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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Always nice to see more from the workshop of Cody Chan!
  2. I'm going to ignore that other chunk of resin on the table... Can't wait to see more. Hope some other people post theirs too!
  3. Time for a new WIP. I encourage you to post your Work In Progress of this bird here as well. I would be great to get a group build or something happening. Here's where I'm at... So far, I've made a gatling gun out of syringe needles, put in some climbing rails, rebuilt the prop pylon with various size of aluminium tubing and put some more styrene bits and pieces on for detailing. John's kit is fantastic, but I like doing it the hard way... Anyway I'm going to try and have this finished by the Macross Convention up in Brisbane, Australia, in May. How's everyone else going?
  4. Usually I don't like these sort of missile effects, but here its done very, very well. I think the angles you've used lends the believability. Nicely done!
  5. In my experience clear styrene doesn't thermoform as nicely as PETG - it seems to have a nicer 'slump' point.
  6. Looks good - nice clean build. Good to see you did the figures as well. The paintbrush pics made me laugh! I've got this one on my list, but other things keep coming up...
  7. PetarB


    As said on another forum... this is simply amazing . Beautiful work!
  8. How about we start a new 'group build' topic for the Commanchero? I've got some pics to post, but it would be really cool if we got a few people doing it together and we could all see what people are up to. I don't think we've had a group build for awhile???
  9. Wow that Alien Queen is incredible, fantastic work!
  10. Yes. And that bit of carpentry/carving was amazing to watch. To think we would have NO chance of seeing this sort of thing a few years ago... I love the internet!
  11. Well I didn't get to finish up painting any, but here is a new - FITTING GUIDE - on our site, just follow the link. Big pics with hopefully enough detail and explanation for anyone needing a helping hand.
  12. I've begun to put mine together. I will start a WIP thread sooner or later. Got a few special bits and pieces to help make it interesting.
  13. This is the kind of post which I look forwards to at Macross World. Awesome work on every one of those builds, but I especially like the Minmei special. If you have any more pics of these, I'm sure we'd love to see them!
  14. Firstly, where/when do I send my $107 ? Very keen to secure my seat! Secondly, I will be offering some products from StudioStarforge as a prize of some sort, so I guess that makes me a sponsor.
  15. This weekend I will be posting up a paint-up of a couple of the figures, and also showing installation in a Hasegawa Valk and another resin kit. On shipping; I've had a couple of people chasing up their order, only to receive it a couple of days later. That's fine, please get back to me with any queries, love to hear from you, but keep in mind that 1) Shipping is from Australia, and might take a couple of weeks to get to you and 2) Shipping usually occurs on the back end of the week, so if you order on a Monday it might not go out until Thursday/Friday. I apologise for any delay.
  16. Nice to see some progress!
  17. Wow Ruben, that's fantastic work! Weathering is great, and the finish on glass, etc is contrasting, as it should be. Well done.
  18. Really looking forwards to this. Still can't decide if I will drive or fly up.
  19. Naturally, I would love one of these...
  20. Update Sorry to everyone who missed out on a canopy this time. I hope to have more in stock in April, and will update this thread then.
  21. Not yet, but I really like unusual decals and have some experience in producing them - I'm hoping to offer some custom decals soon in the future.
  22. Sorry! I only had a limited amount of PETG plastic to make them with, and they're all gone. One person (who will remain anonymous) ordered 6!!! Blame him... Anyway, I will be getting some more in at some stage, but it may not be for a few weeks. I'll be sure to PM you, and a couple of other people who've contacted me in the past couple of days when they are in stock again. I won't mention canopies in this thread again, please post any messages on the other canopy thread, just so we can keep track of everything. Back on topic, I'd just like to thank everyone for their kind words on this build. It was a real pleasure to work on. I look forwards to the other one I will build later on this year!
  23. Hi folks. Thanks for everyone's support on these. It seems a lot of people have been wanting some figures! Anyway, I've run out of resin and still have a few orders to take care of so if you've ordered within the past week, I wont be sending out your order for another couple of days - I'm waiting for more resin to come in, should be here by the end of the week. Thanks for your patience. I've seen a couple of photos sent to me already, I'd love to see some more. I'm not going to get to paint any up for another week unfortunately... Thanks again for everyone's support. Im already planning the next release, but it wont be for a couple of months at least.
  24. It doesn't matter how you approach it, it's a big job. Those wheels are a good indication of the size of the thing!
  25. This kit is on my workbench. I should have a new WIP thread on the weekend.
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