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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. The problem is they have to support them with drivers. Or get the current tech developers to support their tech with new drivers. All kinds of things can go wrong - this is one of the reasons that Apple 'closed box' products like iPads don't officially support USB devices. Lots and lots of extra work. AND the future commercial considerations...
  2. Has anyone built theirs yet? I would love to see one of these, even just assembled with a layer of primer all over!
  3. Rastan Saga! That brings back such memories. Also, Golden Axe...
  4. Wow, beautiful illustration. When you see the vehicles in the bay you realise how big it is...
  5. Get an expensive pair of fingernail trimmers - the scissors kind - to help remove the parts. I also use a #11 Exacto blade depending on the thickness. A fine pair of pliers can help with the bending - they must register perfectly, not some cheapo $2 job. Finally, some people use a special tool to help with bending but I've never found one of those necessary. I mean something like this: http://www.thesmallshop.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=10 The alternative is to use either a great pair of fine pliers, or I also use a metal ruler to help fold instead
  6. ಠ_ಠ Anyway, back to the 'real' kit - it was my first Crusher Joe kit. It's an awesome subject.
  7. Having had substantial experience in both resin casting and 3D printing, I think it's a while yet until the break even point is reached. There's also a time factor. I guess it depends on the run, and parts involved. At the moment I think the Form1 is the best 'desktop' (and I use that term loosely) 3D printer I've seen. I'd really like to get one but am not quite there yet. The UV stereolithography tech - at the moment - seems to provide the best resolution and finish I've seen yet. Additive process is problematic for a number of reasons, but the benefit is that you can use a number of plastics (colours, etc) with the right printer. It will be interesting to see if the new copyright-released laser sintering tech takes off in this space anytime soon. 3D printing with metal will, once again, dramatically change things.
  8. This looks right up my alley. I'm not sure it could sustain a feature-length film but I'm really glad they got the funding for the half hour.
  9. Kruger was immediately entertaining. I enjoyed his barbecuing skills, and in particular the surgery he receives towards the end of the movie. Interesting the detour this thread has taken. In the movie it was clear that only Jodie Fosters character would do anything to hold on to power. The others living on Elysium did not seem to actively want to antagonise the poor living on earth, they were just two quite separate worlds. In fact, let's remember that the council that Jodie's character reported to, did not condone her methods. Kruger was the real badass here - playing his own game for only power. Whilst, if you think about it, the real hero of the story was Spider. Max only showed any form of heroicism at the very end, and even then his options were very limited. Spider for President!
  10. Perhaps much of the helmet will be hollow?
  11. Looks fantastic Exo. Hope to see more in the series. Did you do the original illustrations?
  12. You mean Gosu would be totally... gosu!
  13. I loved it, whilst recognising that is was not as great as District 9, which for me is the best science fiction movie of the past decade. Can't wait to see Chappie.
  14. Beautiful work Berttt, just fantastic.
  15. Even better. Great work!
  16. Looking forward to seeing them with some primer on. That translucence is terrible for photos...
  17. I've just ordered some of the new 1/72 fighters. What to do with my old ones now, that are still in their boxes, probably over 15 years old now? I had planned to make very detailed versions of them, but now I couldn't be bothered. The new ones look nicely detailed.
  18. No, but her guns were actually water-pistols and she took great delight in shooting me and my daughters...
  19. MKII Monster? Maybe those are the gun barrels we see on top? And thank Mechaniac for that link….
  20. My wife went to her 'Hollywood' Christmas Party as Hit-Girl - wig, pants, cape, purple tartan skirt, boots, the whole deal. She's just petite enough to pull it off. I contributed by making her belt. No pics sorry, but she looked great. Grown up Hit-Girl? I felt confused!
  21. This was made by a true fan. Thanks for the laughs, it was awesome!
  22. I don't think you're going to find what you're looking for. The line-drawings were only cel-shaded on the cel itself, from what I know of animation at the time. I think the only reference to the cel shading is the footage from the series / movie itself….
  23. I'm about to tackle my first 'figure' kit - Asuka on her motorbike - anyone have any website to look for inspiration?
  24. Thanks Reuben. Yes, this is one of my more enjoyable builds to look at. I think I need more racing aircraft to sit with it though...
  25. The finish on those gun/hands looks spot-on!
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