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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. It's not wood, it's Renshape which is an epoxy based modeling board. It does look a bit like wood though, until you begin to machine it. It hold detail amazingly well. Beautiful work, Cap'n!
  2. Good to see pics of this beast again. I almost fell over when I walked in and saw it there!
  3. Phenomenal. The detailed masking job you've done on the panelling has really paid off big time, now that its all assembled. And the weathering is binding it all together very nicely.
  4. From the side profile, it looks both overweight, and pregnant!
  5. I could see them, maybe he fixed them. Anyway, that last pic made me laugh!!! Very cool! Did you know that on some of these kits they actually included a little instruction paper that showed how to 'fix' the dodgy nosecone? Looks like you figured that one out by yourself, anyway!
  6. Beautiful work. I'm building my Ozma version up now, but I'm not sure I have the patience you have! Mine's going to be a 'smoothie', I'm going to try and skip a few things that way...! Although it means another layer of work, too. I use the same acrylic inks you do, so its good to see it will actually work when it comes time to tint the canopy. I am still looking for a decent way to tint gold canopies, but that's another story. I admire your persistence. I know this model has been testing, but the effort has paid off. The paneling in the top back area is superb. Looking forwards to more updates when you have some time. Regards, Petar
  7. All gone. Thanks for everyone's interest. Although, this particular release was done for the love of MacrossWorld, and not my bank account!
  8. Interesting discussion. Let's not derail the thread though! We need more pics from Bandai of the 1/48 to drool over...
  9. Gundam talk is banned from Macrossworld :lol:
  10. That looks fantastic. Well done. If only I could get my hands on a resin one...
  11. I would say, as per your percentage, that there's a very slim chance of that happening.
  12. Wow Getter1, what a way to make a first impression. Fantastic work. My very first models were all paper ones. I really appreciate the art, even if I don't participate that much anymore.
  13. Massive seams between panels Out-of-scale landing gear Out-of-scale cockpit and pilot Huge out-of-scale hinges Lack of alignment between parts Heaviness from internal armature leading to sag I could go on, but this is a start. Having said all this, I still think its a brilliant kit! In fact I've got two, and will certainly purchase the one due in July. It's just that the compromises would not be there in a fighter-only version.
  14. Update A dozen clear PETG canopies are now in stock.This will be the last time these canopies become available from us, so apologies to those who missed out last time, I will leave this up until all canopies are spoken for.
  15. And this is the reason why I think Bandai did a HUGE favour to modelers (and their bank account) by making a model kit that would appeal to a wider audience. I think its a good thing. HOWEVER... ...as a scale modeler who loves to do a 'realistic' finishes, I really wish they would make a non-transformable line of the fighter. I endorse WMCheng's sentiments. There are just too many compromises in building the transformable 1/72 VF-25. A static one would be simply awesome. But honestly, I doubt we will see one.
  16. I was very lucky to see this beast in person. It was easily one of the highlights of the convention for me! Nicely done Steve. Looking forwards to more from you!
  17. It was a fantastic day, many collectibles and models I'd never seen before. And being able to see some Macross series (Macross Zero) on the big screen was simply awesome! But the highlight was being able to chat with fellow enthusiasts and make some friends. I'm amazed at the cross-section of people who love Macross in Australia. A big thanks to everyone involved in this big day. And a special thanks to the sponsors. Apologies I had to leave so quickly after the movie finished... I'd had no dinner and my hotel reception closed at 10pm, and I hadn't even picked the keys up yet! Anyway, long live Mac Aus Con! Thanks to all the organisers.
  18. After a couple more clear coats and weathering, the camo pattern has all but disappeared. I don't know why... originally the delineations were quite clear, but successive coats has turned the whole thing grey. Maybe the Gods of Macross Canon are trying to tell me something. Anyway, I finished it as much as possible before the Macross Convention in Brisbane. Here she is. Looking at her now in daylight - this is the first time I've taken a good look at her while the sun is out! - I can see plenty of issues. Still, that's a job for another day, as well as the missile pods. Enjoy!
  19. I have now finished this JUST IN TIME for the Brisbane Macross Convention. I will post beauty shots when I get back in a couple of days...
  20. I hope someone does... I'm not going to be able to bring a camera! Just packing my resin Macross models now....
  21. All paid up a couple of days ago. I will be arriving in Brisbane around 9am on Saturday so I probably won't get to the con until at least 10am. Leaving Bribane on Sunday morning. I hope there's a decent place to get a drink nearby... or on location!!! After the week I've had, I'll bloody well need one... ...running out of time on the Commanchero. I can't believe I haven't finished it yet, and in two nights I have to pack it.
  22. Borat style: "NIIIIIIICE!" I'm in a similar situation. Doesn't help that this has been the busiest week of work this year....!
  23. Too big for me Captain (just display space, really), but I know this will be an absolute beauty. I envy those that will get one. Too cool!
  24. Well oils or pastels... the decision has just been made for me. I won't have time to do an oil wash, as much as I want to. For me oil washes take about 2 days before they are ready to reduce. Tonight I should have finished decaling, but I wont finish until tomorrow now. I finished masking and airbrushing tonight - the dark grey nose, and tail - which these pics failed to capture well. Today I brought a Macross kite decal that I had reproduced from work to home. When I arrive home I found that the kite symbol did not reproduce well, so I've lost a day. Tomorrow I will put the symbol on, and maybe rush back home at lunch to put on a coat of Future. You can see its quite glossy because of the Future coat. But I have a special Matt coat which will cover that shine flat as flat. That will be the final coat, which hopefully will only be 3 nights away. Really looking forwards to removing those canopy masks! Rotor-heads will be laughing at my decal placement. I've ransacked a few different sources for the decals. No idea what some of the mean, but they help to make it look a bit more realistic. Tomorrow I'm not sure if I will post pics... there probably wont be anything interesting to see. Not sure at this stage. Wish me luck!
  25. Very nice! I make similar stands for all my Macross models. Yours look great!
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