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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Oh that looks gorgeous Roman, I can't believe how all the surface detail is rendered in that model.
  2. Jack Vance for fun. Greg Egan Rereading Tintin. I need to remove some of these old books and get some new ones!
  3. Now I am jealous! I expect to see an awesome build-up!
  4. It looks fun. The problem is, especially sitting it in the historical event which it portrays, we all know how it ends...
  5. Such a difficult, difficult vote. Miyazaki's movies are without a doubt my favourite animated movies of all time, and just excellent movies. Porco Rosso, Nausicaa, Laputa and Princess Mononoke are all my favourites, hard to differentiate between them, for me. My 3 young daughters love all of the above but I would have to say their favourites would be Spirited Away and Ponyo, which is such a sweet little movie. I just hope Miyazaki returns to more adult fare before he retires (properly!). I would love to see something along the lines of Princess Mononoke again.
  6. They should have got me to paint the Cutlass for them, would have doubled their sales!
  7. You tease me with more Cutlass VF-9 pics eh? A non-transformable Crusader would look nice too, but we can't have everything!
  8. Wow, fantastic finishes! Nice work.
  9. While I wouldn't be exactly happy to pay $140 for that Cutlass, I would buy it, but I couldn't really justify double that, unfortunately.
  10. That for that. Garage Kits are never 'cheap' - I accept that. This sculpt looks beautiful, I would love to pick one up. How to get one though, that's the issue!
  11. Very nice. I love this old school cool! I have to build mine some day, threads like this are an inspiration...
  12. 1 / 72 VF-9 Cutlass W. T. F. And the link doesn't work.
  13. Great work! Covering the rear wheel well correctly is one of the real issues with this kit, a real pain. In the end I just covered the whole area with putty and rescribed. Perhaps a bit of overkill! Looking forward to more.
  14. Perhaps you could just build the model! Much, much, much better than the toy... :lol:
  15. Here is one build up: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28142 It's detailed, step-by-step instructions and amazing finish show what can be done. There are many more, not sure what search settings you're using but there are plenty of builds here.
  16. There are many, many build-ups here of Macross Frontier subjects in 1/72, just do a search!
  17. Very interesting thread. I rewatched Macross Plus recently and realised again how I loved this story and anime best out of all the Macross series. I agree that this sequence is massively subject to interpretation. I believe the scriptwriters and director worked together to create something purposefully nebulous. Whether she was raped or not, it didn't matter in the story - the aftermath of an assault remains - and was real to all the protagonists. I think the writers and director created a situation so you could bring your own interpretation to the original situation, and watch what happens in the emotional aftermath to three fractured people. Brilliant stuff.
  18. Your weathering is spot-on on this one. Looks like a real reconnaissance warbird. I love it.
  19. Just got back from holiday a few hours ago. Came to MacrossWorld to see what's been a-building and Shinagami delivers the goods! I've been waiting to see this baby finished for so long. On my monitor the original work in progress pics are actually a purplish colour, but these final pics are red to me. So they look a lot better, but with monitor colour calibrations being what they are you never know. Firstly, I have to say, fantastic job! But you know that, looking at your work! You certainly took the colour scheme to the next level, along with the decal choices, it looks amazing. Is that the supplied pilot in there, I can tell? All the extra work on this shows (especially to one who's built 1 and a half!). The canopy looks great, hope it didn't give you too much grief. The weathering looks great, but is perhaps a bit more appropriate to a fighter and not a racer, never the less, it sells the scale. The only thing I'm not sure about is the Gundam mount you have it on. I feel they actually detract a bit from the model - the sleek lines of the this bird against the heavy angular look of the mount, but that's just my biases. Anyway, excellent work and thanks for sharing all the pics. I hope to reciprocate with another VF-2SS build this year! I love this mecha - and you did a beautiful job.
  20. This looks like all original artwork. Kind of sloppy too, however the photography might be bad.
  21. PetarB

    YF 19

    Very impressive bit of papercraft!
  22. Wow I like that. Not sure about the 1/100 gundam scale though...
  23. If it's from the Monsters in Motion website, don't buy it. The molds are old and reproductions are horrible.
  24. It's not a bad kit... for what it is. It's a bit more like a complex, and fragile toy when its built right out of the box. However with some TLC it can look great. I've seen some customised ones that look fantastic.
  25. That looks fantastic. Perhaps slightly too big for my collection, but an awesome show-stopper to be sure. I'm glad you didn't make it transformable though - too much work and too much compromise in my opinion.
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