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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I have a few lightwave (.lwo) models VF-11 and VF-19 models. I'm also working on a VF-22S model, which may be a good idea if you can make that Max model fit into a 22 flight suit. I'm quite sure that Metacreations software (such as Poser and Bryce) can load Lightwave models and scenes. The sturmvogel is going to be a couple to a few months due to my job and other business. If you are definitely interested still my email is bledsoe_laurence@yahoo.com.
  2. Come to think of it Mac2 is what I'd like to watch most. The English dub has a line in there that always made me want to listen to it more. "Hey Mash, it's Hibiki on da phone." Is that how you spell that transvestite's name?
  3. Can I dislike Zero? I'd like to compare an apple, to an orange, to a cherry.... Where's comparing the love triangles? I haven't read anyone else say the same thing so, IMHO, Zero seemed to push Shin into a romantic relationship too quick in order to make it fit it into a four episode series. Made me feel how I felt about episode III in StarWars to fit the first generation's story fit the next generations... Vote goes to Nether. The Consumer Whore
  4. Isn't that the Dubai Hotel from the United Arab Emirates used in one of the pics of South Ataria Isle?
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