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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. I really like the colour scheme... I hope you're going to panel line, should make it really 'pop'.
  2. Well, since I can help you, I will respond. Tamiya's sprays are generally good. Their primer - fine white - is one of the best you can get due to its even coverage and self-leveling properties. In some cases, for example just a white coloured piece, a couple of coats of the white primer will do the job. The rest of the spray lacquers aren't too bad. Their metallics leave a lot to be desired. Colours like 'Gunmetal' have large metallic flakes in them and do not provide a good finish, so I'd steer away from them. 'Silverleaf' seems to be their only metallic I'd use again. Their gloss black (TS-14?) is essential for good metallic finishes as it provides an excellent surface for reflective paints to go over, like Alclad II. One of the other benefits is that they have a really good colour range as well. But you will probably want to use an airbrush eventually, so I would suggest investigating the possiblities there.
  3. Surprised I missed this. Awesome graphics work, right there!
  4. A friend registered me some time ago. It's a great site. Lovely Booster, too! Here's another amazing build.
  5. Does anyone know what that is in the second pic, on the left hand side... we just see two exhausts and four fins/wings???
  6. I haven't really liked ANY protagonist except for Hikaru. His voyage of self-discovery and growth really made Macross SDF work brilliantly, which contrasted nicely with Minmei's inability to grow-up. Alto on the other hand is like so many other current protagonists of a lot of anime, a whiny little kid with 'issues'. I wish Frontier had actually focused on Ozma - a much more interesting character.
  7. Looks good. This sculpt looks so much better than the TV version Bandai released. I can't wait for the new Frontier version.
  8. Wow that looks great! Very clean work.
  9. Wow, that's simply stunning. Well done John, looking forwards to your next creation!
  10. To fit in with their Gundams. For them it was the only scale in town at that size until... Macross. Perhaps they will begin to understand the other scale markets a bit better now.
  11. You're telling me. That looks awful! Surely there was a design alternative...
  12. You mean you're actually going to... gasp... paint some of your work? The last thing I saw was your booster, and that was a long time ago. Love to see this one! Here's my current scratchbuilding project, a 1/72 Jedi Interceptor:
  13. I love it... so atmospheric, a great display piece, well done!
  14. Her boobs look kind of gross to be honest. Really like that new trainer though! Thanks for the pics. It's a good time to be a Macross Modeler!
  15. Interesting... that's quite similar to what I planned for my Ozma, now I'm going to have to change the design! That looks totally, totally cool. I'm always a sucker for overpowered things, except they need to look feasible. This one looks like a lot of fun!
  16. I'm going to order a set. Those intake are exactly what I like!
  17. My first computer - a Mattel (yes they sold computers) Aquarius. Pretty quickly I was writing my own games in BASIC.
  18. With the release of the 'Monk' class over the weekend, Diablo 3 is looking better and better. A big fan of Diablo, and Diablo 2 here.
  19. I just love coming and seeing what everyone is working on in this thread. Macross modelers have diverse tastes... and 1337 SKILLZ! Seriously, good job everyone. What a great modeling community.
  20. I will be following this thread with great interest! Lovely work so far.
  21. I'm currently finishing up another scratchbuild project, but once that's done, full attention will be back on Macross! I've got a couple of these Bandai Valks, and while they are wonderful pieces of engineering, the pilots leave a lot to be desired. And some standing figures for scale won't hurt at all.
  22. You never know...! Anyway, fantastic work here, looks great.
  23. Goofy? I think it looks very cool, and I'm really looking forwards to it. No idea what 'thunder cat' is?... is that an american feline? I can see that it wouldn't be for everyone, but Jim Cameron's movies have always entertained me, and I'm sure this one will as well.
  24. Intakes are good. Really good! The rest I'm not so interested in, but those intakes will really 'lift' the model dramatically.
  25. I love, love, love the booster. Looking forwards to seening what you can do!
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