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Alpha OTS

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Everything posted by Alpha OTS

  1. Was South Park ahead of the curve again? Episode 609 Free Hat Later at the premiere, as the movie begins, Stan tells his friends (all of whom are tied to poles) to look away from the screen, warning them that the film will be terrible. They do, while the rest of the audience continues watching the film. At first, they're awed by the film, but upon seeing the Hovitos who chase Indiana Jones were digitally changed to Ewoks, they react negatively. They then realize the new version is awful.
  2. Gunship grey is what we all expected of a MP SS. Seaweed green is what we got. I know some people like it, but I still think it looks awful. Ok, Captain Power sounded vaguely familiar, but when you said the above, oh yeah, I definitely remember that. What I remember most is that it was supposed to be a weekly show, but it was rarely if ever on around here. I was glad I *didn't* have the jet shooters. Heh glancing at the wiki here, looks like I wasn't imagining that either: "Poor timeslot choices also contributed to the show's undoing -- it was sold to syndication as opposed to a regular network timeslot, which resulted in some television stations airing it in the 5-6am timeslot on Sunday mornings. The subsequent poor ratings hastened the show's demise." That Bee 3 pack is a pretty smart way to continue pimping BumbleBee molds. I think that classics mold looks more like the classics than the henkei because the insides of the legs are gray as are the arms and the seats are silver. Henkei Bee has *less* color variation. Personally, I prefer the original classics deco. Oddly it's the only U.S. deco I like over the slavish G1 Henkei ones, mostly because he looks almost like a mini-Alternator. In bot mode he really does fit in surprisingly well when displayed with other BinAlts.
  3. Maybe to put actual actors in it this time?
  4. I was by Target and they had each of the Indy movies on dvd for 10 bucks a piece. Seem like new pressings too because there was an ad for Indy 4 on the Raiders disc I bought. Looks pretty good upscaled on my ps3, except for any scenes that involve any fog or mist like in the beginning gold idol temple scenes in Raiders.
  5. That's actually what I like about it. It kind of resembles a skull.
  6. Even though that's unsubstantiated hearsay and rumor, it's unfortunately still quite believable.
  7. This is probably one of the two animated figures I'll pick up. What I like best is that it doesn't look completely "animated".
  8. They should remake Megaforce. I'm surry Barry Bostwick wouldn't mind the work. He always reminded us that the good guys always win......even in the 80's.
  9. Despite that......she still wasn't really all that likeable.
  10. Alpha OTS

