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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Very, very good!
  2. Share info with us so we can start saving if necessary...!
  3. Kylwell won the last group build competition at www.samurai-monkey.com with his build up of this model. It was an amazing job. Not sure if it's still up though... perhaps he might post some pics here...
  4. Real modelers don't need instructions. Just send me the kit already, looks like a shake and bake to me...!
  5. Wow thanks for those pics. Be sure to post the final result too!
  6. Wow I really enjoyed looking through all those, great find, thanks for posting!
  7. Exceedingly cool news, I cannot wait.
  8. I may be able to clear this up. That particular airframe is actually the Crusher Joe Pinnace Fighter! I can only presume that it's because Kawamori was involved in the design of a lot of the Crusher Joe mecha and the Macross valks that this was put in as an 'in-joke'.* *Currently I am actually in the process of mastering this fighter as a 1/72 scale to fit in with the other hasegawa valks. You can see my progress here. Should be available Q4 2007)
  9. Thanks for sharing, this is an excellent build-up!
  10. You know, I really quite like the design of this subject. If I had the kit I would have to go to work on it though... as the Cap'n does have some very valid points. In anycase, we are still very grateful for these rare pics and Cool8or should be commended on bringing a sub-par kit on an interesting subject to life for us! And yes, I too am waiting for the Cap'n to tackle something with wings...
  11. That's cause you can't buy anywhere, even from Tanmen... It looks really nice. Thanks for sharing pics of this very rare kit!
  12. Payment sent. Early casting for me please!
  13. Gee that's beautiful. I want one!
  14. Pics please! Pretty please....?
  15. You sure got rid of those seams! Nice work. Can't wait to see it finished.
  16. I am SOOO down! Been trying to get one for a while now....
  17. That Gamma Nora is well done. The preshading takes away some of the weird factor in terms of colour scheme.
  18. I used to work commercially too, building up and painting armour and automobile models in Sydney, and I would have to say your costs are very, very reasonable. Nice job. I would have weathered it a bit more myself, but that kind of thing depends on the client tastes, and funds allocated...
  19. Groovy!
  20. Graham, Im sure you know what you're talking about, being a revered elder statesman and all ... but, I humbly point out that both those fighter kits Hasegawa make are frequently sold out and restocked by HLJ. Now I know they are only a small drop in the ocean, but I think they are indicative, and I know there aren't many other models that fill that niche. I would be surprised if they were unsuccessful for Hasegawa. The battroids I can understand.
  21. Seeing as how old this topic is, best of luck with that. Wish I could see the pics too though...
  22. That looks great! Well done. On another note, I know a few months ago some recasts of the fighter were made availalbe on this forum, and sold out... surely one or two of those people might have made theirs by now...? I'd love to see one.
  23. Thanks for posting those Thor. Im specifially interested in the fighter ones. Has anyone built one up?
  24. Okay, so that final shot, with the other Valk and it's fast pac boosters, those two together look amazing. Simply amazing. Very very inspiring work. Having said this, Im going to have to put mine on hold for a bit, since there is a more personal project I simply must finish before 'rewarding' myself by moving on to other things. Stay tuned. And WMCheng, thank you so much for all your effort in recording this extraordinary build-up. We are lucky to have people like you on this forum.
  25. Larger images please! The detail shines on the ones you took close up. Thanks for posting this WIP. It's extremely inspirational to us all.
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