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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Here's my build-up. I didn't use the armour pack though. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28650 WMCheng's is another good one - not only did he put the armour on, but he made it optional, no mean feat! I can't find the damn link though.
  2. Akuma looks awesome. You'd need a way to dot the fire around him though!
  3. It came out in Australia on an anime movie festival circuit around a year ago which I missed. I've been emailing Madman Entertainment to find out when I can buy it, but they never get back to me... It looks right up my alley.
  4. I'm jealous - that's my favourite Zentraedi design.
  5. I like it! I prefer this design over the VF-19 too... but not by much!
  6. The VF-1 did not even include a figure (it was in the option pack, or you can buy a SDF version here). Still, this sounds a little disappointing. The VF-1 and VF-0 are beautiful Hasegawa models.
  7. Erin Free, who is a local reviewer I usually trust, has put in a review: http://www.filmink.com.au/review/conan-the-barbarian-3d-film/ Extract: "Conan The Barbarian is what a good sword-and-sorcery flick should be: violent, fast-paced, and half-mad." I just hope I get to see a NON-3D version. Really sick of 3D. Anyway I'll post my thoughts in a couple of days time, when I get to see it!
  8. I couldn't seriously recommend 4chan!
  9. Wow, this looks awesome. I loved the movie, it will be interesting to see if the cartoon can sustain the same type of humour.
  10. I really enjoyed this, I saw it last night. It was very restrained when it needed to the be and the final minute or so what a real 'wow' for me. Looks like it's doing well at the box-office too, so we'll probably see a follow up in a couple of years. I was not a fan at all of the original movies, so this was a pleasant surprise.
  11. Sounds like a rewrite of David Brin's article on the evil of Star Wars. Anyways, I have to say after seeing Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, I saw my own personal all-time movie 'badguy'. And that was enough for me.
  12. Is that Mori-Mori I see there? I thought you'd sworn off that stuff.
  13. The weird thing is, the guy in that picture looks like a totally different person to the actor playing the part.
  14. I wholeheartedly agree, and I think it's interesting that to me it's one of the most elegant Macross fighters. Obviously if you compromise one mode design, you get away with more on the other.
  15. Pacific Rim?. I am INSANELY jealous. But glad you're working!
  16. I'm not complaining. And I'm a one-time member of the Society for Creative Anachronisms, so if anyone's got a right to be anal on this matter, it's me! However I'm just so happy we are getting a live action Hobbit movie. I agree that the dwarves look a little 'Klingon' but I think we have to wait until we see them in context. It might be because we are conditioned to now see a certain type of makeup associated with Trek's low budget faux-aliens. If someone would have told me a couple of years agot that the top spy on Spooks (Richard Armitage) could be a the stately, yet greedy Thorin, I would have laughed at them. Him, a dwarf? Now I see it, I think it's brilliant casting. The art depatment should have made him look a bit older though.
  17. I just saw the movie. It was awesome - and a lot of fun. You know, sometimes that's all I need from a movie! As a Luftwaffe buff it was also interesting to see some of the prototype designs at the end of the war actually make it onscreen, like that crazy rocket-propelled helicopter hybrid, and the back-prop driven air-launched aircraft. They were 'real' designs, that the desperate German engineers put forward, crazy to think of it!
  18. Wow, awesome post. I'm in love with the Leynos too... I remember playing the game briefly, but I did like the design of the mecha most of all. It looks like you've got a great pilot there, too.
  19. Mr Cheng, I haven't seen any of your work for some time... Please come and blow us all out of the water again soon. Roman, the dish decal is about as far 'Itasha' as I go. You won't find me picking up some of the crazier Macross decals we've seen recently... As for the stand, I make all my stands out of acrylic rod, and few years ago did a bulk order on the acrylic slabs cut to size. I've just run out actually! Thanks all for your kinds words.
  20. Thanks Jon, it was actually easy to put together thanks to your great engineering and interpretation. Pity I didn't do the undercarriage, that was some amazing work you did there, but I like my birds 'in-flight' mostly. I look forward to more things with wings from you...
  21. I'm absolutely bursting to respond to that, but I'll just say 'not yet'. Thanks for all the kind words, everyone!
  22. Are they from Macross: The Ride?
  23. Give that man a cookie! Yes, for the longest time I had that beautiful decal and thinking 'I need a large flat area to stick that on' and I couldn't think of anything on a 1/72 scale subject. It was like a bolt of lighting when the idea came, the perfect location!
  24. Yeah, for some reason it took a long time for me to photograph. Nice weather and a window of opportunity presented itself today.
  25. +1! I would like to do Krav Maga. A lot of traditional MAs are weighted down by tradition and a focus on the 'art' side. As always, the issue seems to be finding a good instructor, too...
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