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Everything posted by j_wong00

  1. I was also surprised how dark the Rennee Walker became. A far cry from the clean-cut, by-the-book agent in the last season.
  2. I go with my Team Blonde. Usually this order: Rock Howard, Terry Bogard, Ken Masters.
  3. Online gaming charges is usually up to the developer. Most likely, MMOs will charge a monthly fee. Everything else will probably be free. Buddy invites is the "friend's List" list of people you can see when they are online and vice versa. With that you can chat (although not during in-game on the PS3 if you're playing a different game), invite to games, etc. Hope this helps.
  4. I guess e should stick to comic book characters?
  5. "Ahhh, the joys of mortgaging your future!" - Bart Simpson
  6. According to the pre-TGS info, Eternal Sonata has been CONFIRMED for PS3 next year in Japan, with "Extra content". Beautiful Katamari was CONFIRMED to be a 360 exclusive. Magicbox as reported a rumor (again) that AC6 is timed exclusive.
  7. Yeah, that seems to be standard procedure for warranty repairs most places. It's just easier, and quicker.
  8. Thanks again. Made a call-track, and they're sending me a shipping box. Weird thing is the system is working now. Oh well, not going to take any chances, so I'll send it in anyway.
  9. Thanks again. So the best thing to do is to contact Xbox support first? Sorry for all the questions, but I've never had a console die on me like this, but I guess I should have seen it coming with all the problems I see online.
  10. Considering all these announcements of new hardware, I just got the dread 3RROD. I'm quite new to this, so any advice on what's the best course of action? Thanks in advance.
  11. Words cannot describe the pain of what I just saw....
  12. If this has been discussed before, I apologize. Are they still selling the YF-19 FP add-on separately? I pre-ordered it at HLJ, and they list it as "discontinued" so I'm a little worried. Thanks in advance.
  13. I think that definition is a Jedi fallen to the dark side, but does not follow the teachings of the Sith. Also, in many books (again, all EU), a Sith need not start out as a Jedi.
  14. That part bugged me too. It reeked of the writers going "Oh crap, we have 8 more hours to go, and we've finished the story!", and so they threw that in there to force a subplot.
  15. Time to quie up the torrents
  16. PS3 games are region free. So any game from Japan, will play without any modification (chip or boot disk), and vice versa.
  17. It's on Teletoon at 10 amost every night.
  18. Hi all, finally got a 360, and until I experienced it first hand, I couldn't believe how hot the thing got. Just wondering if a cooling unit is recommended, and if yes which is a good one? Thanks in advance for any help you may provide!
  19. Wierdly enough, it depends on the bootlegger. Some series (especially if they are a little late with the release) have better subbing, not because they work harder, but they take the script from existing fansubs.
  20. Officially, yes fansubs are illegal. They are distributed without consent, or royalties to the producing company or creators. However, for a long time they've been tolerated for serveral reasons. 1: In away it's free advertising. The more it's requested, watched/downloaded means there's a market for the movie/series. This is a guage to see if it's worth purchasing/selling the distributuion rights. 2: Since the original company never had distribution rights in a certain area, it's very unlikely they would have made much if any money anyway. 3: There is a unofficial rule (although unfortunatly it's being ignored more and more) that once a show has been licensed, ALL fansubbing and distribution is stopped. Most fansub groups will heavily encourage fans to buy the official release in order to support the industry.
  21. I wouldn't call it a "reimagination", more like a show to attract new fans with influences from the original. Just for the record, I didn't think SEED was all that good compared to other existing Gundam shows.
  22. Wasn't it the "Phoenix" or something like that? I don't know why but that name came to mind. Probably wrong though.
  23. Hello, there probably is something within these 14 pages, but I really don't want to pour through them (call me lazy... I don't care). When is the projected release date for this toy? Thanks in advance.
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