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Alpha OTS

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Everything posted by Alpha OTS

  1. The Thing was made to drive the Batmobile!
  2. I'm guessing that's why they reshuffled the scene to where it is too. The movie had already ended, but now they go to the bar scene with Ross and Stark. It does seem kind of off, pacing wise. Still a cool scene though. As for Bill Bixby. At the very beginning of the movie, while Banner's still in South(or is it Central?) America, he's in his apartment watching tv trying to teach himself the local language. While flipping through the channels, one of the shows that pops up is "The Courtship of Eddie's Father" starring, of course, Bill Bixby! Bixby's only onscreen for a couple of seconds and in the tv clip he does utter a line of dialogue. Like I said, blink, and you'll miss it. It's definitely no accident that they picked that show as one of the ones Banner was flipping through. I thought it was a really cool and clever homage. Speaking of cameos, did anyone else expect Stan Lee to hulk out after drinking the soda?
  3. I put deluxe Animated Megatron next to my other G1 Megatrons, and it's obviously a much darker shade of gray on the Animated figure. Stil looks nice, and I really like the deluxe proportions when it's standing around other Megatrons. While we're piling on Classics Grimlock, I'll add that he's probably my least favorite Classic. I don't like the tail gimmick, but what I *really* don't like is that he looks more like a walking crocodille than a T-rex. The head just looks all wrong. It's much too flat. He does look nice in bot mode though.
  4. In the middle of watching the Ang Lee Hulk movie. Yep, I still like it. The new one's undeniably better though. But what the old one does perfectly is in the casting of Thunderbolt Ross. Sam Elliot *is* Thunderbolt Ross.
  5. Essentially after reading this I went out looking for the two pack. When I saw Megatron was in G1 gray, it was a no-brainer purchase. Isn't the voyager more of a white-ish gray? Transformation is somewhat simple. It doesn't look like much, but ironically it does look better than the movie alt mode and even holds together better than it. The hip joints are way too loose on mine, which sounds like it's a common problem. It's difficult to get poses with the cannon. At least the arm joints are nice and tight. Prime....I'm a little dissappointed in. Not that it's a bad figure, just that I'm feeling too much deja vu. I already have the cybertronian animated one, and this is almost exactly like it, only minus the excellent weapon integration into alt mode. Joints are tight on it, thankfully. These are nice, but I think I spoiled myself by getting the cybertron Prime first. It really is that nice of a figure.
  6. I had heard that Norton wasn't happy that the movie was edited down for time, but 70 minutes was excised? Yeowzer.
  7. I don't know why, maybe it was the Starship Troopers thread, but I put Halo 3 back in the ol 360, and have been having a heck of a fun time with it, and on a higher difficulty than I played through last time. I don't think I had this much fun on my first play through. Maybe it's because I'm picking up items and using them right away instead of hording them for later like I usually do. I'm starting to think I didn't play this the correct way the first time through.
  8. That said, there's nothing to stay after the credits for.
  9. I'm only intending to buy a few Animated figures. Mainly a Prime, Megatron, and maybe a Starscream. How big is leader earth mode Megatron? Is he as ridiculously large as leader Optimus? He's really the only Megatron figure I want out of the line because I really like the design, but with Premium Movie Megatron as large as he is, I don't want another huge hulking figure hogging my Megatron shelf. I picked up Animated Cybertron Prime. I'm pretty impressed. There's really nothing hindering articulation in bot mode as he's pretty much just an action figure in that mode. I always like when they find a way to hide the wheels in bot mode, and this is a case where they have, albeit he only has front wheels to hide. I also always like weapon storage and this does it in such a clever way that he's holding the axe and shield when you're finally finished. There's only two things I don't like, which are kind of minor. First it takes a bit of fiddling to get everything just right when going back to alt mode. Although transforming him to bot mode is almost instantaneous. The other is that there's some sloppy paint apps going on with the silver on the front fenders. No loose joints thankfully.
  10. Given the ongoing depressing tone of the show, I don't think anyone was particularly surprised by it. People had other theories about what might happen when they got to earth, but I highly doubt they gasped when they saw earth was a radioactive wasteland. This show is all about the characters getting punched in the gut.....repeatedly, and the followup punch is always just as they've regained their breath.
  11. Just came back from it and really enjoyed it. It's not excellent like Iron Man was, but it is good. The pacing's good and nothing made me cringe in a "this is nothing like the comics!" way. This is the Hulk SMASH movie everyone expected out of the first one. That's probably the only problem with it, it missed it's window. People were much more anticipating a new Hulk movie then as to compared now when the superhero line-up is particularly crowded. I'm glad they rebooted the origin and didn't overcomplicate it with tissue repairing nannites exposed with gamma rays in a human descended from a human previously genetically altered with jellyfish DNA. As for cameos, blink and you will miss Bill Bixby. edit: grammar
  12. The Hulk toys are craptastically asstastic. The Iron Man toys, OTOH, are the complete opposite. I also liked Ang Lee's Hulk.
