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Everything posted by Alpha OTS
The Toynami Alphas were also *actively* being discussed here. Thank you for correcting me.
I had heard this rumored sometime back, but this is the first I've seen a pre-order: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...mp;picture=aux2 It's the Aoshima Alpha, which is Toynami's Alpha but with some extra missiles and a missile battery accessory. What's Aoshima's reputation for QC? Or is Aoshima just another word for Toynami?
Someone posted this pic on the allspark: I found him last weekend. The weathering/carbon doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as I thought it would. I was reading all the posts on how to remove it, but now I think I'll keep it as is. He's really a nice figure, and seems like much more worth the money/risk at $50.
Yes, and an unhappy hypnotoad is not a good thing. All(ok, most) of the good recurring characters make an appearance. The new bad guy aliens looked a lot like those scummy alien hobos from Ice Pirates, purposefully I think, and that's a good thing. I really enjoyed it. We need more. 010010001010100010000100001000001111000110001000010010000110001110100 *poof*
Maybe this is the time to unload our Toynami Alphas?
Ace Combat 6:Skies of Liberation for XBOX360!
Alpha OTS replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
That question comes up on Gamefaqs a lot, but I don't think I ever saw a real solid answer. http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessag...;topic=39621807 I think what the first guy said sounds plausible. I highly doubt what another said that it's DLC you can only obtain after getting 1000 achievement points. Another person posted this link http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/14327/Ace-Combat-6-Update "Super-High Difficulty Missions: Gamers that have mastered every aspect of the game will be able to download all-new missions that are extremely difficult and feature new enemy types that aren't found anywhere else in the game. The pilot that can complete these missions is truly an Ace among Aces!" and postulated that it's one of the last three things mentioned on that page(which I pasted above). Unfortunately this is dated from back in August(About the time that I sent in for my 5 free HD movies that have yet to arrive, grrrrr). Edit: fixing and amending my mess -
Ace Combat 6:Skies of Liberation for XBOX360!
Alpha OTS replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Alrighty, so there are three paint schemes for each plane then? How do I unlock the third one? Do I have to be in that Ace of Aces mode? -
Ace Combat 6:Skies of Liberation for XBOX360!
Alpha OTS replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I played a lot of online today. Just some random musings.... Is there a definite host advantage? I could swear the host shot me out of the sky quite a few times when according to my radar and missile warning his missiles weren't even close. I was only in one match where someone used the CFA, and he asked if it was ok before he used it. I was afraid I'd be seeing that plane more often, but that hasn't been the case. I like the co-op modes, but why are there only two of them? They definitely need to add more. I was expecting to see some tunnel runs here too. Maybe there were too many of us playing, but the Air Fortress seemed much too easy, and it didn't seem required to take out the Strigon fighters. Maybe I couldn't find it, but there didn't seem to be any statistic breakdown for each player, only their individual scores and the team kill statistics. I really enjoyed the siege battles, but it was really hard to get into a game of one, and there were only four of us playing total. It has a nice mix and match of air to air and air to ground, defense and offense. I like the team battles, but as has been mentioned, when you get more than 8 players, it's really hard to focus on any sort of team dynamic. Personally I preferred six players over eight. I really like that there are varieties of team battles. The upgrades on Team Battle 2 are pretty neat. Everyone seems to play Team Battle 1 for some reason though. What determines the team bonus? One team would get a 20,000 bonus and we couldn't figure out why. It really irritated me when someone would ask for help, but they wouldn't tell me what their handle was so I could go over and help. Them: "Help me!", me: "Ok, I'll assist, what's your handle?", them: "Help me! Hurry!". Sorry, dude, I'm not psychic. My main planes were the SU-33 and the Typhoon. I couldn't do crap with the F-22a, felt like I was always stalling out. I play with the Su-47 a lot in the single player game, but online I felt like I was fighting with it more than flying it. On a whim, I picked the Mirage2000-5 for one battle, and got my ass promptly kicked. Considering, the handicap, I think I got a decent number of points, but the plane couldn't evade anything when going against any of the aforementioned. -
Ace Combat 6:Skies of Liberation for XBOX360!
