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Alpha OTS

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Everything posted by Alpha OTS

  1. I can understand the corvette dislike. Alt mode is awesome, bot mode is eh, articulation is ok, but the transformation is a huge pain in the ass especially when you're trying to manipulate the hood halves. If you want a new alt, you NEED to get the Mirage mold in whatever color you can grab(Mirage/KP Rodimus/SDCC Rodimus). It's excellent in each and every mode and more than lives up to what the Alternator line promised.
  2. Has it been 100% confirmed there's no carbon scorch marks on the Japanese Walmart Starscream yet? I'll pay the extra to have one without them if it is. The Ultimate Battle DVD that comes with the Megatron/Optimus classics two pack is a half hour commercial for the Unicron Trilogy of cartoons, and does an ok job of summarizing the factions and storyline. It's definitely not something you should try to pick up or watch.
  3. A friend of mine had an extra pci video card with DVI and S-Video outputs that he gave me. I put it in my machine and crossed my figures. To my amazement, the plug and play plugged and played! This is a first! I didn't have to download any drivers or tweak any settings. It was completely headache free. To test this I used both of the VGA and DVI inputs on my computer monitor, shared the desktop between the two video cards, and then manually switched sources on my monitor to verify it was all working like I wanted, which it was. The start bar was even behaving like I hoped it would. I'll need to get one of those extension cables that people linked above for the setup I want. I figure I'll use the DVI output for the HDTV, and the VGA(my old card) for my computer monitor. Thanks for the advice/help/links, peeps.
  4. This and the recent Screamer mentions in the TF thread gives me an excuse to share a pic of my Screamer collection. I'm awaiting the G1 repaint of movie Screamer to add to the assortment. My normal movie Screamer(with kitbashed Doc Ock hands) is on a different shelf with my other movie figures.
  5. I'm a little confused. I need a single video card that has multiple outputs? Or I can put as many video cards as I have free slots into my machine?
  6. You gave me an excuse to pick my Titanium Screamer off the shelf. Everything's held together by regular phillips head screws and they're located in areas where you'd expect them. The only exception is for the wing halves that become the central dorsal wing in alt mode. That's held together by pins that you should be able to tap out. Actually, being a Titanium is going to be to your benefit for kitbashing, because he's a relatively simple design like most Titaniums. Personally, I think this is a pretty nice mold, especially for a tetrajet, and the diecast is in the proper places.
  7. Given how well most of the regular figures are, I just feel no need to get a Robot Replica. Except maybe for Frenzy. I'd rather have the transformation gimmick and a good looking poseable figure rather than just a good looking poseable figure.
  8. I had thought the reason the constructicons weren't reissued was because they no longer had the original molds. The KOs you've seen on ebay are from self made molds of the existing toys. Same case with the dinobots, I believe.
  9. I'm not feeling at all confident about finding any more Titaniums. For the ones that have been "released" like G1 Magnus, you're not going to come by it cheap. We really did need a Galvatron and Cyclonus. At least Galvatron is slated for Classics 2.0 Here's a pic of my "86 Movie Poster" styled display mainly featuring Titaniums which I'm really happy with. Also pictured below is a mini Fortress Maximus knock off I happened on that is of surprising good quality and detail. And lastly is a Movie Voyager Starscream which I've just "kitbashed" by hacking off and trimming the excess rubber off of the top arm claws of a Doc Ock from the recent Spiderman figure line so he has hands like in the movie. It was surprisingly easy and looks very good too. Easily removeable. I'm trying to find a way to store them in vehicle mode. Somewhere near the feet is where there's space, plus it'll look kind of like rear thrusters which unfortunately the mold is lacking.
  10. Both monitors are in the same room, and I figure 15 feet should cover me for what I need with some slack.
  11. That's my big concern too.
  12. I was going to make a new thread for this, but I guess I should try here first. I have a 1.8Ghz Dell w 1 gig ram and lots of disk space. Right now it's hooked up to a 20" lcd monitor via vga, but it also has DVI and S-Video inputs. I recently picked up a 42" HD Westinghouse LCD tv that has every input imaginable and then some. I don't want to move my computer mouse & keyboard and computer monitor from where I'm currently using it. Nor do I want to move my big screen tv. But I want to be able to use my computer on my bigscreen from time to time. I already have a cordless mouse and keyboard, so that's part of the problem solved. What I think will solve my problem is a video card with dual outputs that work either simultaneously(preferably) or alternately. The setup I want will also require that one of the monitors be a distance from the cpu unit, so I need a video alternative that allows for long cabling. I also don't want to upgrade my computer. So is such a thing possible? I've been out of the computer loop for quite a long time(purposefully so).
  13. I can't be the only one, but when I look at that seeker on the right, it looks like MP Starscream to me in all his miscolored seaweed bluish-green glory. I'd expect TakaraTomy to put out an MP Screamer with anime colors and crown/cape accessories before TC. I'm still surprised MP Skywarp looks as good as he does in both modes.
  14. They make absolutely no mention of the arm friction joints which have trouble dealing with their own arm weight.
  15. It's far more anime accurate than the MP release, and that's all that I wanted.
  16. Starscream: "You said there were nukes here!"
  17. The botcon sets are sold out.
  18. Immensely helpful! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This figure just went up another notch from awesome to pure awesome. I had half of those hints already figured out. But I had no idea that extra upper leg panel lock was there. And raising the feet does make a positive aesthetic difference. Thank you!
  19. I gave up. I couldn't find the Megatron piece in that picture. I do wonder though, I saw your Alphas on those stands. I would love to get a decent stand for my Unicron in planet mode. The one that unicron.com sells is a complete piece of unstable crap. How well would something like that support a heavy tf like Unicron? Or is there a better stand that could do it?
  20. Armada Thrust was the first thing that came to mind for me too, and that's not a good thing. Although I found out that this figure/mold is essentially a drone from the videogame, so I can kind of forgive how sloppy/nonexistent the transformation is.
  21. I've seen a pic of it. It's pretty much the teeth arranged perfectly symmetrical, one row on top of the other. It's actually kind of scary. Neat little detail, but nothing I'd try to pry the face plate off to examine first hand. The botcon seekers are looking pretty nice so far, but that MP3 Soundwave is way too white.
  22. I'll buy MP Skywarp, although I'm a little dissappointed that this means that a more anime accurate G1 MP Starscream is much farther off now. At least Skywarp is recognizable and sharp, unlike that mish mash of Screamer, Thundercracker and sea weed that is MP Starscream. And as for that movie Thundercracker, it's funny how much better it looks(colorwise and head sculpt wise) than the official seeker in the movie.
  23. I just watched a fan edit of Star Trek Generations with Kirk completely edited out, and if anything, the movie, as flawed as it is, is better with him edited out. Makes me realize even more how poorly conceived and haphazzardly put together the movie was just to have Kirk and Picard on screen together.
  24. He did, but it didn't pique my interest as much. The only positive I could see about his cut is that it removed the Stalkerman elements which didn't bother me all that much anyway. The Austin Powers cuts with the deleted scenes re-inserted are worth a look-see too. Goldmember's a better movie with them in.
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