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Alpha OTS

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Everything posted by Alpha OTS

  1. "NO WOMEN NO CHILDREN!" I'm wondering if it's going to be all flashbacks.
  2. These last few posts have not been about hovertanks. We need more talk and pictures of hovertanks. HOVERTANKS!
  3. Ok, this should make up for that SNL GTA link I posted above. GTA on Conan O'Brien here. This is legitimately funny, I swear!
  4. Dissappointed with the head too, and getting those legs just right when going to ship mode is a real PITA. Without the spring in the left arm, does the deployable fusion cannon stay in place or does it fold out if you tip it forward?
  5. It's not a hiss, its a buzz like sound that you'd typically hear from a blown-out speaker. After it started happening to me, I googled about it and read that to fix it you just unplug and plug the HDMI cable, which it does. But from the fix I read that it should *fix* fix it long term. This is happening pretty frequently to me, and I'm questioning why. I don't have this problem with the other inputs, just the HDMI. I have a lot of my gaming systems and computer pretty close to the tv too.
  6. Alright, this is irking me. When I bought my ps3, I had to buy an HDMI cable for it to hook up to my HDTV, so I picked the cheapest one up at Target(and it still wasn't exactly cheap). I do all my movie playing on my ps3. Occassionally when I boot everything up and view a disc, there's a buzzing in the audio. If I unplug and plug the HDMI cable, it corrects itself. What's causing this and the best way to fix it? It's some kind of static build-up, I assume. Is it a cheap and poorly shielded HDMI cable issue? Or my ps3 being behind the tv? Something not grounded that I need to ground? Combination of all that?
  7. I initially got a chuckle out of it because the gag involves how not-so-lifelike the cut scenes are. Problem is, that's a 2 second joke, which they proceed to run into the ground for two minutes without anything else.
  8. GTA on SNL here!
  9. Heh, you wish. It's on a Titanium stand, but it's from the Mechanical Collection Part 4, about 5" long and is made entirely of plastic. All of the main cannons can turn on it too.
  10. I guess. I like the way the Spartas were used though. The Monster always struck me as more of a long range assault vehicle, and not very mobile.
  11. I've been looking for the proper thread in which to post this. This looks like the one: For some reason all of this seems to go together, to me at least.
  12. I hated Robotech Masters up until the last few episodes where I actually started liking the characters, and then it abruptly ends. Only thing I really liked about it was the mecha and some of the battles. But, how about this hypothetical, which is unfortunately unlikely. What if Robotech Shadow Chronicles made their own transforming hover tank? Since it's a Robotech property would it still be connected to BW even though it's not the same design? Would they be ok if they renamed it? Is a transforming tank out of the question? Robotech/Southern Cross/whatever, we really do need a Macrossish transforming tank. I don't care what mythos it has to come from, I'd just like to see a good one.
  13. I think that's the Robotech vs. Southern Cross difference. Robotech took place on Earth, Southern Cross was a space colony. Never saw the original Southern Cross though, just going from what I read on the wiki after having rewatched the Robotech version a couple years back.
  14. I thought the Robotech one went from gerwalk to robot and didn't have a tank mode. I never owned one, but apart from that glaring flaw, it didn't look that crappy. Our best hope is not only Toynami but, as unpopular as this may sound here, Robotech. *If* the next Shadow Chronicles were to include a Spartas, we might actually see a good model/figure of it. However, I have a sinking feeling we're not going to see new mecha in any future fiction. Edit: Found an auction with pics here.. Does look rather plain, but it is a product of its time.