  13. I expected it to end at the announcement that they knew where Earth was because of the viper. Then I expected it to end when the president gave the order to jump. *Then* I expected it to end when Gaeta said the coordinates were a match. **Then** I certainly and fully expected it to end when earth was in view. I sort of expected what actually happened, I just didn't expect them to show us as much as they did in this episode. What I also loved about the episode was that Adama reacted exactly like he should have to Saul's revelation. He also brought up valid points I've been asking about Cylon's aging and how could Tigh have been one this long. So the writers haven't forgotten about those points, but they still haven't answered them!!! Grrrr.... I have to give the creators credit, they're skilled at the art of dangling the carrot. Skilled to a purely evil degree. Waiting until 09 is cruelty, plain and simple.
  14. That thought struck me too. Some of that looked awfully familiar.
  15. It's an extra on the first season set. Pretty good episode, actually. Have to ditto what JsArclight said above. This last ep was good, and answered a lot of remaining questions(now we know why Billy and Pete live in a camper), but it wasn't a knock out of the park like the last two were. A little odd since it has all the best characters in it. Still good pizza regardless. My friend told me he's going to be bummed out if Brock doesn't at least mention the Led Zeppelin reunion this season or even better, attend the concert in the show.
  16. What's the deal with the Fewture Mazinger that it costs so much anyway?
  17. Turns out my ebay search was wrong, there's plenty of GX-01R Mazinger's on there, some even with Aphrodite A. I found a seller(Maybang, sounds familiar for some reason) in the U.S. that was selling the 1R for $80 shipped and went with that. He seems to go for $100+ elsewhere when you factor in shipping, on ebay at least. I'll post comments when he arrives. This is my third SoC. The other two are MechaGodzillas MG-02 and Kiryu, both of which I love.
  18. I...ahem...watched it. It's ok. The first one was definitely better. This was missing something. I can't quite pinpoint what it was just yet. Maybe it'll get better on a repeat viewing. Diamondillium is stronger, btw.
  19. I don't know why, but reading your post gave me the chills, Skullsixx. And in a good way. I think the thing I like the most is the inference that the end of the series is going to tie back to the beginning. That's the way it should be, and I'm glad that it sounds like that's the way they're doing it. Really dissappointed that we're not going to get the final cylon reveal this week, and will have to wait until 2009. BOO!
  20. Yeah, seeing the news on the allspark really caught me by surprise. They look like excellent engineered figures otherwise. Don't know if the kids will care as much as the collector's do.
  21. I "always" thought so. There was an episode where Adama was flashing back to his marriage because it was the day of his wedding anniversary. Edit: Forgot to mention this is the episode where we find out about the ring. He seemed to romaticize it, and blamed himself for the break up. It was Apollo who came in later in the episode and pretty much told him how it really was, and how she wasn't mentally healthy. Adama seemed to cling to the good memory anyway even though Apollo told him it was a false one. I think this was pretty much the starting point for the storyline for him and Roslin becoming an item. At least that's what I remembered. I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong.
  22. Same here. It's from playing flight sims on a pc ages ago, and is something I can't unlearn. I can't play a FPS without Y-inversion options without getting really annoyed and invariably looking down when I wanted to look up when the action starts getting heavy.
  23. This is the first I've ever seen it. Granted this is also the first time we've had a toaster still enough and on screen enough to notice. I was fully expecting the toaster to answer Gaius too. Ok, the plot point's been established that without the hub, cylons are like humans now and can die. A few nagging questions come to mind though. What's the deal with resurrection ships then? We know the cylons have them. They made it sound like it's something they have tag along when going on deep space missions so they'd have somewhere to download to. Have they ever really revealed if cylons age?
  24. Those are both the basic Mazinger shape I'm looking for. The second one looks better, which is also the 1R version promethuem5 mentioned. None of the ones on ebay at the moment are the 1R version though. Thank you.
  25. Just watched it immediately after Js said it was up. Excellent episode, and actually a logical progression in the overall story. I should have seen the swerve coming because Dr. Venture's so obviously set up to become what Killinger was selling. This isn't only good comedy, it's good story writing. Adultswim.com cycled into the "Guess Who's Coming to State Dinner" episode, and I had forgotten that when they show all the magazine covers and newspaper headlines for Manstrong crashing Gargantua-1, that one of them is a rip off of the Weekly World News with Bat Boy! The headline "Bat Baby! Manstrong's Secret Shame!" with the sub-headline "I won't let him breast feed." Awesome.
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