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Alpha OTS

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Everything posted by Alpha OTS

  1. Does it though? Ixnay on the oicevay! I'm guessing that the way the show eventually ends will be with how Jonas Venture Sr. died. So many previous stories and plot points always link back to that event somehow.
  2. I can't find the link or remember the web site name, but I'm pretty sure I stumbled across it a while back. I'm looking for a web site that has a list of all SoC figures released with pictures. I'm in the market for a Mazinger, but I want one that looks old school(ie: somewhat simplistic) but has all the add-ons/gimmicks. My search through ebay is yielding more confusion than answers.
  3. Bingo! We're through the looking glass here, people!
  4. Maybe Manotaur took his slot. Didn't The Monarch also mention that he only joined for the group insurance benefits or some such otherwise he wouldn't have bothered? There's probably a loophole there where he didn't go through the official channels, but does show up on an official list. So he is a member of the Guild, but he isn't. Maybe that's why Phantom Limb wasn't allowed to liquidate him outright?
  5. Alpha OTS

    Macross Revoltech

    Definitely smaller than 1/100s though. What was the scale on the Banpresto's?
  6. I've missed the Venture Bros. Loved the episode, but doesn't this retcon the Monarch's origin a bit? From the first episode where he talks about living with the monarch butterflies. I guess it doesn't stretch it too much. Instead of going right to The Monarch, he had to hench for Phantom Dick until his inheritance made it out of escrow. My only complaint of the episode, not enough Brock! "Oh! My Stanza!"
  7. I have a feeling we won't be seeing fatalities or anything extremely gruesome/violent as it doesn't fit the motiff of the basic DC universe. I think in the mythos they'll create, they'll elevate the MK cast to that of metahuman, and all we'll see is basic super hero stuff during the fights(hopefully). I thought MK Deadly Alliance was a step forward for the franchise. The chess game was a particularly clever extra. Deception was an ok sequel, but nothing really new. I thought it was pretty dumb of them to lose the chess game, that should have become a standard mode. Armageddon was a complete and utter cash-in. So they basically started out with a good idea, and then ran it straight into the ground. I hope for their sake they've scrapped the entire system. I hope this turns out better than I fear it will be.
  8. I hope you don't need to. May I suggest investing in a fleece for him to stand on?
  9. That's partially why I passed on him, that and because he's *standing* on those vaccum-metalized parts.
  10. At one time I did too, and then I started acquiring some. It's a clever way to complete your games in ways you wouldn't otherwise. Crackdown is a prime example.
  11. IIRC, George's kid was involved in the selection of Jar Jar's voice.
  12. I really REALLY hope they address how the final five were in the right places at the right times to NOT be vaporized during the inital cylon attack. This episode was ok. I was a bit peeved by Starbuck now finding it convenient to invoke military protocol.
  13. I was at the Wizard convention in Philly yesterday. Took the following pics of the upcoming figures. I was focusing on only the toaster cylons which look FAN-FRACKING-TASTIC. The Classic Razor Centurion is an awesome! I believe the new toaster is due in July and the Razor toaster is due in August. (I apologize for the glare, I had trouble taking good pics without it)
  14. I originally said I was going to pass on him, but I saw him yesterday, and having seem him in person decided I had to have him. Yeah, he's got the little touches, the painted gas cap, windshield wipers, door handles, license plate and gold chevy symbols on front and back fenders. I expected that, but what sold me on him was the base yellow they used. It's like a real-world car yellow, not like a toy yellow on the others. The gray on the robot parts is more of a steel blue gray, and darker than the gray seen on the Screen Battles Bee. I still prefer the regular non-battlemask head though. I really hope they don't skimp on the paint apps for the Legacy 3 pack.
  15. Futurama thread revival time! My little gray robot, you know, BENDER!, arrived yesterday. This is part of the toynami Futurama line. BBTS was pretty sly about selling him and went and partnered this figure with Kif who's still in package, and whom I will likely ebay. Although it is pretty cool that Kif comes with one of the alien balls from the ball planet. But getting back to that robot, you know, BENDER! Turned out better than I expected. He's about 5 to 6 inches tall, and what surprised me is that there's three different eye visors to use to depict different moods. The Olde Fortran doesn't clip into the hand as well as I'd like, but it does stay. The only real dissappointment is that he comes with that pile of cash you see in the foreground in the one pic, but guess where you can't put it? Sadly, it won't fit in his chest. On the upside, you can use the chest as storage for the extra visors and a can of Mom's Robot Oil. The other dissappointment, although this probably isn't fair, is that he comes with the Robot Devil's top hat and cane, but the hat is completely filled in, so Bender can't wear it. I still have the tin wind-up Bender from years ago, but I lost the can of Olde Fortran and the wind-up key during a move. One thing he does have over this little guy is a cigar you can put in his mouth that could also rotate around in head from a silent look to a "talking" one. "Whutchoo talkin bout chump and chumpette?" "I am Bender. Please insert girder." "There's people who haven't heard of Bender!?" Edit: Oh, and there's a youtube Futurama trailer here for The Beast with a Billion Backs. Bender's in it.
  16. Whoa.....good titles and kind of cheap too....what gives? Am I missing the fine print?
  17. I bought two Indy's, the classic Raiders one with the gold idol, and the turbaned one with the Ark. I pretty much bought them for the artifacts. The figures themselves are just ok. The basic detail is there for the clothing and accessories, but what puts me off are the eyes. They just look all wrong. The turbaned one looks better than the classic one. The classic one has this Uma Thurman thing going on.
  18. "Catclops!??! Wait...THE CAT HAIR IN MY WATER!"
  19. Talk of "Love Bheits" and no mention of Catclops, Girl Hitler or Manic 8 Ball?! "Oh! I get it! Tiger BOMB!"
  20. Alpha OTS

    Macross Revoltech

    With the Toynami 1/100 VF1-J. Obviously too small, but it'll suit my needs. May as well post some comments now that I've had a little time to fiddle with it. First impression: clean, crisp, and detailed. I love the white color they used. Swoosh's pictures above really compliment how good it looks. It *does* look that good. Second impression: Eh, it's a little smaller than I had hoped, but not too small. Third impression: I should have bought two. Posing's a bit...trying. The hips don't quite move like you'd expect because of the revoltech joint there, and the knee joints rotate a little too freely on mine. You can get all those poses you see though, it's just not as instant as you'd expect. I figure it'll be easier the more I pose it. It's just the nature of the legs. I love how you can turn, rotate, and aim the main blasters. This is my second Revoltech(the other being Megatron who's legs are much easier to pose).
  21. Alpha OTS

    Macross Revoltech

    People are getting their regults, but there's no pics in the thread yet? What gives?
  22. Heh, I picked up a couple of the new Indy figures just for the artifacts. Yes, I wanted an Ark and a Gold Temple Idol that badly.
  23. Ahhh, ok. I was looking at the picture of the figure on the back of the packaging which clearly doesn't. So this is kind of a hybrid between classics and henkei then.
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