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Alpha OTS

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Everything posted by Alpha OTS

  1. http://www.fanedit.org/true_fanedits/adm_s...n_redeemed.html
  2. I came across the existence of this recently and finally had the opportunity to watch it. Some of you may have already heard of Adigitalman and the edits he's done of various movies. He's really quite talented. This one really piqued my interest though because as it was advertised "two imperfect movies merged into one cohesive movie!". I really wanted to see how they did it. I absolutely loathe Superman 4 and Superman 3 is a guilty pleasure at best. Both have some good scenes despite being surrounded by campy cringeworthy nonsense. Honestly, Adigitalman did a REALLY good job. He took all the good parts of Superman 3 & 4 plus some scenes from the Lester version of Superman 2 and unused footage from Superman 2: The Donner Cut and arranged the scenes so it made logical sense. Richard Pryor and the evil corporate profiteers are completely gone as is the super computer, John Cryer has minimal screen time, and the Daily Planet tabloid takeover and ALL of the annoying characters involved are completely absent. The basic lynch pin bridging the two movies is that the Paris terrorist bomb from Lester's Superman 2 is the catalyst to the nuclear arms removal. The Lana Lang story is completey in tact. Instead of tar kryptonite, Nuclear Man's scratch is what causes Evil Superman. So most of those Evil Superman scenes are there. Luthor is the big bad and the unused prison break sequence from the Donner Cut is cleverly used. It's not perfect though, mainly because of the source material, and there's some abrupt cuts from scene to scene which were kind of unavoidable. However, this has effectively replaced Superman 3 & 4 for me now. I can watch all the good parts of 3 & 4 in ONE ninety minute viewing and without most of the cringeworthy moments from both of those movies. It even makes for a watchable sequel to Superman 2: The Donner Cut. Definitely recommended.
  3. Rumble and Ravage are Walmart exclusives. From what I understand, that was the only way to get these two final molds to market. And yes, the Titanium distribution sucks as much, if not more, than the Alternators distribution ever did. I just went to buy an Ultra Magnus from BBTS and they're already sold out again.
  4. And again, *I* *get* *it*. I *totally* understand what you were saying from the get go and what the writers may be haphazzardly implying. I just think that it's *totally* stupid. Alright, that's the last post on the subject. I promise!
  5. Chewbacca and Yoda know each other on a first name basis, among many MANY other unbelievable coincidences. I read once(some author who's name eludes me was giving advice on storytelling) that in order to have a good story you're only allowed one unbelievable event or absurd coincidence, any more and you're straining the credibility of the world you're trying to create. 1 in one billion I can accept and not further question the story, but doing that not only 5 times but simultaneously as well? My internal logic mechanism has a problem with that. My worry is that BSG *appears* to be going in the direction that Star Wars unfortunately went in. You're saying it's predestined. I get that. I'm saying it doesn't matter if it is or not because the character links and history to make this revelation true are nonexistent to weak at best when considering the odds of survival and the scope of the initial genocide. I feel I made my point. This is the way *I* feel about it, and arguing predestination against my point that I think this style of predestination is poor storytelling is moot. We're going to have to agree to disagree. I'm really hoping the writers pull this out and prove my worry wrong anyway so this silly internet debate about a sci-fi show we both have affection for is rendered completely pointless.
  6. I'm crossing my fingers for a Rumble recolor KISS Frenzy, but I was once told that the KISS storyline doesn't exactly lend itself towards that possibility. I don't know much about that storyline though. So I have no idea. *shrug*
  7. The universe shrank exponentially in order to accomodate these unbelievable coincidences. Hey, that may be predestined or happened before and happened again. Regardless, the universe WAS large, and now it's incestual and teeny tiny. My awe of said universe shrank in exact proportion, and that's my problem. I'm really hoping the writers pull this off, transferable software AI non-fixed body cylons would help here, but I'm a little wary.
  8. Ok, let's put it this way. The original Star Wars trilogy took place in a galaxy far far away. The new Star Wars trilogy established that there's only about two dozen people in a galaxy. See the problem I'm having?
  9. Oh no, I got that too. The odds of these events transpiring so these select people would be cylons and *still* be alive, predestined or not, are astronomical, and that's what bothers me. I'm praying for these cylons to be transferable software AI.
  10. Oh, I have been paying attention that's exactly why the statistical improbability of it all is so bothersome.
  11. Funny thing is that there was a Bionic Woman remake about 10-15 years back or so...... starring Sandra Bullock. And no, I'm not joking. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096931/ edit: And as for the Galactica finale, I'm quite a bit bothered about it because of the statistical improbability of these four(five if you count Starbuck) surviving the initial Cylon attack, finding themselves on a ship with an FTL drive, staying on a ship that hasn't been destroyed since they've been running, surviving New Caprica, and finally all of them finding themselves in or next-to key power positions. And in the case of Anders, the improbability of it all becomes even more absurd because it was pure luck that they managed to go back to New Caprica to rescue what was left of his decimated rebel force. I had trouble buying Starbuck being a cylon or special or whatever. This is really pushing the suspension of disbelief though. My hope is that these final five are "software" in that they have no true physical body and thus move their consciousness from person to person. Or something similar. I just can't accept without question that these five people are and have been cylons from the get go. And if Tigh's a cylon, how does he get drunk?
