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Everything posted by PetarB
Ah, I was wondering when you'd post, Reuben. Love your work. Love everyone's work here... but I'd like to see more!
Captain America has delivered us some fantastic resin kits for Macross over the years. And someone suggested we do a finished Moscato builds thread. Here it is, put your finished builds up here, so we have a nice album of images to paw over. I'll start. Hasegawa VF-1 + Moscato Atmospheric Booster Commanchero Attack Helicopter (note blades have been replaced with Eurocopter's)
I've done a couple as well, each with their own threads.
I tried reading a couple of pages of this thread, but I realise trying to follow it has made me more stupid. A live action Robotech movie is never going to happen, sad but true. If it does happen, well, I'll eat my hat, and record the event on Youtube, just for Macrossworld!
I much prefer the look of John's version of this - the flash supressors on the gunbarrels for instance. However I do like the lights on this one. I'll probably just get it for the box art though, the Tomahawk box artwork was really quite fantastic. I"m going to laminate it and put it up in the workshop!
So true... what were they thinking?
That looks like its a homage to John Berkey's great work. I'd forgotten about the R-Type. That's an awesome bit of hardware! Star Trek bores me to tears though...
Always had a soft spot for these two guys: Actually, soft spot is understating a little... these pirate fighters from Crusher Joe are a couple of slices of fried gold!
I'm trying to work out which sculpts I will release next. I've got quite a few on the backburner, and in various states of completeness right now. Including Minmei...!
I've built most of mine (only taken 2 years of off-and-on again motivation), but I don't think I will be putting in that square plate with the cut-out in it, it's quite awful. What engineer would put baffles right behind the engine anyway? Here's a sample of my scratchbuild Taiidan Interceptor progress...
Roman, is that the 144 FMMF? Now that I see it with the familiar Tamiya pot, it's a lot smaller than I thought it would be! Perhaps that's due to your painting...
Just letting those that are interested know that I have started the process of creating some pilots for this beauty. I should be able to show some pics this weekend- seated in the Cat's Eye! Watch out for a new thread.
I'm sure John will answer that question at great length! Having said that, every single clear resin canopy I have had has been less than perfect, for all sorts of reasons. It's very difficult to avoid bubbles in clear resin. At this scale I think it's important to do a vac formed canopy, even though I hate 'em! Very easy to stuff them up in for most builders.
+1 Yeah, that was horrible. Really almost 'spoil the movie' type horrible.
I enjoyed the movie mostly. But I really do hope they pick up the game for the next one. Some of the action 'sequences' - like Dolph's and Jet's fight were a bit underwhelming. I'm not sure whether it was because it was poorly choreographed, or poorly shot, or a combination of both. Perhaps the actors just don't want to do that stuff anymore. Terry Crew's automatic shotgun booming away was awesome though!
I'm a big Homeworld fan. For many years I've considered scratchbuilding one of these: So for the last few weeks, I've finally started:
All is explained! I have a friend who is a dentist - I love getting his 'old tools' and he also put me onto a good vac former!! Perhaps many dentists are frustrated modelers!
To be honest, I think clay is not a suitable medium for this sort of work. But you may have experience in this that I don't! Personally, I would be building an armature or framework out of basswood, styrene or Renshape so my symmetry and joins would be exact. The joins are of a particular issue if you plan on casting this up in resin. Your planes and angles have to be exact to the nth degree. With pieces this large, and expansion of measure due to resin, etc will magnify initial faults. I am also interested in how you plan to scribe lines or reproduce the fine panels lines in clay. Anyway it's an ambitious project and I will be looking at this thread with interest to see what happens! I think your critique of Hasegawa's interpretation of the YF-19 is a valid one. Unfortunately, like all anime to real world interpretation, so much needs to be guess work. Best of luck!
6 months ago or so, a resculpted version of either the ClubM or Retppu one was made available on this forum. There has also been a recast version of the other one released a couple of years ago. And I haven't seen ANY of them built, so I'm in the process of building up BOTH myself! If you put in an add in the 'wanted' forum here, you might get someone contact you, for this reason. Both of them have their strengths and weaknesses. There are no upcoming plans from anyone for releasing these again in 1/72 that I am aware of. I would love Hasegawa to release these, but I doubt they ever will. They flogged, eviscerated the husk of the poor VF-1, and I think they like that business model!
Not a fan of the subject, but I do like your modelling skills! Well done!
That looks EXTREMELY awesome. Can't wait to see it put together!
Hi John The reason this has occured is because you saved the JPGs in CMYK format. In Photoshop you need to convert them to RGB mode, or convert the original pics from CMYK to RGB mode by Image>mode>rgb + save. Some browsers can now view CMYK pics, but they are really for commercial printing. RGB is the colour format for web, for JPGS. Regards, Petar
Bump! Really keen to see this, and the other one, finished!
I saw IP MAN 2 a few nights ago. I didn't realise there was a first one, don't ask me how that all happened! Anyway, Sammo Hung was much, much better than I expected. Some of the fights were comical, others less so. In terms of the martial arts, it's difficult for me to comment, having done Karate for many, many years. Wing Chun is something I would love to try, but I think it really leverages on very quick muscle movements, which is not a strength for me. There was lots of wire work in this movie, and the battle on the tabletop was kind of ridiculous, but fun - so I can't really give a serious analysis on the martial arts. However, Ip Man's humility - like all great martial artists - was good to see. In the end though, it was fun movie and I reccommend it. Now to hunt down the first one!