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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. I would dearly love to see this. But no spoilers here please! Hopefully we get some news on some subs soon...
  2. I've never purchased a game I didn't finish except for MGS4: Guns of the Patriots. The bits I got to play were a LOT of fun, but I was sick of just watching an interactive movie, rather than playing a game.
  3. Both sad and good news. I would have loved to have seen an update. But I think CGI is not the way to go. The cell animated one above looked fantastic!
  4. Roman, that is awesome. I knew it would be hard for you to resist the call of the VF-11!
  5. Oooh I love it, nice work on that Metal Gear!
  6. Lucky fellow! I haven't been to an airshow since I was at university. As for the 'Stealth' Copter... I love Dragon's illustration on that box - it even has Bin Laden's compound with a couple of lights on!
  7. Makes me remember how much I loved all the design from Mospeada - that Inbit looks fantastic.
  8. I went to order one yesterday on HLJ and they had 'ORDER STOP'... so perhaps they got their stock confirmed. Anyway, I won't be building one until the end of the year, so am in no rush. Now to work on a colour scheme...
  9. Wow, the critics are unleashing hell on this. I was hoping it would be okay, I do love me some good fun escapist SF. This doesn't seem to be it!
  10. Last night's episode, while not totally unexpected, was still quite an eye-opener! I really wish I had waited until the season was over, then watch the whole season's episodes together. Every time it finished, I really, really, really want to watch the next one!
  11. Look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow. I didn't finish my first destroid in time, but I'll still bring it, even in it's current state it probably has 'curiosity' value!
  12. The plot was quite thin, but I think it was still a quite enjoyable movie. However (highlight text to reveal spoiler): Why do JJ Abram's aliens all look so similar?
  13. Very nice, I like how you have not duplicated the PE set available by Hasegawa, and have some new, well needed pieces!
  14. Sorry Valk009 for any confusion, I just wanted people to see this kit builds up nicely!
  15. Hi Mommar. I made my own decals for this one. The decals you see on my build are NOT supplied with this kit. I just wanted to do something different. Sorry for any confusion.
  16. Dang, put me down for one.
  17. Hi Mommar, you might find this thread useful, as it also documents the build up of the kit advertised above: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=23639 I should really get another one. I had another, but I sold it, and I have an idea for a new colour scheme I'd really like to do....
  18. Dang! In other news, I have completed a couple of Macross items (one of which has not been seen 'built' yet). But I will hold off for another week before posting... I have a meet I want to surprise some folks at.
  19. Are you annoyed or happy about this?
  20. Yeah, I was wondering when someone would say that. He speaks German, French and English equally well. Wish I was trilingual!
  21. Now you know how to keep busy while you wait! Summer + Beaches + Women = many, many distractions!
  22. Matt (the person who started this thread) cannot log into MacrossWorld after changing email address. Hopefully the admins can get this sorted soon. In the meantime, here's some new info: We have a location for the Wednesday 15th June morning meet: "The Library" Room The Ark Workspace York House Level 2, 50 York Street Sydney NSW Australia 2000 10.00am - 12.00 noon. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode&q=50+York+Street++Sydney+NSW+Australia+2000&aq&sll=-33.849889%2C151.194191&sspn=0.078411%2C0.111065&ie=UTF8&hq&hnear=50+York+St%2C+Sydney+New+South+Wales+2000&t=h&z=17 We have hired a meeting room in York House where we can spread out, put our Macross gear on display, and have a chat about all things Macross. Afterwards some of us might go and get some lunch. I haven't been there, but apparently, you go up a lift to level 2, into a foyer, and the room is accessible from the foyer area. I'm going to be parking underneath the Queen Victoria Building which is only a couple of minutes walk away. You can't get much more central than this in the CBD. Hobbyco in the QVB is also one of the few places in Sydney to buy Macross models, so it's a must visit for me! Anyway, looking forward to meeting old friends, and making some new ones. Regards, Petar
  23. Here's mine from the last run of this, with custom decals + side nozzles: It was an enjoyable build!
  24. Little Big Planet is a wonderful game, especially if you have children you'd like to game with. One of my daughters was hooked on LBP. We had a lot of fun playing together, it's highly recommended!
  25. There were 2 cameos, but one was literally 'blink and you'll miss it' (hint: female). I did enjoy it. I was hoping I would enjoy it more. But I'll take what I can get. The first half was much better than the second in my humble opinion. I did not think Mystique's makeup was done well at all. She looked horrible compared to the original trilogy.
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