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  1. Man, even the main character's name is Tian (sky/heaven)...
  2. Wizkids briefly folded a few years ago, taking the game with it. Wizkids is now back, but MWDA is not. Officially dead, but people are still playing.
  3. If ugly wins the war, ugly ain't so bad.
  4. And you thought they were cranking out VF-1s like they were going out of style At some point very soon, we're going to have an RX-78-2 in every scale (if we don't already), plus any other scale Bandai will make up...
  5. Rubbing alcohol or window cleaner (a la Windex). Should take that marker right off without messing up the plastic.
  6. Revolving joints EVERYWHERE! Parts alignment might get tricky But kidding aside, I'm interested in at least seeing how it gets pulled off. Proportions in the ad seem a little spotty. Tailfins look weird!
  7. Xevoz, from Hasbro. Also from Hasbro, GI Joe SIGMA 6. Not obscure, but tend to be underrated. I just love the bold styling of the figures, plus the flexibility of customization.
  8. Most of the people at Catalyst, and in fact, right now any of the BattleTech/MechWarrior properties are headed by the same people that started the game or who have been with it for a long time; even Jordan Weisman worked on both the MechWarrior: Dark Age CMG as well as the upcoming MechWarrior game. Of course, there are a few new faces, but the universe and franchise have pretty much stayed in the same hands since its inception. CGL knew what they were getting into because they were there in the first place. Legalities have a way of sneaking up on you, though...
  9. Ayup. Well, we still have a few left to us...
  10. There's another thread for that. That's because it's not a Warhammer. It's a Hammerhands, a predecessor to the Warhammer This is the 25th Anniversary art you seek: This is for the 25th Anniversary BattleTech Box Set - the one with minis and rules and other fun things. It's also the first new piece of art featuring an Unseen 'Mech
  11. Occam's Razor: CGL asked to license the designs, and the owner of the property said yes (probably after much wrangling). HG can't really do much if they don't own the rights and a higher power decided to license them out (see: Macross Frontier toys). Herb Beas (the BattleTech line developer...and by the way, it's "BattleTech" again, not "Classic BattleTech") is keeping mum about how he and the gang pulled it off. I don't think we'll ever know, but it had to have been a hell of an effort. Right now, as far as the BT fandom knows, they rights to the artwork exists - publishing old stuff and making new stuff. Since Iron Wind Metals is effectively a separate entity no one knows if the miniatures will go back into production. The new MechWarrior game features a Warhammer that draws very heavily upon the "Unseen" (which they are not any longer) but is still its own design, which says to me that Smith and Tinker may not have the license either (that, or they just decided to reinterpret the designs - their Atlas doesn't look like the classic Atlas either - then again, we don't know how long any of these companies has been sitting on any news). My personal answer: don't question it...just accept, enjoy, and throw a snicker over to HG.
  12. And remember, MechWarrior 4 will be free to download very soon!
  13. You are sorely mistaken. This is an Awesome.
  14. Fluff is actually a pretty widely-used term, so there's no stopping it now...
  15. ...Which one? While rules for using them are being updated, and they still effectively exist, Land-Air 'Mechs (LAMs) have simply fallen out of favor and fashion in both real-world (game) and universe. Not to mention the Nova Cats found them such abomination that they destroyed the factories...the art wasn't updated for Project Phoenix. Fortunately, the new license eliminates the necessity of redesigning them, so they've always looked like Gerwalk VF-1s. Fluff is essentially all the little details that make a story complete (in BattleTech for example, notable design flaws in 'Mechs, notable pilots, various successes and failures of certain weapon systems, etc). Also generally used to refer to the "behind-the-scenes" fiction of a given universe. In Macross, a VF-1 Valkyrie is an aerospace fighter that can transform into a giant robot. This is all we need to know. But if you look into it a little bit, you can find the manufacturer who made the engines, and their exact output specifications. That is the fluff - it makes the VF-1 a little more well-established and "real". The concept of the DYRL OAV can be considered fluff (it's an otherwise inconsequential movie made within the universe!). If we knew Capt. Global's eating habits, they'd be fluff. Fluff is also a sticky, delicious marshmallow-flavored spread invented in Somerville, MA.
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