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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. I've generally used india ink mixed with future for canopy tinting. I've found that to get the right intensity sometimes requires a few coatings of Future, and a bit of experimentation. Otherwise an airbrush is essential for a decent clear coat, part Tamiya Clear + Tint + Future. YMMV.
  2. Fantastic work. (and bring on the fighter mode version, please!)
  3. Around 10 years ago, I was a professional model builder*. I don't have the model in question yet, but I can give you some idea of equivalent costs. The first thing to note is that I charged the same hourly rate as a qualified local plumber. I would then give the client an estimated time to complete the model. I mostly did military models, and the budget was anywhere between $250 - $2000. The reason that it was such a broad figure was that each model and client's finishing requirements on that particular model are completely different. For example, you need to make it clear with this particular model, whether you actually want it painted, panel lined, tinted canopy, any special mods (ie, locks for the transform) etc. Or you could just go for an out-of-box build, with the nubs lightly sanded, not paint and a bit of polishing compound all over to finish the plastic up a bit. So it's really like asking how long is a piece of string, until you make an agreement on what you're actually going to get. Then it makes it a lot easier for people to pony up with a cost, and for you to have a good expectation of exactly what you're going to get. *I took a 10 year hiatus from modelling, now I just do it for pleasure!
  4. I used to prefer clear resin canopies, but the last couple I've received just didnt cut it. Quality can vary dramatically. Vac form seem the better option - until the technology catches up. Having said this, I'm currently exploring clear resin casting options. I'm sure the Captain will do whatever's best!
  5. Don't use tinfoil. You really need a spray-on wax release. However, I've heard of some people melting down vaseline, and painting that on. where the first part of the mold will touch the second part.
  6. Wow, this should be interesting! Many Macross modellers (including myself) seem to have this big problem with finishing something in a 'canon' scheme.
  7. Hi John, that simply looks awesome. In my opinion you could get away with reducing the width of the 'bubble' in the canopies if it caused too much of an issue with the vac-forming. Once again, my commendations, this is a beautiful sculpt, especially considering the conflicting lineart issues you've had to deal with so far.
  8. What a nice fellow you are Kylwell.
  9. I'd love to come, if this gets organised. Sorry I can't help with the organising, pretty busy these days. But I would certainly bring some Macross styrene to gawk at and critique. A couple of Macross movies at the cinemas, now that would be an awesome way to cap things off.
  10. Eagerly awaiting an update to this post, Captain America...
  11. I like that colour scheme!
  12. When I finally get my kit I'm going to do what I can to recreate a better cockpit that can house an in-scale pilot which I will sculpt up, probably towards the end of November. If there's any interest I will cast a few up. I knew that pilot was too small as soon as I saw the first pics.
  13. Any scale model master is subject to interpretation by the sculptor. Different filming lenses (even virtual ones!) will produce different results, even for 'real-world' subjects. These issues are always magnified for science fiction subjects, and those that are represented across a variety of media. Anime and game lineart is always a challenge, especially... I guess in the end we can just please ourselves, and hope for the best.
  14. Here is my suggestion. It's a model, don't play with it. Get a Yamato toy if you want to play. Models are for display. (Where is Less than super ostrich when I need him)
  15. Looks great! Never noticed what funny little feet it had...
  16. More pics. I think I'll call it a day on this one, I couldnt be bothered doing anything else with the canopy at this point, although I may replace it one day.
  17. Fantastic work, John. I can just about hear the 'Whoooooooosh' sound you made as you held the fuselage between your fingers and whizzed it around the room....
  18. That looks great Cowie, especially considering the scale. Very interesting take on the old bird. I bet it would confuse a few people at a IPMS meeting though, hehe
  19. Thanks for the kind words. Its actually from the Gradius III video game, although the basic design has been featured recently the 'Sky Girls' anime, which I've yet to see. There are many variations of the basic design, but this was the only one I was really interested in. Im going to take a crack at my own canopy sometime this weekend, amongst other projects....
  20. Here's the Gradius III Vic Viper by Atelier Sai. It's possibly one of the worse kits I've dealt with in the past few years, parts don't fit, etc and to cap it all off, last night I noticed a small scratch in the canopy. After a bit of polishing, it snapped along the 'scratch', which wasn't a scratch at all, but a stress line. I'm really annoyed, I don't want to pay for a new one, not sure what I will do. I wanted this to look pretty mean, hence the custom decals, although I think the large Gradius III is a bit overdone.
  21. Start cutting up the Renshape, please!
  22. I can't wait Capt'n! Your mechs were beautifully crafted, but I just wasn't hot on the subjects. This though... very keen for one!
  23. If you learn to wick the future correctly with tissues, this is not an issue. There's a bit of a knack to it, and you may also need a couple of immersions.
  24. Just for anyone who's not sure what this is.
  25. Raises hand. Raises beer.
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