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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. I've got that same weathering set! I haven't used it much. I recognise the mud colour... Anyway, great work. I do love this kit - and your unusual colour scheme looks awesome. Great work!
  2. Really nice project to kick the year in with, Reuben! Many, many years ago, I attempted this with the Imai kit.. and failed! Weathering looks good, I always think of the Zentraedi mecha as being really beat up, and you NEVER see red painted equipment/mecha this weathered, so I think you've done a very interesting job here. Fantastic! One thing I can see needs some attention next time: 'silvered' decals. They just stand out a little. Next time, you need to set them on to a gloss surface, and 'bury' them in gloss once you have got all the micro air bubbles out. Then they totally blend into the finish. I usually put a matt coat all over afterwards. It's a tiny thing really, but next project, it's perhaps a technique to consider. Thanks again for all the great pics. Your Macross collections grows!
  3. Here is a poster I illustrated a present for my family this christmas. It's been reproduced at 1meter high and sits proudly in our living room. These are pretty accurate caricatures of my family - and the living room of my house. On the larger version you can see lots of call-outs to Studio Ghibli characters who we are big fans of. I don't get much of chance to do personal artwork - since I do it for a job - but it's fun to do something like this once in awhile.
  4. That put a smile on my face. I was thinking something similar, this may be all very 'meta' for Bruce/Neo...
  5. [bane] When this is available in Quicktime, you have my permission to watch it. [/bane]
  6. I'm more than interested - this looks like a lot of fun!
  7. It's like they decided to do everything opposite the MSG franchise., ie: ...stuff this sneaking around stuff, let's just SMASH and CUT everything up in sight ...don't worry about realism, let's just block that mecha's leg with the sword! Having said this, I'm really looking forward to this. Wouldn't it be fun if the second act, Raiden disappeared and you found yourself on Big Shell, playing as Snake...
  8. The first probelm is that too many compromises have been made so that it is transformable. For example, there are huge gaps once it's assembled in fighter mode. And some of those issues make it difficult to do a good job painting it. The second issue is that it seems out of scale - just put the pilot next to any other 1/72 pilot and you'll see the pilot at least is closer to 1/90 which makes me feel that rest is a little too small. Finally, while most of the detail is excellent, there are some real showstoppers, for example the landing gear looks like it's come off a kid's toy. Having said this, the Bandai 1/72 Valkyries are still excellent models. They just need an enormous amount of work to make them look better than just built out of the box, but I think that was the market they were going for. Hasegawa's market is completely different.
  9. I like this new direction, looking good!
  10. Some great artwork here. As many have mentioned, the YFZ-21 is the strongest design, probably due to the unity of shape. The others do seem a little busy. Anyway, thanks, and I do look forward to more!
  11. I never liked the boosters on the wings on this bird, looks like they would tear the wings off. Still, nice work!
  12. That's really exciting, I can't wait to get my hands on my own copy. What's the B&N site?
  13. Really grateful for all your hard work on this, I do absolutely love the site, and refer to it often!
  14. Might be a better idea to put this thread in the right forum. I can't think of one 1/60 model this set would go with... perhaps the toy forum would be more appropriate? Just a thought.
  15. His 1/72 Raptor is simply the best resin kit I've every built. Just magic.
  16. This is really nuts. Part of the dynamic between Kaneda and Tetsuo is that he's like a younger brother - Kaneda CHOSE to be his big buddy. By making them siblings they are dumbing down this central idea. I guess that's Hollywood these days. I know I will watch this remake, I will just feel bad for doing so, like when you watch a tragedy on the news, you know you shouldn't but you can't help yourself and you feel dirty afterwards.
  17. I must admit, building this kit taught me a lot of patience. I really like that Flanker in the background!
  18. Not being a USAian, I'm not sure what your Thanksgiving holiday celebrates. Anyone care to put it in their own terms?
  19. Indeed. Thorsten's project looked so close to finalising I wonder why he never finished it.
  20. Very nice. And your patience with that masking as paid off!
  21. This movie will be a guilty pleasure for me. No one I know will come and see it with me though. The poster is so crazy it made me laugh. Except for Chuck Norris's face, he really looks like the odd man out here, despite the only woman on the poster next to him. The original poster design with the skull and guns from the first movie was inspired. I had hoped they would do something along those lines again.
  22. Don't like that first one, but the other two looks fantastic.
  23. It's always something I have considered reading, I did love TLTWATW as a youngster, and was interested to read his other 'planetary romances', but just never got around to it.
  24. Where did you major in xenobiology?
  25. Fraking awesome! Noyhauser, you just reminded me to pick up that bomber from Anigrand, I've forgotten about it, great subject.
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