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Alpha OTS

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Everything posted by Alpha OTS

  1. This is probably a dumb question, but I'm unfamiliar with Godmars so I'll ask. Is there any relation between this and the Mighty Orbots? Because looking at that set, it sure does remind me of them.
  2. What about those of us who waited to see who the whole set included and then waited a week before deciding to commit to a purchase only to find the sets were sold out? Defend the Botcon Seekers, or bitch about them. Doesn't matter. Regardless of either, it's not an ideal situation. I'll not be insulting a McDonald's employee over it though. I'm over it.
  3. Nope. Looks like that's as much as you can do with the treads in jet mode. Eh, it's ok. I'm just not really that big on the Animated aesthetic anyway. The G1 Blitzwing looks better in all modes except bot mode. And I WANT that deep space movie Screamer.
  4. Someone needs to take the initiative and schedule a time for a session (Gears/Halo3/CoD4/whatever)
  5. BBTS says they have Barricade and Jazz in stock.
  6. Eh. Looks like that's as good as jet mode's going to get. The tank treads and larger undercarriage just kill it for me.
  7. kaio, thank you for the link! Whenever I think of the Galactica, I think of it in those darker colors and the google images I was looking at looked darker too. Might be because of how they light the shots whenever the Galactica's in a skirmish. Kind of hard to pass up that set though. Going to order it now. Thanks.
  8. I'm late, but I decided to pick up one of those Titanium Battlestars, so it's pretty much ebay or bust. I noticed there's an exclusive comic-con stealth version, that to me looks more tv accurate, but is it? Also found this while browsing for Galactica pics: Poor toaster.
  9. Botcon Jazz is probably the classics Jazz you're thinking of. Although he's technically evil, I think.
  10. Heh, I thought for a moment that maybe it was just a dream or paranoia sequence, but then they zoom in on her rotating frozen corpse in space as if to say "Oh yeah, she's definitely dead. As in dead dead. Completely dead. Not mostly dead, all dead." Torry did seem kind of superhuman with the swat she gave Cally. That might put a small dent in my theory that the five are ghosts in the machine that can jump in and out of any shell. I'm still wondering how they're going to explain the chief's son if that's not the case.
  11. I don't know if it's fair, but I had the same reaction. Conroy *is* Batman.
  12. Looks....better, but it's also from angles that don't highlight the height of the undercarriage like the pic above did.
  13. Maybe if the tracks fold upwards toward the wings? Eh, still won't help. Jet mode doesn't look like much, and doesn't look like a proper transform will fix it either.
  14. I really liked it. It was pretty much a "teach the companion the rules" episode though. Regardless, it was fun.
  15. The Onion's got a hilarious news video up about the trailer becoming a movie. http://www.theonion.com/content/video/wild...ron_man_trailer
  16. Heh, I'm still buying movie toys, so maybe the retailers have a point. I just picked up Screen Battles "Capture of Bumblebee" and "Desert Attack". After having the legless Bee from the Longarm set, and after having watched the movie again recently, the Bumblebee in this set seems to have more accurate movie colors. Pretty much the black on the normal deluxe is dark gray here, which actually gives a tiny bit more color variation because the black's still there on the car parts. Plus he has an autobot symbol on his head like he does in the movie, and with this set I now have some Sector 7 guys to have stand around Stockade. Scorponok is pretty much, bleh. I mean, he's movie accurate, and the spinning gear gimmick is nifty, but he doesn't do much after that. He doesn't transform, he just gets half-assed legs to stand up. Still better than nothing. I'm a little dissapointed there's no way to attach him to Blackout's back. There's a way to attach him in copter mode, but eh, doesn't do much for me. The soldier figures are pretty nice though, and a nice accessory to give to Landmine, which was part of the reason I picked the set up anyway. I noticed the pegs are pretty regularly stocked now. It's still pretty tough finding the normal movie figures but that should change with the last few waves of premiums. Pretty good way to end the line if you ask me. It was a sometimes frustrating but ultimately fun ride.
  17. I've never heard of it before, but while watching it, this immediately came to mind: "George Lucas is gonna sue someone!"
  18. That was a good idea. I put them on the back of MK2's knees as it made more sense for an earlier armor to need thrusters. Definitely looks better than putting them on the arms. I did find MK2, MK1 and Iron Monger. And again, you really should look at each before blindly picking one up. QC on the finish on these seems to vary pretty wildly. There was an MK2 on the pegs that looked like the whole chest had been carbon scorched. My MK2 looked fine, but the plastic that connects the joints is unusually soft. MK1 looks really nice. Arm articulation is hindered by the armor, but being what it is, it kind of makes sense for the first armor to be limited. I really like the little details like the gear and belt on each lateral side of the legs. The color detailing has a sort of rust effect to it which helps the low-tech aesthetic. Iron Monger v1 has a gimped leg for the action gimmick as we all know, so it's pretty much a standing pose only, or a slight variation thereof with whatever you can manage with the left leg. The arms have a ton of articulation though, and the figure is big, bulky and menacing. He could use some more color detail though, and the default plastic color is a sort of weird steel color that varies in whatever light it's in. The right light hits it, and it does look like it has a copperish hue like has been seen in some pics.
  19. If it's like last week, it only streams once. With BSG back, every Friday feels like Christmas Eve again.
  20. Yeah yeah yeah, I know, it's an oxymoron.....heh. From thefwoosh thread here.
  21. I prefer having Landmine's cannon just extend forward from it's car mode position so that it's a back cannon, but I have seen a pose with him holding his gun with both hands that I thought was very cool. How many deluxes can pull that off? I'm really going to miss the movie line. I didn't buy most of the non-movie molds, but I liked that we had realistic real world vehicles even if they had to occassionally skew it a bit to get by the licenses(as is the case with Stockade and Longarm). It's almost like an Alternator line, which will remain my favorite TF line. As cool as Classics and Animated are, that's not something either of them are trying to do, nor is it the point of either. I look forward to the movie line returning with the sequel, and maybe we might even get that A-10 then.
  22. I enjoyed the new episode. The new companion's going to be a different type of foil for the Doctor, and I think that's kind of what's needed now after all this unrequitted love buddy stuff. The abrasive personality's going to make for some funny situations too. Has anyone ever seen the actress who plays Donna in BBC's sketch comedy show "Big Train"? Simon Pegg was also a regular in it. She's pretty funny, and very versatile. Edit: Just noticed your avatar after posting this, Taksraven. They've either issued, or are going to issue, action figures of those weeping angels in your avatar. One in a face covered position, and another, well, uncovered. Look like very nice sculpts too.
  23. Some pictures of TakaraTomy Premium Movie Prime are at Tformers.com here. I think Dave was the one waiting for this. I think I'm just going to go with the regular Hasbro premium version state-side. The chrome looks really nice, but having it on the feet is a turn off. It's just begging to be chipped there. And holy cow! They're reissuing Metroplex?! Yeowzer!
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