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Alpha OTS

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Everything posted by Alpha OTS

  1. link no worky
  2. One thing I do hate about the 360 menu is the DLC. It *really* needs to have subcategories: themes, pictures, videos,game content, etc. 99 times out of 100, I could care less about anything except game content, but I have to scroll through pages of incomplete short descriptions of videos and pictures.
  3. I already have Motorstorm. It came with my ps3 and it's......eh. Is there anything there that's worth $20 let alone the likely $30 greatest hits tag?
  4. Aw, c'mon, it wasn't that bad! We had some more Order of the Triad action complete with a whole slew of Jefferson Twilight Blackula jokes. Avengers references, Mezco doll references, and one of the underground dwellers was dressed like David Bowie from the Ashes to Ashes video! And the theme seems to be Rusty cleaning up all the crap, literally, that Jonas left behind. It wasn't the best episode this season, but I really enjoyed it. Edit: TWILIGHT, not Davis!
  5. One of the other boards I was frequenting was discussing last week's episode and picked up on something that's obvious that I missed: Dr. Quymn is likely Rusty's half-sister. Evidence: Swinger's party where their parent's hook up, and they look an awfully lot alike. If that's the case, poor Rusty can never catch a break.
  6. You know, I wish I didn't know that. Apart from it being available, the dvd cases for the R2 releases look like comic book covers. Sigh.
  7. I'm not reading anything good about Universe Prowl's paint apps.
  8. I had forgotten all about season 3. I just checked my usual sources and came up with zilch. I hope it's still coming. There was a rumor too that it was going to include the Moleman episode that got nixed from the prior sets.
  9. Heh, BBTS has the weapon set in stock and the price on the Milia and Focker VFs are conveniently 39.99 a piece.
  10. Oh you bet he is. This is what he looks like on the packaging, and which is what I expected. I was jumping for joy when I found "step 16" in the instructions. It improved the figure 10 fold. It's funny, because step 16 in the instructions shows how the upper shoulders rotate out from the tank treads but in the very next frame they forget they did that step and show what you see above as the finished mech mode. BBTS is also using this mech mode in their product listing as I suspect lots of online stores are because, sadly, it's official Hasbro product photography. Not the first time it's happened, nor will it be the last. I'm dissappointed that it's sounding more and more like the Classics Unicron that's coming out is completely unchanged from the original. I would have loved to have seen more G1 detail or to at least remedy the clear plastic parts so they're not so translucent. Unicron.com made a stand for Unicron, but honestly, it's crap and can't support the weight of the figure unless you use an obscene amount of gorilla glue to hold it together. I'm currently using it for my Darth Star. Unicron has a flat surface a little towards the front of his planet mode that you can use to set on top of something clear which will also give you clearance for the planet ring too. I'm currently using one of those clear container boxes that you can buy at Staples and the like. It'll angle the planet downwards a bit, but if you have him sitting on a higher shelf, that's a good thing. I'm really hoping Classics Galvatron will fit in in the above pic. Some of the online pics I've seen of him so far have made him look like a pretty small deluxe. I'm done posting pics for a while, I promise.
  11. YAY! Found MC Hulk! No sign of Classics round here tho.
  12. On the upside, maybe we'll get a cool Gort mecha. He's only in the trailer for a split second.
  13. "Pyrotechnics erupt in the distance. Guitar solo." :D
  14. Most of the reason I like Frontier is that Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are essentially supporting characters, and I really like how Superman isn't around for most of the ending.
  15. Anyone see the Marvel Crossover figures in stores yet? Or pick some up?
  16. Ok, now that gets the ol' comic nerd senses tingling!
  17. Not only that(which while you mention it also has an uncut version where you see the Joker really screw up Robin) but Justice League Frontier was fantastic, I thought. I was tempted to watch Doomsday, then I read a detailed plot synopsis and review. Blech.
  18. Eh. It was ok. Only shorts I really liked were the Dead Shot one and the Scarecrow one to a lesser extent. The rest? Eh. Kevin Conroy was good. I think part of it was just that I would have much preferred a feature length story than these shorts.
  19. And they're sexist alcoholics to boot! Ahem, I meant oil-aholics. Heh heh.
  20. Yeowzer. Not only did they get to the fireworks factory, they blew up everything in the fireworks factory, and then it ended with them going towards an even bigger fireworks factory. IOW, good episode. I've read that Billie Piper had recent dental surgery which is why her voice is kind of off, like she's mumbling. It's not so bad in this episode, but it was really bothersome in the Left Turn episode prior.
  21. I said I wasn't going to pick up the Voyager Prime, but when I saw him in person and that the "axe" is as close to an official trailer as we're going to get, I had to pick him up. They even call it a trailer on the packaging. It's a shame that it's probably the weakest part of the figure. In bot mode it's clear that this is the best representation of the character from the show. The coloring and build of the figure is just much better than that of the Prime from the two pack. The face plate gimmick is nifty, and the transformation is surprisingly cool and different. Everything just clicks together like it should. The spinning torso transformation doesn't work *quite* as well as intended, but it's neat that they tried because when it does work right, it's pretty cool. The only other negative is that the articulation isn't as good as the deluxe Primes. I can get the axe over the shoulder pose going with the deluxe Primes that the voyager unfortunately can't do. There's only two places the axe looks good. Either on his back for storage or upside down in his hand so the blade's on the ground. I also picked up Prowl because of all the ^%@!@% pictures people are posting of him everywhere. What a neat and solid transformation. This is probably the best transformer motorcycle ever. They didn't need to put a working kickstand in, but they did. And the throwing star gimmick? Now that's how you do an integrated weapon. And just finished the season ending episodes of Animated. Wow. This is really good writing and a very fun show. I can't believe the sheer number of fan wanks that actually further the story. If you had told me about all the fan wanks they were throwing in before this show started airing, there's no possible way I would have believed that they would have pulled it off without it being cheesy and groan inducing. The way the season ended too. Just wow. All kinds of possibilities and they actually kind of explained why the Allspark "chose" Sari. "Sari, we need to talk." Heh. The only thing that sucked about the final episode is that the one I viewed had a voiceover promo so YTV could tell me "Pokemon was coming up next" during the end credits so I completely missed the final conversation. I could tell it was funny too just by the setup and who was involved, but I couldn't hear anything! edit: spoiler tags
  22. That's the first I've seen a colored pic of the armor in trailer mode. Nice. Looks like they've faithfully duplicated the classics tires too. I'd really like a close up look at the face now.
  23. I want an Animated Starscream. I'm just holding out for the inevitable slavish G1 deco Target exclusive.
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