the picture clearly has flip up headlights, which the AE85 Levin definatly does not.
  24. I'd take you up, if I didn't know I was sure to lose.
  25. Ahh crap, here we go again...
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