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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. To be honest, it looks like a really nice sculpt!
  2. From what I read, he did all these masters, then said he'd do some casting, then some people here paid him a bit of money for a big order and he didn't provide everything and ended up annoying a lot of people. This is a bit before my time here, I'm sure someone else can tell the correct story. Regardless, I'd love one of his fan-liners and fan-racers, and maybe the Dragon as well! Anyway, lets not get off topic. maybe someone can make a new thread on this subject if it's warranted.
  3. I'll take that as a sign you're getting old. Next you'll be building snap-fit Gundams.
  4. Great work on a rare kit, Honneamise!
  5. DEATH BY DRUG ABUSE? Doesn't sound like it. He had pneumonia, and his intense acting style meant that he was working hard. He just had an interview where he mentioned he was only getting a couple of nights sleep due to the intensity of getting into character for his roles. The pills found in his apartment were over-the-counter sleeping pills. Pneumonia might have had a complicating effect to the sleeping pills. Or maybe he just took one too many? I'd say it was pretty accidental, and not really a drug abuse situation.
  6. Good luck with Hobbyfan. I preordered over 18months ago, with something that got enough preorders to go ahead. It's been 18 months. The same thing happened with another product I wanted, and it just disappeared off the site. Although I had pre-ordered that there was no notification they'd dropped the product. Pretty unprofessional in my opinion.
  7. Holy crap! That looks awesome John, you really did a fantastic job! The hip joints and elbows are very elegant solutions to problematic areas too. Very, very nice.
  8. Really? Maybe you got a bad batch? My Tamiya LC putty cures instantly on exposure to sunlight. It's awesome stuff.
  9. This is NOT my work. This is from Superfoxfox at HKML, but it was so cool I had to share the link, check it out, awesome work!!! http://www.hkml.net/Discuz/viewthread.php?...;extra=page%3D1 Prepare for coolness! Can anyone shed light on the Valkyrie model? Is that a Hasegawa? The panel lines look a bit thick, but maybe that's just the style of painting.
  10. 20 years ago the 'toxic chemicals' thing was an issue. These days, virtually everything except glue and fumes from a spraycan mostly non-toxic. That's one excuse you have to rub out. Join the dark side! Look where it got Geert...
  11. Well done!
  12. While Roden does have quality and fit issues, the actual detail on their 1/72 aircraft is really quite good. Anyway, looking forwards to your next model!
  13. Kylwell: always destroying good finishes on a model, one layer at a time.
  14. I've built a lot of Roden models. Some of them had horrible fit issues. Others were really good! How was this one? And nice build, too!
  15. I am disappointed that Hasegawa did not pick up the rights. We have certainly now been spoilt by them!
  16. LOL. Don't be so pessimistic! Remember Bandai's Ex series... I would be quite happy to see new Macross subjects given the Ex treatment! Would have to be in 1/72 though.
  17. I think have a lot of the Kotobukiya Nozzle option sets around that size (are 4 different ones?). I think the large exhaust cans supplied in the Hasegawa kit are fine in comparison. I would not replace them. The smaller ones could certainly do with replacing if you want them to be deeper, but I was happy with the level of detail on the originals.
  18. Yeah, I saw that, thinking - who will see this? He won't even see it...? Perhaps he's going to rebuild the cladding transparent?
  19. Tanmen. Which means you can't get one now...
  20. I really wish people would post some build up pics of the VF-11 fighter mode...
  21. I used a sharpened sea-sponge and some Windsor-Newton airbrush masking fluid.
  22. Very, very nice AT-ST. A couple of weeks ago I went past an old hobby shop which had an AT-ST model. I did not have my wallet with me. The next day when I went back to buy it, it was gone... Anyway, that B-Wing is the Fantastic Plastic resin kit. To get it looking like mine - assembly wise - will require a lot of work.
  23. Going on a bit of a Star Wars bender at the moment... both of these are at 1/72 scale. The B-Wing is finished, more or less...
  24. I'm waiting for Moscato things with wings.
  25. I think you can take it for granted they wont be 'new'. Still, I'm excited. Always wanted the Glaug, could never find it.
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