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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Here's my feedback. There's no threads listed here by WMCheng in your list. His work really stands out as being some of the most informative threads on this site for model builders! Having said this of course, I believe some threads are posted as stickies? Still, for someone who is coming to the site for the first time, to make this thread more meaningful it would probably be a good idea to post links to his threads here. Just a suggestion! Regards, Petar
  2. This thread annoys me now. I see all the things I'll never be able to get. It would be nice if the Wonder Festival trademark agreements extended to mail orders for a few weeks. Too much paperwork I'll guess..
  3. These have all been mailed. The buck is now ruined, so that's it, as far as VF-2SS canopies go, I'm afraid. Looking forwards to seeing some build-ups on the forum sooner or later! Thanks all.
  4. I must admit, after seeing it here... it's beginning to grow on me! I am surprised Bandai hasn't done anything on it either.
  5. The VF-171 Nightmare looks good in 1/72 as far as the detail goes, but I've never liked the subject itself. Curious to see the Cheyenne 1/72. As far as those figure sculpts go, I doubt they are in 1/72 scale. Thanks for the heads-up! Edit: found a pic of the painted up VF-171, doesn't look too bad:
  6. Yes, I have a dozen canopies are ready to ship - surprising to see how many have already been snapped up. I guess there are a lot of VF-2 fans like myself out there! Website and ordering page up here: http://www.studiostarforge.com/content/vf-...lacement-canopy Thanks.
  7. What an amazing project... not my favourite Kamawori design, but you're going to really turn some heads with that one. Great work!
  8. As mentioned, I don't know the history of the resin kit I had, it was probably a recast - Platz is the only game in town for Yukikaze as far as I know. The cockpit 'tub' was there, I just put the bits and pieces in it...
  9. I've got some more ready, if anyone's interested.
  10. No, sorry, I thought you meant on of these. Anyway looking forwards to more Yukikaze aircraft!
  11. You will be pleased to know I've purchased another display cabinet! Beautiful work, as always.
  12. I bought the kit second hand - packed in a plain box, so I've no idea really whether it was a recast, but looking back, it probably was. It came with photoetch, etc, so I'm not sure. Anyway, was there a Sylpheed kit available? Or is it scratchbuilt?
  13. Actually this was quite a 'rush job' for me - not too much attention to detail here - but thanks for the compliments.
  14. Here's a resin kit of the Supersylph Yukikaze in 1/72 scale. I love the subject; it's a very elegant shape. I threw this kit together quickly... after a long modeling hiatus. All decals have been replaced - the originals were rubbish, but I emulated them with whatever I had available - including Gundam ones, but I'm not into Gundam so it's no big deal to me. Also I replaced the supplied canopies with some new vac-formed ones I made. No pilots were supplied so I used my own Macross ones. Purists beware! Now it's time to get back to my various scratchbuilding projects! Thanks for looking.
  15. After using Paasche for 20 years... I've recently bought a couple of Iwata - one being the gravity-feed Eclipse. Best move I've made, in terms of hobby equipment!
  16. John that looks absolutely fantastic. Love your work!
  17. Unfortunately the website is currently DOWN, but as soon as it's up again, I should have a dozen or so more ready to go. Will update here soon.
  18. Yes, got mine in the mail, looks fantastic... except for the instructions of course. That's going to be a bit of head scratcher. Anyway, real modelers don't need instructions!
  19. Now where did you get that giant dime? I want one! Seriously, great work! Now casting's going to be a challenge, though, I imagine...
  20. What can we hope to expect in 2010 in terms of modelling? Here's the Macross models I'm looking forwards to, I know there's more not listed here... Hasegawa's VF-1 1:48 Wave's Tomahawk 1:72 The Captain's Cat's Eye 1:72 What are you looking forwards to, or do you have a juicy inside scoop...?
  21. I will do another *final* run of these in the first quarter of this year, when hopefully I can show off and announce another very cool Macross Project. Have to finish my current SW project first.
  22. I didn't find out until I tried using the decals that it was a recast Platz. The decals were mostly crap so I had to replace 95% of them. Will post on the workbench thread hopefully next weekend when I put the final matt coat over it! Anyway, looking forwards to a getting this VF-11 in the mail.
  23. I was hoping to get mine before Christmas so I could build it during the break. Had to build up a Supersylph Yukikaze instead! Anyway, looking forwards to getting mine.
  24. Haha, Electric Indigo, I know who you're talking about there... I'd really hoped to have it out this quarter, but work has been absolutely insane. Should be wrapping up a couple of projects in the Christmas break. Hope to have some news then! Old pics if anyone's interested. I've actually done a lot more work on it since these pics were taken, including hollowing out the intakes, and a heckuva lot more detail. Let's get this thread back on track. The more I see of Wave's Tomahawk the more I like it.
  25. This is my favourite mecha from Frontier.... totally badass!
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