Alpha OTS replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I figured out how to target those Nimbus drones. When they initiate their missile attack they glow orange on the radar and during that time they're completely stationary and susceptible to attack. I'm going through now and obtaining all the operation medals for the mission parts I missed. I assume this will get an achievement of some sort. (Will getting an S on all of them get another achievement too?) I'm also playing with some of the air to ground missile varieties that I avoided on my first play through and am having much more fun with the manual aim sort than I did with the homing missiles. A whole lot more destructive too. Does the AI get better on the harder difficulties or does it just take less missiles/guns for the AI to take me down? -
Battlestar Galactica Discussion
Alpha OTS replied to HoveringCheesecake's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Damn it. I didn't care about this writer's strike until right after I read this post. -
Ace Combat 6:Skies of Liberation for XBOX360!
Alpha OTS replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Just finished the single player mode for the first time. That was pretty fun. I didn't mind the storyline much because I was expecting far worse from what was mentioned earlier in the thread. The only thing I didn't like about the game were objects/planes that fly around with impossible physics. There was this one plane I had to kill while reclaiming the Gracemeria capitol in order to finish the mission, but it was moving in such instant circles and spirals behind and around me that I had a hell of a time getting a clear shot. I had the same gripe with those targeting pods on a previous mission. How is it grading those S scores? I got an A on my initial run through of mission 1, so I figured I'd go through it quick again to get the S, only I got a B, and then surprisingly a C, despite clearing out the board far quicker and more efficient than I did on my first run through. I still have a lot of medals and achievements to unlock. This will keep my busy for a while. -
Ace Combat 6:Skies of Liberation for XBOX360!
Alpha OTS replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I'm somewhat of an Ace Combat noob, but I'd like to join in too. Edit: My gamer tag's Qaztab. I picked this up over the weekend, and I just finished the air fortress stage. I tried some multiplayer yesterday and had a heck of a time just connecting to a host. I don't know what the problem was, it just told me it was unable to connect despite trying a number of available games. I'm still *very* new with what the weapon names are. In the match I played, most of the other players were using this weapon that seemed to instantly shoot across the battlefield. I haven't finished the game yet, so I haven't seen a weapon that's this....instant. It looked like some kind of air wave or something when it hit me. What is it? And does everyone always use that online? Seems kind of cheap. -
Neat. Now I don't feel that I missed out by not buying the dvd version that had this.
Pics of the Japanese Starscream from Hobbylink. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=156693
Battlestar Galactica Discussion
Alpha OTS replied to HoveringCheesecake's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Watched Razor last night because I...uhh..found it.. Anyway, I really enjoyed it. It was a good story and it answered some questions I had about the Pegasus. Spoiler/question -
Ebay auction with Transformers Animated Prime and Bumble Bee pictures Not my cup of tea, but I imagine the kids are going to really like them.
High Definition Media & Technology Thread
Alpha OTS replied to JsARCLIGHT's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Guess what came in the mail today......no, not my HD DVDs from the August promotion that at this point is over 10 weeks old. No, what are you on crack or something? No, what I got in the mail is far better. I got a notice that my HD DVDs from the August promotion are delayed! Really? Why, I had no idea! But wait, it gets better! If I'm lucky, they'll have the additional stock in and be able to ship by 11/25/07. Great! I have a shipping date, and the post card makes it clear that it's NOT a firm ship date too! But wait, it gets better! I have the option to cancel the *FREE* HD DVDs. All the titles I selected have a possible ship date of 11/25, but if only one of them was that, I could cancel it and get the other four earlier! I know we all expected a long ship time, but imo this is a bait and switch and contrary to the spirit of the promotion. If the promotion had said "Buy an HD drive in August, get 5 free movies in December!", maybe I wouldn't be so surly about it. I think while I'm irritated about htis I'm going to page through this thread and find that phone number to call and complain. It's pretty funny that this post card has NO contact information whatsoever on it: no phone number and no company name. -
I noticed most of the sightings for it on the allspark were reported from Texas. Hopefully it's on it's way northward, because I checked a few Walmarts in eastern PA and was skunked.