  15. Or if you have death-prone children, you keep a few clones around.
  16. I posted this on another site, but thought it might be of interest here since we were discussing these previously: I'm going to have to get some ebay auctions up this weekend to offload my original movie figures. They really should call this "Metallic" instead of "Premium" series because that's pretty much what these repaints are. Short little bites on each one I've acquired so far: Jazz. The original pics I saw of him didn't do him any justice, because you couldn't see a difference, and pics like the one on BBTS did little to highlight any of the added detail. In hand he's even shinier and more of a contrast to the original, all in a good way. What I like best, and what *really* helps the arms is that the insides are now black which better hides that it's a hood panel on a hood panel. The head has gold paint detail which is something I didn't see at first, but is a definite plus over the original. Plus, of course, all the other added paint detail on the legs. If I remember right, most of the negative reviews of Jazz when he was first released was that his deco was pretty boring. This repaint completely addresses that problem. Barricade. I wish the the windows weren't frosted, but it does help him look sharper and more metallic in bot mode. I'll begrudgingly admit that they made a smart choice by frosting them. All the little tampo details are nice and really help break up the monochrome color of the arms. There's even a paint detail or two that aren't immediately obvious, but are definitely a positive asset when you do zoom in on them. But with all that said, it's the head that's the best part of this repaint. I used to say that there wasn't a discernable difference between the two as to which one was more accurate to the movie. Now that I have both in hand, there's no contest, the Premium's superior in every way. The original Barry looks like a soulless drone next to the premium. Only negative I'll say is that I wish Frenzy was painted in the same silver as the face. Leader Megatron. I never bought the original leader figure because, well, the color made it look like cheap crap. It accentuated what I didn't like about the design. I've since warmed to the design, but still hate that original color scheme. The premium is much more to my liking. I do wish the base was more silver than it is gray. The gold highlights do help though. I was surprised to find out that he can do a fusion cannon pose similar to the movie(I never followed up on any review of the figure because I hated the color). The arm gimmicks aren't too bad. My one complaint is that despite having massive clawlike feet, barely any of it actually supports the figure. He should be able to do a large number of dynamic poses, but because the claws essentially retract when any weight's put against them, he balances on too small a surface area than is needed. Blackout. Holy crap. This is another one I was wrong about. The original figure looks like a toy helicopter, but this looks like a real helicopter. The blue base color used and the little details really make this look gritty and real world. I was wrong about robot mode. The online pictures make it look bone white when it's really more of a gray. It looks like the idea is to make it look like there's blue panels adhered to the legs and arms like was seen in the movie, and it does work a bit better on this color scheme than it did on the original. The best part, and something you don't focus on in the online pics, is the silver paint used on the chest, head, and pelvis. Between that and the base blue color used, there's no doubt that this feels more like the helicopter to robot you saw in the opening of the movie. Legends Scorponok looks in much better company with the premium too. Deep Space Starscream. Shiny. Shiny and metallic and silver. I really like the tampo detail on the tail fins and the added metallic paint detail that contrasts with each other within the exposed chest, but what I think I like best is how well detailed the head looks with these paint apps. Best Buy Ratchet. Definitely better, no doubt. Essentially the outer shell that forms the hummer is a metallic green, the rest is normal green like the original with an occassional metallic gold added to a "plate" here or there. The head is in all metallic colors, and this is his biggest asset since it's now easier to make out the facial detail there. I'm not seeing any tiny details that were added just yet like on the others. The base metallic green feels much more real world than the green on the original which looks more toyish in comparison, but he's still not the huge jump in detailing like the others were. I didn't do the "Whoa!' to the metallic green on Ratchet like I did to the blue on Blackout. To sum up. All of these look surprisingly better in hand than they do in the already excellent pics in this thread. Still need to find Prime and Ironhide. Don't know if I'll go for the Bee since I have the Screen Battles version.
  17. This episode was a much needed change of pace. The last few episodes felt like an overrepeating theme and like they had forgotten about previous characters and key story aspects. This episode integrated that into the whole, and it sounds like the next episode will put it even more back on track. Starbuck's still all fracked up. She caused that whole situation by being so impulsive and selfish. She did a poor job of talking Anders down because she couldn't see *anything* outside her immediate needs. Good thing Natalie took the initiative. It'll be her fault if Gaeta loses his leg. Poor Gaeta. He never gets any respect. Athena and the Eights was a great moment, and neat insight into cylon culture/growth. Actually all the cylon stuff was really good. We see it so rarely, but when we do, it's cool. Not surprisingly, an armed and armored metal toaster with the higher brain function to ignore "no" isn't necessarily a good thing. Cavil's assault doesn't seem as unreasonable now. I'm heavily leaning towards Mog's theory.
  18. I've been going through season 2 thanks to this thread. I think this picture is one of my favorite stills from the entire series:
  19. If the arc reactor is such an incredible power source, wouldn't it be dangerous to simply throw it into the incinerator like he had instructed his assistant?
  20. Brock and Helper arguing about "The Zep". Heh, anytime there's a Led Zeppelin reference for that matter(which almost always involves Brock)
  21. Which mission did it start with?
  22. I keep hoping that that would have been an SDCC exclusive at least. The problem now is that with Classics Ironhide on the horizon, the chance of a BinAlt Ironhide repaint of anything has become even slimmer. My Deep Space Starscream arrived from Target.com already. That was pretty darn quick. I tried taking pics of him to compare, but he's just too shiny. I think what I like best about him is the head detail which I know better matches the movie.
  23. The beginning of season 2, where the henchmen get the call from the Monarch. Just the "daa daa dadada daa daa" theme the two of them humming as they're "suiting up" and getting in their "Monarch Mobile".
  24. My Henkei Astrotrain arrived today. Very happy with it. I'd prefer that the chrome thrusters and backpiece were paint instead of chrome, but it does look pretty snazzy nonetheless. Also happy with the prominent Con logos on the wings. Tformers has pics of Henkei Hot Rod here, and I was prepared to pass on him, but not anymore. Slavishly G1, and much more to my liking. I always thought the Classics version looked too dark, the red was almost maroon. Tformers also reports that they're going to offer two versions of Binaltech "Arcee". One in pink and silver, like we saw, and another called "Paradron Medic" which is in light blue and silver. I might pick up the "medic" because I think it looks a little bit like Blurr. I think they're intending it as another female character, but I'm sorry, the head is *not* female, and the build does little to suggest that it might be at all feminine. Blurr, on the other hand, works, especially since he's supposed to have a shield.
  25. The important difference is that the Adam West Batman movie was designed to be bad(ie: ludicrously campy) from the get go. "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!"
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