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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. The first chance I ever got to speak my high school French was in Quebec! How's this: "Je voudrais un croissant du crabe, avec un cafe du faisceau laser?"
  2. Really enjoyable series in an unusual - for anime - setting. I particularly enjoyed the nazi submarine stories.
  3. Beautiful start, Capn! Just out of interest, how many hours do you think you would have put into the workshop on this one so far?
  4. That's a fantastic build! Well done. So much better than the Bandai...
  5. Nice catch. When I watch Harry Potter and they have these animated newspapers…. we actually already have that technology available. It's just not distributed. I have digital photo frames in my house. They rock.
  6. Love this thread!!! IMHO, some of the references are a bit off-base though! For example the second ATF (F-22) design is quite close to MIM-31 Karyovin. I've never seen those mockups before, they are very cool! The intakes and layout of the outrider engines on the Bell XF-109 are very similar to the layout and intakes of the engines on the VF-4. The interviewee states the VF-4 is reminiscent of the SR-71 but there didn't seem to be notes by the Kawamori Shoji with his inspirations for the design, unless I missed something…. The Grumman X-29 is also very reminiscent of the VF-9 Cutlass.
  7. When I sculpted her, it was Misa that I was going for…. but it's Cool8or's girl now!
  8. Is that a VF-11 Battroid I see down here?
  9. I think he was in it for all of 3 seconds?
  10. PetarB


    Whilst I really like the fighter version of this, the battroid version…. not so much. I wish those little bandai models were 1/72.
  11. I've got to be honest, all of these type of films are a guilty pleasure for me. Well, it's actually 49% now.
  12. I like this idea a lot.
  13. Looks great except for the parts where we see Gojira emerging from the water. It's like the film makers have no idea how coasts work. It is much, much more shallow so close to the coast, than would safely fit his bulk. It's one of the things I noticed in Pacific Rim that Del Toro got right for the scale.
  14. Flour? I just can't see that ending well...
  15. Wow, can't wait to pick this one up. I last saw this in the english dub on VHS tape, borrow from my local 'Blockbuster' home video, many many years ago now. I seem to remember watching 'Venus Wars' around the same time...
  16. That buggy looks really cool! Love the design. They are on the pricey side but they certainly looks nicely finished.
  17. The giant sound-system? I think this is where I get off the bus. Anyway, as usual, it seems like it's well-made by Hasegawa.
  18. Really nice work on a model that is difficult to make look good. Well done!
  19. My Doc Martens which I had for around 18 years have finally been retired. Currently looking for another pair...
  20. Really looking good!
  21. Deunan looks absolutely terrible. The peek-a-boo top isn't helping and the hairstyle is quite meh. In fact, it looks nothing like Deunan. Are you sure it's the right picture?
  22. Good idea. Some of the scenes are quite detailed and better resolution should pay off nicely.
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