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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Hey Agent One, the history of 'Conan' publishing is pretty bad. Robert E Howard wrote some original short stories for pulp magazines. Most of these are a lot of fun, and have been collected in modern times in book form, so you might find 'The collected stories of Conan' or something in a local bookshop. The best of these short stories is 'Queen of the Black Coast' which is a simply awesome short story and kind of encapsulates everything RAH wanted to do with Conan. However, after RAH died, publishers wanted 'more Conan' so they got various hack writers to write full novels about Conan. Every one of these are bad, and the latter ones ruined their author's reputations they were so bad. So if you've picked up a 'novel' put it down immediately and go and find Robert E Howard's short story collection on Conan. Even if you just read Queen of the Black Coast, I don't think you will be disappointed. But be sure to read the 'Tower of the Elephant' (I think?) which is another early Conan story. Both of these stories have elements that turn up in the movie, but if I tell you it may ruin the stories for you. Far from 'killing everyone' to solve problems, Conan's adventures in these two stories are unpredictable, fun and mythic.
  2. Thanks for posting those Graham. That customised Defender looks very mean.
  3. As another StarCraft character once said "It's about time." Wonder if he will return - in some form or another.
  4. Grayson72, what's the significance of the custom decals?
  5. Oh wow that looks cool. 2 for me I'm thinking! One standard schema and the other... we'll see!
  6. I'm going to be bringing quite a few rare (and otherwise) Macross kits for display.
  7. Looks like all Arnie's acting projects are on hold for now. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=77772 I actually see this as good news. I wasn't really excited at all about 'Cry Macho'. He should have gone on with "With Wings as Eagles" which sounded perfect for him.
  8. Interlude: Starship Troopers was written by Robert Heinlein, and first published in 1959. I proudly own an original print, although I didn't read it until around 1984. Ender's Game was written by Orson Scott Card and first published in1985. When it first came out many reviewers compared it to Starship Troopers as it addressed similar subject manner in a completely different light. Which is why I bought it and read it shortly afterwards. It's interesting to compare the two. Back to regular programming.
  9. The Radix Tetrad by AA Attanasio. The series consists of 4 books. The first and last book are simply amazing, even if the middle two are somewhat 'meh' - but they can all be read seperately. Where things go crazy is the final book 'Last Legends of Earth'... any SF fan should read this book. The world building, the universe, is simply awe inspiring, from the planetary system 'trap' used to lure the enemy, to the various exotic civilisations presented. A strange, but definitely favourite universe.
  10. Except that it's not really wrong. There is no VF-11 Thunderbolt, unlike the world of real jet fighters. Details not shown in the movie/series... are open to interpretation!
  11. Me too, it's gives a real world look to it and allows the focus to be on the form. Of course, every 12 months we will see it reissued with a new set of decals!
  12. Here she is, she looks fantastic! [pic credit cybergundam blog]
  13. I know, I think we reached saturation point a while ago. Still, Thor was fun.
  14. Very nice Y-Wing! Loving those Wave mechs as well.
  15. My dream fantasy Conan project would be 'Queen of the Black Coast'. No origins story, no background etc, just the whole story in one tight 90 min movie, accurate to RAH's original story. Now that would be something.
  16. I think you need more light, and probably a better camera. Still, nice unique scheme. Good to see more VF-19s!
  17. Thats a very nice piece of fan work. What could have been... I always think of that scene at the beginning or end of the original Conan movie with him sitting on the throne. It really makes one wistful...
  18. I think it looks like a lot of fun. Momoa has certainly got the Conan 'look' (from the books that is). He's not perfect, and what I've seen in the trailer makes me wish they had a more epic setting, possibly. I also do NOT like the choice of music so far. But it looks fun, and I will go and see it. It's not the movie I had hoped for, but whatever is?
  19. This kit drives me insane - on the one hand, the detail and basic shape is wonderful. On the other some real issues - like the landing gear, the gaps and assembly nightmare are enough to drive you crazy. But it looks like you've put yours together nicely.
  20. Yes please! This could be a lot of fun. I wonder how many here remember the original?
  21. I really do like the Moon Shooters scheme on this. Looks very real-world. Great work!
  22. What a beast! I looks fantastic. Although not sure about the miniature can.
  23. Stop posting pics of Fulcrums. It keeps distracting me from doing the important things I should be- hey isn't that digital camo cool!
  24. This was the first Hasegawa Valk I built (around 10 years ago now). The model itself is packed away because it's embarassing to look at, but I always envisioned doing it again in the red. I really look forwards to seeing this project finished!
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