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Alpha OTS

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Everything posted by Alpha OTS

  1. Same here, except for the cop who is an obvious NYPD Blue Cipowitz parody. He cracks me the hell up every time I see and hear him.
  2. I really like the head on it, but the rest......meh. It just doesn't look right in Jazz colors.
  3. Just like this movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0970416/ And sadly, it's not a joke.
  4. I hope they expand the single player and co-op modes in such a way that it's more replayable.
  5. Sigh. I'm conflicted. I want a ride armor, but I want a very small scale ride armor. This is the scale I want, but the reviews on the CMS all seem to hit the same negatives.
  6. I have had good experiences with HK sellers too, BUT I never ordered a $150 item from them either. It was always stuff that if it got "lost", it wouldn't have hurt all that much I put in a pre-order with BBTS. Their site says it's being restocked this month. I figure it doesn't hurt to wait out this month at least to see if that's really the case. It'll be worth the piece of mind that if they do get it in, there won't be any doubt of it being delivered to me, whereas ordering it from an HK dealer, I might not even have it in hand within the same time period.
  7. Apart from the Matrix Trilogy for $44, I didn't notice. I was hoping for a slashed American Werewolf, Dune and The Thing, but none of those were on sale.
  8. I was just at Best Buy and they had a number of select HD-DVD titles pretty much slashed in half. I asked one of the clerks if they were all on sale, and he told me they'd be rotating the titles that are on sale each Sunday. Don't know if that's true or how long that'll last.
  9. Correction, *General* Jar Jar.
  10. I'm a little late to the party on the RiD Bros conversation, but I'd recommend them too. They're the fathers of Alternators. Prowl being the most symmetrical and with the least amount of kibble, is the best of the bunch, and it's neat how his feet become the seats of the car. X-Brawn's a little asymmetrical with the the one popeye arm, but it's also part of his charm. Sideburn's the worst of the bunch but he's still good. He has the worst kibble out of the three, and the transformation is a bit of PITA because you have to have it in a precise position before you can move certain parts; there's not much leeway. It's easy compared to Alternator Grimlock/Wheeljack though. The only thing that I wish they would have done with Classics Jetfire is to make an extra step(optional or not) with the red back thrusters(fast pack/whatever) where each thruster assembly could fold in closer to the other so that it would appear as one giant red back thruster similar to the G1 toon model. I remember seeing a custom that did exactly that around the time Jetfire was released.
  11. Sigh, you and me both. A couple ebay auctions I had going finally ended yesterday, and I had enough money in my paypal account to buy one. I go to BBTS today, and much to my dismay they're backordered. I'm not too excited about having to find another route; I get antsy whenever I have something shipped from Hong Kong. I may just wait for BBTS.
  12. tformers.com has lots of pictures of everything, and some better pictures of Galvataron where you really can take in the head detail which is spot on. One thing I didn't take note of before is that in vehicle mode there's almost *no* purple visible, yet in bot mode he's mostly purple. I really hope that left shoulder cap can lay flush with the rest of the shoulder; it looks like it should. There's only one negative. I'm not seeing knees. Other random thoughts: I just noticed those Marvel TFs don't have pilots. I'm not liking PowerGlide in these new pics. He might be mistransformed, it's hard to tell. The proportions still look off. Blaster is ok, I guess. Not a purchase for me. I hope they at least fix the mold so that the vehicle mode holds together. With each pic of Octane I see, I like him more. Prowl's doors finally look like they're where they should be in bot mode. The wheels look a little too bland though, same goes for Sunstreaker.
  13. Those are *EXACTLY* what I expected out of the Megamorph line, but which didn't even come close to delivering.
  14. You're probably right. I just looked at Classics Starscream and he's pretty much in perfect scale with the Titaniums. Galvatron already looks kind of tall and bulky too for a deluxe which'll help.
  15. I'm not sure what to think of him being in deluxe scale just yet. I wonder what he'll look like next to the Titanium movie figures(Scourge, Rodimus, Magnus). He'll definitely look a lot better with that missile taken out of his cannon, that's for sure! Now what we need is a Cyclonus update. If Walmart's restocking some of the regular figures, I'm going to have to start to try and track down a normal concept BB. The one I have is the battle damaged one, which while nice, isn't the one I wanted.
  16. I asked that earlier too. It'd make it easier to see if I'd want to gamble on one, or if I felt it was something I could fix.
  17. I can get the tank picture to load, but not the robot. Don't know if this is against the posting rules or not. Pull it if it is. Edit: finally loaded. they must be stretched thin on their bandwidth.
  18. I added a few titles to my cart, but when I go to check out, this message is next to each of them: "This item is currently not in stock and will ship to you on 02/18/2008." What the heck does that even mean? I know DDD has a reputation for selling things they don't have in stock, so I'm hesitant to place an order.
  19. It didn't look so lanky. To me at least.
  20. For any fans of the series, Twisted Metal Head On for the ps2 was released this month. It's a port of the PSP version which is as close to an update of Twisted Metal 2 as you're ever going to see. There's also what was made of the Twisted Metal Black sequel thrown in as an extra, which isn't much(a few pretty bland levels and no endings or character cines). Plus a bunch of other extras: a Twisted Metal documentary of sorts with interviews with the staff and the original Twisted Metal 1 character endings which were removed from the game(a smart decision, because they're hilariously bad as evidenced in Sweet Tooth's ending here.) $20 brand new. If you're a fan of the series, it's a must-get.
  21. I knew it! The man behind the red ring of death! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2udm8qSnhLs&feature=bz303
  22. I watched the Robotech version about a year ago, and after it ended so abruptly, I checked online to find out what was up with the ending, and that is what came to understand as well. Are the characters any more likable in the original? Because it took me a looooooooong time to start liking the characters, and when I finally did, it abruptly ended.
  23. There was a throwaway line at the beginning of the movie where he said to his kids he had the keys to everything. He wasn't just a civi, he was some go-to person involved with the rebuild that had high level access. As for the zombies opening the doors and stalking their children, you have to remember, these aren't zombies. They're "the infected". Maybe there's *some* intelligence left. Plus it's just a movie.
  24. If so, I just can't wait to see all the great ideas he has to show and all the more unbelievable coincidences that'll occur. I wager we'll find out that Greedo is Lando's stepbrother, gungans are just hairless wookies, and the Force is a major cause of greenhouse gasses. Sarcasm aside, it wouldn't surprise me to see ysalamari show up. That's not a good thing.
  25. That earth mode animated Megatron is niiiiiiiiiice. I especially like how the copter blades become a sword, and just the overall look of the robot *is* Megatron, surprisingly more-so than the previous animated Meg's figures. Almost looks like a conventional transformer too(ie: not an animated figure). I'm only going to be picking up one or two of the figures out of the line(probably Optimus and *this* Megatron), but I can definitely see how someone can get caught up in collecting the whole line, and I *definitely* can see the target audience loving the living energon out of all figures in this line. It's just well executed. Saw the pics of Mirror Universe Optimus. Not bad. Looks like they were going for a Galvatronish theme with him. Does that mean a red, blue & white Megatron?
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