    Macross Revoltech

    Got my notice too. I'm starting to wonder if I should have ordered two instead of one. What's the scale on the Regult anyway? 1/100 or smaller?
  11. I've been bypassing the update. Guess I'll go and do it now.
  12. Saw it, liked it, but it's nowhere near as good or as cohesive as the first one. The pacing's off. They battle here, they battle there, but you're never quite sure exactly why. Some new characters are introduced, but before you get a chance to know them, they move on to something else. Caspian himself is a very dull boy. As a viewer, you're *supposed* to get behind him and root for him, but he's just so uncharismatic and quite frankly stupid that you're left asking yourself why the Narnians are trusting him at all, and when he finally does confront his corrupt uncle, you just don't care. The only thing Caspian does in the movie is blow the horn and look sexy for Susan. That's it. Nothing else. I've never read the book, but I have seen the BBC Caspian, and despite the total lack of budget, they at least had a charismatic Caspain, who was also half the age of this Caspian. When the BBC Caspian gave a speech to the Narnians, you could see why they'd get behind him. Summary, wait for video. I'm hoping there'll be an extended dvd that'll help explain why the Telmarines hated and wiped out the Narnians because this is really glossed over in the movie and really makes most of the battles feel pretty pointless.
  13. I do all my dvd viewing with my ps3 and have been pretty impressed with the upscaling. Is there a way to have your ps3 pick up where it left off if you turn it off during the middle of a dvd? That's the only thing I don't like about it as a player, and was something the 360 was pretty smart about.
  14. You know, a quick glance at that and it looks like a Barbie riding vacuum cleaner.
  15. You ever see the "Live Action Movie Preview" extra on the first dvd set? Kind of inadvertantly highlights why it would and wouldn't work.
  16. I have the rest of season 2 just waiting for me to watch it. Problem is, I can't bring myself to. After the first two episodes you find out that *EVERYONE* survived the massive conclusion of season 1. It really killed the punch season 1 had, and really cheapened it. I mean, if you want to have these guys survive, ok, but don't reintroduce them all within two stinking episodes(Sylar was in the previews indicating that he too survived at this point). And then they went and killed Sulu. Meh. At one point I'll pick back up on it, I'm sure.
  17. That's pretty much what I'm hoping for. When you hear the theme, that's all you really want to see. I just hope the "alien" stuff isn't over explained to the point of removing the mythical aspects.
  18. He is, but he has too many yes-men around him to know it. http://movies.yahoo.com/mv/news/ap/2008051...1095996000.html Money quote: "In its earliest incarnation, Lucas proposed an all-out alien flick called "Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men From Mars." Spielberg and Ford didn't like that idea, and it took more than a decade of wrangling to come up with a story all three could live with."
  19. Good episode, lots of tension. Anyone else notice that the only person not concerned about Gaeta is the one who recklessly caused the situation that got him shot? I'm really disliking Starbuck. Even Baltar showed concern for Gaeta. I'm a little dissappointed there wasn't any accountability for the breakdown of discipline on the Demetrius. I know, I know, they have much more to deal with having a rebel cylon baseship in the fleet, but Starbuck really needs some comeuppance. Haven't seen next week's preview yet, but it's pretty clear in the end of this episode that Natalie's not dead. She doesn't do that cliche "open eyed stare final exhale".
  20. The first twenty minutes of Shadow Chronicles is more or less a re-cap of the end of New Generation. I only ever owned the Protoculture Edition of Robotech, and I really enjoyed the set. It had all the extras I would have been interested in. I found it for $90 used at a SunCoast a few years back, and that's what pretty much brought me back into Macross. The set still tends to be pretty expensive for some reason.
  21. Tformers.com has pics of BinAlt Arcee and others up. Arcee's looking better. (s)he's pink and white, definitely an improvement over previous pics. I think I may buy one in hopes that one of these fan companies will make a proper head remold, or maybe there was a close enough scale Arcee released in the past that I can scavenge one from. Going to have to research that. Saw the last two episodes of Animated. Pretty good, if a bit silly at times(especially the Wreck-Gar episode), but the characterization is still excellent and the story does go to serious at the proper times. However, Starscream getting the heave-ho over and over again was just too funny. The G1 references were aplenty in the Wreck-Gar episode(Spike and Carly!) And again, I demand a Captain Fanzone action figure. Still not interested in the toys, but am really enjoying the show.
  22. Tell me about it. The one on my Screen Battles Bee barely holds at all and will fall off if you look at it wrong.
  23. I didn't know exactly what you were talking about when I first read this. Sigh, but now I do. Thankfully I did catch it early before repeated transforms turned it into something nasty. I'm going to have to try this.
  24. I think that's Shockwave. Found Premium Prime and Ironhide today on a quick scout of a Walmart I don't usually hit. About Prime, the new sword is so much better than the gun it's not even funny. It's far better integrated into the arm, and it just *looks* cooler. I had no idea that it was retractable too. When I opened it up I said to myself "Ok, where's the orange on the sword the people online were talking about...<click>...THERE it is! COOL!" And it's not like he's been deprived of a long range gun either because he still has the arm gun underneath that you can deploy. Being a movie accurate weapon is just the icing on the cake. I thought I preferred the old head design, but now that I have them side by side, I definitely prefer the new one. Why? It's about proportions. The new head is narrower and longer and it has the effect of slimming the entire bulk of the body out. It's not a dramatic effect, but it *is* there, whereas on the old version the head looks kind of squat. The silver paint on the legs and on other parts is really nice, but where it really shines in bot mode is on the chest and pelvis. From across the room, you can really make out the grill now and the entire torso just really grabs your attention. I haven't gone to truck mode yet, but I already like the silver on the hub caps, grill, and gas tanks. There's only two negatives about the new paint apps. They covered up the gold lateral paint apps on the knees, which I really think they should have kept, and the most unfortunate paint app, the autobot symbol on the grill is no longer red and is now entirely silver. Ironhide has color now! Looks like they were going for the glowing look he had during his first night time scenes in the movie. The blue is brighter than it was on the old figure and there's more of it as well as more gold here and there. The weapons are no longer as monochromatic as they were. The only questionable paint app is on the eyes. They painted the eyes *and* the outline around the eyes so at first the eyes look too large. I think this was done to reflect that glow you see in the movie. One of the problems I had with the previous version was that you couldn't make out *any* of the facial detail unless you had your face right up against his. That's not as much a problem any more. Truck mode is also similarily improved. I kind of wish they didn't frost the windows here either, but it doesn't detract too much. All the little details are there, the lights are better detailed as are the exhaust pipes and ribbing on the roof. He's defnitely much more improved all the way around. The eyes are the only thing that was a little off putting, but I'm starting to get used to them.
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