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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. I've been hunting around for a resin 1/72 VF-11 Thunderbolt. I've had one on order from Hobbyfan, but Im rapidly becoming very disenchanted with their service, and Im trying to work out exactly whether I want to pursue this model. One problem is I can't find any great pics of the model. Does anyone have one made up, or pics of one finished?
  2. Thanks for posting the new pics. They look a bit like toys to be honest.
  3. PetarB

    Decal Set

    Wow thanks so much for that link. I'll give it a go!
  4. PetarB

    Decal Set

    http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG65766 I've only just come across this decal set... but looks like I missed the boat. Anyone know if there's any other way to get this set?
  5. Going to have to agree with you there. What I want is a NEW Valk, like a Thunderbolt or something...
  6. Stunning work. Hopefully it's enough to tip me over the edge to finish mine...
  7. I had my doubts about this colour scheme when I first saw it. Now I think it looks fantastic. Very inspiring!
  8. PetarB

    red and blue

    Very impressive~!
  9. Fantastic work, very nice airbrushing indeed!
  10. It has to be the Bandai kit. That was a pretty decent kit, except for it's size. This one looks like it's been modified heavily.
  11. VF-2/SS = my favourite macross fighter (heresy, I know). I have the core model. My only issue with it is its scale (1/72, where are you?) and the fact that it has that green canopy. This guy has done a tremendous job in tarting it up, it looks awesome.
  12. Im waiting on a VF-11 too. Just got the bad news. Their caster no longer does this work. They are looking for another caster. Ie, like me, you could be waiting a long, long time....
  13. Here is my comment: pure awesomeness!
  14. Thanks for the heads up. I might wait a bit to combine it with another order then...
  15. I've managed to salvage it. Apart from one, ironic issue. The front canopy is snapped in two. Im going to order a new replacement from HLJ who I believe can help in such odd orders. Ironic because it was the worst part, suffering from masking bleed. Now working on another Valk...
  16. Im glad I took those pics. You're not going to believe this - over the weekend my 1.5 year old daughter partially destroyed that model. It **might** be salvageable. A Hasegawa YF-21 was totalled and a couple of other models. Im going to get another one though. Pretty annoyed about it, but I think I left the door to my tall glass display cabinet ajar. All she needed was a few minutes to take my beautiful valks to bits!
  17. Did some prep work on the weekend, and resolved the issue with a bit of judicious sanding. Not completely happy with it, but the way the placement goes, it shouldn't make a huge difference. Anyways, I can't wait to get painting on this beast.
  18. After receiveing it a week ago or so, I've finally had enough time to clean all the pieces and start seriously preparing it. Firstly, I have to say, props to Captain America (John Moscato) for the amazing work he's done on it. It's an awesome piece, and will certainly draw attention in any display. The cast I have received has a some bubbles that need to be attended to, but not a big deal really. The detail is sharp and there aren't many fiddly pieces. I'm very satisfied with my purchase! If you have any interest at all in this subject, I advise you to go grab one, as I highly doubt there will be another run of these and there are only a few left at the starship modeller website shop.
  19. Go to your local pharmacist or drugstore and ask for some pure isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). Works for me. Someone mentioned Windex to me one. I haven't tried that.
  20. The level of detail is very impressive. Very, very interested to see what the next project might be...
  21. Fantastic work, inspiring!
  22. Thanks for all the critiques and approvals. This weekend - barring any misadventure - is modelling weekend for me! So I will be taking pics of a few different projects, and will have time to do some more photography of this the VF-0D. Hopefully I will put up some new pics of my Pinnace 1/72 Fighter project as well (link here, for anyone who hasn't seen the progress on this other Kawamori design). On the subject of paints, they are all Tamiya acrylics - everything airbrushed except for the primer (rattlecan) and the clear coat and matt (rattlecan). I even used the new Tamiya weathering palettes, which I have to say worked much better than I expected.
  23. My booster just arrived in the mail. It looks like the moulds are at the end of their life, so I guess I grabbed one of the last. Gonna need a lot of clean up, but I cannot wait to start. Unfortunately I will have to... a lot of other committments, but I hope to get it done within the next few weeks. In anticipation I did most of the Valk months ago. One thing which is slighly worrisome. one of the engine bells has a bit of a 'slant', but all the detail is fine. Not sure how im going to fix that... could I soak it in hot water for awhile?
  24. Thanks guys. I'll try and take more pics in the next day or so. One thing... anyone got any idea how to strip paint off the canopy? Taking another close look I forgot I botched the job and really need to do it again.
  25. I was quite ill over Christmas, but managed to put this bird together. I can't do any modelling at the moment due to an unrelated issue, but found these pics on my hard drive today and thought I might share them. It's by far and away my favourite Hasegawa Macross fighter yet. I took these pics just before I put on a matt coat to seal (in case I wrecked it, using a new technique), so forgive me the glossy highlights. I went for a well-used and beat-up look on this one. Its possible I went overboard, but then again, I look at her now and again and think about adding strafing bullet holes... The other anomaly is that the model came without instructions, but I got some decent references. It wasn't until I painted them that I realised the pilot figures had all that detail I had painted supplied as decals... so now I have a spare set. Another week or so till I start modelling again, sadly...
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