Battlestar Galactica Discussion
Alpha OTS replied to HoveringCheesecake's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
*cough* *cough* On another note, I tried that xbox live Galactica game and it's terrible. -
Most of the WST in that picture aren't official, and the quality varies as a result. Except for the WST Dinobots which are very high quality and even have diecast. I'm really impressed with the dinobots and eagerly await the upcoming Swoop and Sludge. The Fortress Maximus and the gestalts you can find pretty easily on ebay. They all came on similar card backed packaging. They're knockoffs, which is especially obvious if you see the horrible stickers and lopsided sticker placement on them in package, but the quality for the most part is pretty decent for a KO. Maximus was the best of the bunch so far. He's missing all the numerous little accessories that the normal giant sized one has obviously, and unfortunately the head doesn't transform. He looks really good though and the plastic quality and joint strength was good enough that I opted to try the gestalts. The gestalts are a mixed bag, although mostly positive considering the size and that they're a KO. I picked up Devastator(not pictured), Defensor, Bruticus and Superion. I have a Mensor on the way although oddly two of the limbs are technobots. First problem with all of them is that the default stickers are either very gaudy, totally misaligned, or, most often the case, both. I removed almost all of them, especially from the torso bots. Devastator was the best of the bunch as I had no qc issues and the figures are pretty much identical to their normal scale brethren, accessories and all. Defensor, Bruticus and Superion all have some mold changes to accomodate the scale. The limb aerialbots's arms only extend out to the sides. The top and bottom parts of the jets which become the backpacks don't peg together either, so they're easy to knock out of place. Fireflight in particular was kind of gimped. One arm ended up being assembled wrong and snapped off when I tried to re-insert it(I'm intending to fix it proper with some glue), and his front landing gear won't stay pegged in place. It's the type of thing you'd expect from a KO set, and fortunately for me, that was the only figure I had real qc issues with. Despite all that, Superion's one of my favorites. His proportions don't look so off at this scale as they do in his normal scale. I thought they were all worth the price I paid. If you're going to try them, definitely try to find and buy Fortress Maximus first. Spencer at Agesthreeandup.com must agree because he keeps him in stock here. Better pictures of him there too. Agesthreeandup also has two of the dinobots with Snarl being the cheapest price you'll find online($9). The gestalts you'll have to search for on ebay. Here's a Chimungmung auction who regularly sells these things. Although he's since upped his shipping charges. Ramjet is a custom I bought off ebay, and the one I bought came with a custom made G1 box. I assume it's all custom made parts using WST Starscream as the base mold. It's not painted, it's molded in that color. Here's a link to a WST Dirge he sells too here. He doesn't have any up for sale at the moment, but I think he rotates them in as he sells his goods. It's worth emailing him if you're really interested. Quality is very good, and well above KO quality.
Battlestar Galactica Discussion
Alpha OTS replied to HoveringCheesecake's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Is that 360 Galactica downloadable game any good? -
I would have preferred the MP Screamer proto before Kawamori got invoved too. May as well show off some of my latest WST acquisitions.
High Definition Media & Technology Thread
Alpha OTS replied to JsARCLIGHT's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Fixed. -
Still not a fan of the designs. They look far too human and barely robotic. But, I get a good feeling from that 1 minute clip that the stories won't be as nauseatingly dull, stupid and difficult to watch as the last three animated series were.
The trade-off is that he's perfectly spherical when you do finally get him there, which I thought was pretty cool. The electronics are also very well implimented. The only thing I don't like is the little Tie Fighters. The wings are misaligned, and the "minicon" mode looks pretty awful.