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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. PetarB

    JMC 2010

    Great to see all the Macross subjects, but in general, the quality of work in all the photos is extremely impressive. Edit: wow, just saw the awesome 'Cordoba' from Crusher Joe. Never thought it could look so good.
  2. I used it over some Hasegawa decals and it was fine. HOWEVER, I then used it over some decals from FineMolds, and every single one curled up and crinkled - this was the FM Jedi Fighter, which is one of the most difficult decaling jobs ever so you can image I was pretty cross. Please experiment before you use it. Try on just a small area which you won't miss to much if it all goes south.
  3. I'd prefer not to imagine that thank you. That would ruin a large part of what makes it cool.
  4. Please do not mention Batteltech! hahahah.... Anyway you might be interested to know I almost have a 3D mesh of this complete. Let's see what happens from there. This is one of my favourite Kawamori designs. Anyway, I voted for the VF-11, and another vote for the VF-4.
  5. I have both the old Imai Tomahawk, and the new Wave one and really there is no comparison. The new one is just beautifully engineered and reproduced. Having said this, that old-school Spartan build-up looks fantastic, I almost thought it was a new Wave release!
  6. Slow builds are the answer! Although I do have a FMMF that I have been 'building' for the past two years....
  7. Always loved the design of this. And you get some bonus bluray disk as well eh?
  8. Hey, how's this project going? I would love... LOVE to see some progress.
  9. Super awesome! You did pick, however one of the harder destroids to do, in terms of those damn hands! I can see they're going to be very finicky to do in card. Anyway, very cool to see.
  10. One of my favourite Valks too, excellent work.
  11. Awesome project, will be checking back soon as well!
  12. I have a Macross PE set from these guys, I can recommend the quality. Hopefully the packing has got a bit better.
  13. Looking good so far. Can you tell us what the green dots are? Is that some sort of masking?
  14. Wow, what a cool mural, nice work!
  15. Awesome Reuben. That salt technique can produce some excellent results, and I think you have the right subject for it - the Gnerl should look battered! I can't wait to see the next stage...
  16. I missed the play of this in Sydney, Australia, so I got in contact with Madman Entertainment, they couldn't give me a release date yet for the DVD. I'm certainly going to pick it up when it comes out.
  17. Hey Reuben, that just looks fantastic! Not to dirty, but with just the right amount of weathering. Well done! Can I ask you: what brand of paint do you use?
  18. I've got the exact same glass shelf unit from Ikea! More pics, everyone! I know the builds are out there...
  19. I'll certainly pick up a Monster, at least. When I was a little boy, I remember seeing these in the shop for the first time. I had - at that stage - had absolutely no exposure to anime, robotech, anything, but as an SF nut I knew from the artwork that this was like a window into a parallel universe, and I had to go there, I'd never seen anything like them. They had a HUGE impact on me, and while I remember being a bit disappointed by the actual models themselves, they started my love affair with all things Macross, and anime. I would LOVE to get posters of the covers of these boxes. Those paintings are just awesome.
  20. Colour update on my Taiidan Interceptor scratchbuild:
  21. That looks great, except for the fact that it's totally out of scale! Kamjin would be laughing at that little Tomahawk...
  22. Indeed it does. That is looking awesome!
  23. Very bizarre timing, what with the WAVE releases! Perhaps they know something we dont?
  24. PetarB


    While I appreciate the massive amount of work gone into this... it looks more like a toy than a model, with the big screws, and huge canopy frames. Still, for a transforming resin kit, great work. For me though, I would rather see greater attention to smaller details and a non-transforming kit, there are just too many compromises made for a transforming model. Despite all this, I still think it looks good.
  25. This does look awesome, so much cleaner than John's builds Can you tell I'm bitter about those pour stubs? ... seriously, great work!
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