  12. I'm holding out hope that the Titanium 6" line does a G1 Galvatron. They already did a great job on G1 Rodimus Prime, Scourge and Ultra Magnus. A Cyclonus would be nice too. I'd love to see a G1 Constructicon re-issue set with extra gestalt parts that allow for true articulation. The upcoming Classics Devastator is just a repaint of Energon Constructicon Maximus, which is a pretty decent set.
  13. Thank you! This was super handy.
  14. Yeow, was that a transformation lesson. I'm still not sure I got the gerwalk mode right. I could never get the bars in the legs like they looked on the pictures on the box. And is it common for the ends of the arms to be so loose? I'm having difficulty getting the poses I want because of the weight of the "forearms". Any way to tighten this up?
  15. It arrived today. Boy that was fast. Yeow, this thing is bigger than I thought it was. Any transformation step I should be particularly careful with? I noticed that Robot Kingdom is advertising that they're selling MP Megatron unmodified. Definitely going to keep them in mind.
  16. I personally think the two pack Prime is decent. Oh it's nowhere near the Classics Mold which is godly, but it's ok. The truck mode is on par with Robot Masters prime, meaning it kind of sucks, although it looks much more solid than RM Prime's. My favorite part of it is that this Prime has a big surprised expression because his eyes are so ridiculously large. Most people would hate that, but I think it's one of its charms. The tommy gun is kind of neat too. He also has a spinning torso gimmick like Megatron's twirling arm. And be on the lookout for some of the G1 Titanium Transformers which are perfectly in scale with the classics. Rodimus, Scourge and the upcoming Ultra Magnus are all very nice.
  17. That was......pointless. We don't know anything more about the eye of Jupiter than we did before. They should have thrown us *something*, but instead we get an episode about a spontaneous lucid dreaming suicidal pilot.
  18. I think they make them more noticable.
  19. Just got this email from BBTS: ROBOTECH MASTERPIECE CYCLONES: Toynami brings pack the 'Forever Mint in Box' packaging with the advent of their new Masterpiece Cyclone line. They have announced the #1 Scott Bernard, #2 Lancer, and #3 Rand figures - each priced at $79.99. We have an image of the Scott Bernard set and it looks great - check them out here: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/menu.as...p;category=3540 Not really surprising, although I'm not sure if that price reflects BBTS's typical overpricing or not. If so, it's probably only a matter of 10 bucks. Edit: Release date according to BBTS is November 2007.
  20. I just finished the third disc. The va cast gets better, or I'm becoming more comfortable with the changed voices, or, more likely, a little bit of both. Hikaru's voice sounds less whiney and a little more confident to me now. I don't know if that was intended or not to go along with the storyline, probably not, but I like that it is. I like that Minmei's songs are in Japanese which again, most likely an unintended consequence, helps explain the character's accent. On to the fourth disc.....
  21. Daibouken looks awesome. Unfortunately he's expensive even before import costs. The recolored black Daibouken looks even nicer, but is usually even more expensive. It's a shame Bandai of America fubar'd the domestic "Power Ranger" release. It's completely different and in a bad way. It looks like an oversized knockoff and doesn't have the versatility and poseability that the Japanese set has. There's far less paint apps, gaps in the legs, the crane and mixer look like flat bed trucks which in turn look even more like rollerskates in the super combined mode, the sub and dozer don't fold in half which is a huge deal, and due to the changes they made it's very unlikely that the large red jet will be released. Only upside is that it's relatively inexpensive compared to the Japanese version, but it's clear why that is. That's partially why I'm happy with the 5" Bandai of America sets. Inexpensive, small, versatile with more fan modes, a much better representation of the Japanese Daibouken than the official larger version, and it didn't break my wallet to boot. Although if I ever happened upon a reasonably priced Daibouken, I'd definitely snag it.
  22. In the newest EGM, the Xbox 360 Microsoft Vice President Peter Moore was interviewed and asked point blank about the Zephyr. He dismissed it as internet rumor and nothing more. The rest of the interview reads like a fair take on the current status of the gaming industry, unlike the last EGM interview with the Sony rep who was living in la-la land. Take that as you will. What I was dissappointed most about was that Armored Core 4 got a 4, 4 and a 6.5.
  23. For some reason that reminds me of Slim Pickens infamous scene from Dr. Strangelove.
  24. Fair review. *thumbs up* You do mention that the series 2 cups are more durable, but it wouldn't to hurt to say that they don't have the issues of posing in fighter mode that the series 1 cups do. Although that's just my personal experience. I have two of my VF-1J's in swooping fighter poses and they've been like that since I bought them, compared to my VF-1S who's cup promptly cracked 15 minutes later. I wholeheartedly agree though: if you're going to get just one, get a VF-1J.
  25. Energon(toyline history: RiD -> Armada -> Energon) had a construction combiner, an aerial bot set and a combaticon set. Feet and hands are composed of energon weapons though and don't look conventional. They are pretty poseable and the individual bots are pretty nice. Although each set only has 3 unique molds with clones of the limb molds used to complete the gestalt. Pretty decent, although the limbs do take a little imagination. There's a classics repaint coming of the construction combiner in a Devastator color scheme that I'm looking forward to. There was a Devastator themed recolor of the RiD Constructicon set that you mentioned done about a year back that was a Target exclusive and is my favorite Devastator set. There was also some reissued micromaster combiner sets released thru KayBee over the last few years that included Devastator, Defensor, Superion and a train set. Very nice, very small, but not much articulation.
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