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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Great to hear about the Iwata going well - its always a bit of a worry investing a lot of money in a new tool but in this case it sounds like money well spent. I'm about 75% through the assembly of my VF-25 and it been going for 6 months I think! Threads like this are inspirational!
  2. The overall look of the fighter mode of the VF-3000 does not capture the beauty of the lineart which I really admire. I would love a 1/72 non transformable version. Still, it's a step in the right direction - great to see.
  3. You can grab one from Fantastic Plastic. Great resin kit by the way - really easy to put together, even if you're not used to them.
  4. Just finished this one - F/A-37 Talon from the movie "Stealth"
  5. Payment sent.
  6. Funny thing is, I always thought the Osprey was a perfect fit for Macross. Great work.
  7. Perfect display base! Very nicely done!
  8. Well be sure to let us know when to pony up. Looking forwards to working on this beauty!
  9. I saw that a while ago. Yes, needs better pics, but a great project, looks very cool!
  10. Well that just looks damn awesome John. I can't wait to build and add this to my collection! I promise to build this one up in 2010! I hate the fact that we have all these amazing short run resin kits out there and we rarely see them built up.... Regards, Petar
  11. I'll be making some new pilots to go along with this as soon as I get it, to ensure they fit. Simply inspiring work Captain. Although I have to say the chord of those wings are massive! Still, the configuration of the plane probably means it needs it. Can you tell me how you match up the bucks for the canopy to the frame so well? It looks like you couldn't slide a piece of paper in from here. Regards, Petar
  12. It looks like I may be in Tokyo later on this year... must keep an eye on this thread!
  13. I've just seen this on HLJ: http://www.hlj.com/product/ymt00193 No idea of the actual size, but if it's the right size this would be fantastic for displaying some of those VF-1s!
  14. One of my favourite artists. He always painted 'real' women, and for that I will always be thankful!
  15. For many years I used Paasche V and a Paasche VL - I've also used Badgers as well. A few months ago I purchased an Iwata Eclipse. It was a revelation, I can highly recommend it!
  16. I second this, but he may not have budgeted for it. Anyway, amazing work captain. The detail on this bird is amazing so far, looking forwards to more!
  17. They both look fantastic. I am interested in your choice of lacquer paints though. Why did you choose lacquer?
  18. I've been waiting for you to make things with wings for a long time, Cap'n! And the wait was worth it, this looks fantastic!
  19. Interesting. I would certainly be up for a 'Monster'! However, it would be really, really nice if we saw something new like a 1/72 VF-11. I don't think that will ever happen now though. Still, it's a pretty good time to be a Macross modeler!
  20. As long as it was 'totally serious' - like it actually came from HG - this is an awesome idea. With lots of recursive irony as well!
  21. He seems to be the epitomy of what wrong with the fan end of the industry though. Too insular, too introverted, and not mainstream enough. Interesting subtext in the interviews with some of the prinicpals of the studios - although for a short term gain many studios are doing more 'late night' (ie, adult) material, they worry that this is further marginalising anime in general. I would have to agree.
  22. David I can tell you one thing as a fact - do not clearcoat it while at all 'tacky'. You will regret it later, it will discolour/flake/turn into viscous radiactive bubbly goo! I'm going to guess that the plastic where it's not dried over properly is something like polyethylene, although I could be wrong. Next time... a light pass of metal primer (Tamiya make a great one). Or - you guessed it - "avoid the cheap stuff" altogether, as my father in-law used to tell me! I don't see a way out other than strip and start again. The only other advice has already been given - wait it out and see... Best of luck, I feel your pain! It's an annoying situation! Edit: yes I airbrush thinned primer on tiny detailed parts. Thinned Mr Surfacer is good!
  23. This symbol is just a bizzaro Macross kite. Instead of red, let's make it blue! And cut it up a bit!
  24. You rock. Hard. \m/ But seriously, I can't believe the rip off happening here. As someone pointed out... even the Macross kite symbol has been bastardised in the flag... amazing cheek!
  25. Plainly, this is awesome! Well done to everyone involved in such a uniquely cool project!
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