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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. I wont condone what Anonymous or whoever it was that hacked PSN did. However for the past couple of years I have been really, really annoyed with my Sony and my PS3. I've seen a gradual erosion of capability created by their forced updates. No way, never again. For me, a console should 'just work' as-is, as you were sold, straight out of the box. If I want updates, cutting edge graphics, and networked games, I think I will stick to my PC.
  2. Now that it's in context I remember what it is. Cool and interesting project!
  3. Looks interesting but I've got no idea what this is. Of course I haven't watched SDF or DYRL Macross for many years now. Is this some kind of cannon?
  4. The problem is that clearly - clearly, in some scenes where they wanted to force you to watch the foreground, the background was blurred. I haven't seen the 2D version (I will) but I've read that this is done in post to reinforce the 3D effect, so I'm hoping the 2D version is a lot better. Because of the art direction on this, it's a real pity missing the detail of the background. There are several moments in Asgard that just look gorgeous, and your eye wants to search out the background for detail. I love new tech, but 3D just isn't doing it for me.
  5. I just saw THOR today. It was awesome, I loved it. The cool thing was that it wasn't really an 'origins' story. You don't see Thor coming to 'understand' his power, etc. HE IS A GOD! It helps that Chris Hemsworth has plenty of charisma, and the few times that he smiles is the movie his face shines like the sun. The movie was a lot of fun, and I urge you to go and see it in a cinema. I could have done without the 3D though, didn't add much really. But Asgard itself looked amazing.
  6. Except for the bizzare Robotech images... this thread is filled with awesome! Nice to see the Bronco II in my stash will build up to this someday. It would be great if someone could confirm whether that VF-9 is built from the resin kit available recently from Wonder Festival.
  7. Crysis 2: very disappointed. Bascially the final level
  8. Source code: you have to go into the computer to find it. (Sorry, I couldn't resist ).
  9. Well I saw this last night. I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were some issues, but overall it was great fun. I had read the first couple of books many, many years ago and was disgusted that Martin had not finished the series - I didn't know this when I started them! Anyway, I look forward to the rest of a great new HBO series.
  10. I've got some good news for you: Hollywood has this covered.
  11. I thought that was the case. I like the similarities too!
  12. That unused Garland has a weapon that looks straight out of Mospeada.
  13. I can't believe this. I have only JUST done most of the hard assembly work on TWO VF-11 resin kits. Now I can put them away. I will have to post pics here just for a laugh though! FANTASTIC NEWS!
  14. Awesome work - with some great photography too. Just wish the pics were a little bigger.
  15. Very very nice!
  16. Saw this last night... and immediately afterwards, it took me some time to form an opinion on the movie. But in the end I liked it - not for the reasons I thought I would. The movie is not marketed in the right way, that's for sure. It had a much darker tone that we were led to believe, and once you fill in the blanks as well, you begin to change your attitude. I think a lot of reviewers did not fill in the blanks, and as has been mentioned in the thread, the fact that many of them had got the 'basics' wrong... makes me think this is a tough movie to sell. But for all its faults I liked it, and although it's not for everyone I encourage you to see it on the big screen if you can.
  17. Cant see if this has been posted yet. More giant mecha goodness in development: HAWKEN http://www.youtube.com/embed/udEAEARD-Fo
  18. This cannot, cannot be true. Lasseter has too much respect for Miyazaki. EDIT: Just saw the date, and this little nugget: That made me laugh. No one wants Cars2 except for the marketers. Cars licenced products have been the biggest money spinners - surprisingly - for Pixar to date.
  19. EXO you forgot to supply the gun to shoot ourselves in the head with.
  20. Yes of course, but they are models. And that's not really the focus of this thread, so having a discussion on the techniques used, source models, etc would not really fit here, nor be interesting to the majority of Macross fandom who clearly do no build models but never the less enjoy the story and visuals.
  21. Can we please get this locked thread reopened: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34864 I wish to discuss the new models with my fellow Macross modelers, not discuss novels, stats, story, characters, etc.
  22. Recently I've noticed that when I search for older posts - that I know exist, because I made them - the search function can now not find them. Forum upgrade issue?
  23. I'm at work now, but I will slobber over these later, some of the designs here look fantastic, especially the oddly named 'Nothung'.
  24. I thought it was for some reason. My apologies!
  25. Can't see any Glaug booster there.
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