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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. I must admit, I have not heard of Juan Gimenéz, but this is something I intend to correct. That artwork looks very cool!
  2. Been looking forward to this one too.
  3. What the hell is that? Is it the new Chinese 'stealth' fighter?
  4. I have fond memories of Condorman. In retrospect, now that comics are 'mainstream', its quite a geeky movie, in a good way!
  5. Herge Masamune Shirow Alex Ross Moebius Kevin O'Neil Ron Cobb
  6. I really, really wish Finemolds would do some different subjects, rather than just the same ones in different scales. Pumped for that SpaceWolf though!
  7. I really loved this movie. I would like to see the next one - which is confirmed to be made - not take place on Earth at all. I too wish I could smash a mug on the floor after a good meal! "This drink, I like it! Bring me another! [smashes mug on the floor]"
  8. Irwin Allen would go crazy over this. Really quite amazing work.
  9. THIS THREAD IS WORTHLESS WITHOUT PICS! What did the VF-11D appear in? I don't remember seeing it...
  10. I have to add, when I airbrush indoors I have a mask on, although my paint booth has excellent ducted fan extraction, I barely even smell it if I don't use a mask. Occassionally, when spraying something like Alclad, I don't use a mask because the pressure is so low.
  11. For me, it really depends on the wind. If you have steady wind, or no wind, I wouldn't bother with a mask. But if it's gusty, or suddenly changes direction, and you don't have a mask on... you can be in a lot of trouble! If I'm using a spraycan outside I will usually take it to a quiet corner, and if it's windy, I won't even bother. Otherwise, the pressure of the spray usually carries itself away.
  12. PetarB


    Hey Talos, I honestly think that's a bit too small. I have the 1/72 scale of a few of these (including a VF-2SS), and looking at them... I'm not sure a pilot could even fit in that silhouette. I have to say though that the VF-2SS is smaller than expected, perhaps not that small? I guess these are the problems of anime....
  13. At the end of the day, a model is a display piece. Any styrene model that 'transforms' is going to get scratched, busted, scuffed etc because the fine finishes you can put on will get destroyed by moving parts. In the 'real world' those moving parts aren't painted for a reason! If you want transforming Valkyries, then the toys are the way to go.
  14. Hmmm it's been awhile since this one. Every Macross model I build I put on custom numbers. These usually have some sort of chronical significance. For example this build was done in 2009 - on the build you can see '09' features quite prominently! On the Cat's Eye model I did this a little differently, and made up the number from the ages of my three little girls at the time I built it! The Wave destroid was a break from tradition, but only because the decal artwork was done in '09'. I have a set of '11' decals I have been keeping for my next VF-2SS build, not sure if I will get there though - this one's going to be a real racing show-pony.
  15. That's fantastic! How did you do the hex pattern?
  16. PetarB


    This is awesome, I've been looking for these too. I started a non-transformable one a long time ago but never got much past the forward fuselage. I will be blown away to see a fully transformable one! What size are you going to make it Maxi?
  17. Wow, spectacular. I remember seeing the build a long time ago now, great to see it finished!
  18. I have never, ever seen a build up of this kit. Kind of curious!
  19. Jason Momoa's voice was an issue, I think he needed some coaching there. The dialogue line you quote is actually straight out of the original stories, so I don't have a problem with it per se, but the way it was delivered... was kind of lame.
  20. Well it's clear they are taking LOTS of liberties with the story - Tintin meets Haddock before this story - He was never locked in a cage in this story - They didn't get on a boat as I recall, in this story So the addition of Haddock and a bazooka is the least of your concerns!
  21. I saw this last night. Some things were fun... others quite lame. All in all I am disappointed. Good 1) Young Conan was uncompromising 2) Older Conan was uncompromising too (message, key, etc) 3) Visual design was lush and at times quite beautiful 4) The heroine wasn't quite cookie-cutter 5) Better than Conan the Destroyer 6) Much closer to the original stories than the movie Bad 1) Action and fights were very, very badly filmed 2) Story was extremely predictable 3) Poorly edited, and at times the continuity was laughable 4) Milius Conan fans will be offended 5) RAH (original author) Fans will wonder why they didn't just stick with the source material
  22. For me, it's the standout perfect moment of ROTJ. No words are needed, at all. And his silence in his actions provide the contrast for when he does actually talk, after the event. You are hanging. on. every. word. Damn I can't believe Lucas. He really went a bit too far this time.
  23. I think the 7 Crystal Balls + Prisoners of the Sun would be an amazing movie. The best standalone movie however, would be my favourite Tintin adventure: Flight 714. Finding a Tintin comic at my local library around the age of 5 was a revelatory experience. I've been a fan ever since and look forward to what some great directors do with the material....
  24. I'm prepared for disappointment, but I will still see it. Why, oh why is it so hard to get a good, realistic treatment for this type of movie going? I didn't think Momoa was a bad choice, but what made the John Milius movie work is that he took it totally seriously, and Basil Poledouris's soundtrack was EPIC. It sounds like this isn't....
  25. Yes, the search function here now appears to be broken. You used to be able to find threads a lot more easily, but something's changed. As for building without the armour pack, no special mods are required - you get the bits and pieces to build it with, or without. To make it removable/optional - so you can stick it on or take it off at leisure, requires a lot more work.
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