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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. China makes you a Gundam star for a few hundred dollars. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com.au/interest/2012-01-21/chinese-anime/disney-lookalike-videos/the-story-behind-them Copyright infringement? What is that? I don't even... !
  2. I disagree. Transformability means that compromises are made in the final scale representation - unsightly gaps, seams, proportions etc all combine to make the product less amenable to a proper scale representation. Basically more like a toy and less like a scale model. I do understand your frustration with having all the paraphernalia for scale modelling. Scale modellers love this sort of thing though!
  3. Well I can tell you right now that I worked on some new items last year which i will post sometime in the next couple of months. I'm not sure how they fit - or whether they fit at all - into the categories above, but I know some people will be happy... As for what we got from Macross last year, we can't complain. In fact, it was an embarrasment of riches! Some of the highlights for me include the Captain's Cat's Eye, and Wave's incredibly well engineered destroids. They were perfect, apart from some proportions. The big surprise, however, was Hasegawa's VF-11. Beautiful kit, and an unexpected release. I had just finished most of the clean up on two resin kits of the same. Once I received the Hasegawa version, I had a look at it, compared the resin ones, and promptly boxed them up. They were a pain in the arse to build, but I'm keen to put together the new kit... later this year! No idea what 2012 holds in store. Wouldn't a VF-4 from Hasegawa be appropriate though, for this year?
  4. I agree. Still looks like it needs a bit of work overall.
  5. Just got my REDLINE BluRay yesterday. An absolute slice of fried gold.
  6. [ ! ] Where is Snake? I'm guessing he's hiding in plain sight, I just can't see him... ...seriously, nice idea. Looks great!
  7. I wonder how the sales went - this is usually the best indicator. Personally, I started a couple of VF-25s and never finished them. I'm not sure why. I usually finish every kit I start. But these were a bit different from what I usually tackle. I wish Hasegawa did these as non-transforming, I know as a scale modeler, I would have been much happier...
  8. I was incredibly doubtful about the possibility of this, but they really surprised me with the VF-11. Who knows...
  9. All very nice work here...
  10. If you look VERY carefully in the trailer, you will see what is possibly a human size figure next the jockey. So the jockey itself is still very large, no retconning there. I say 'possibly' a human size figure because in the fleeting glimpse, it's not clear if the smaller figure - to the right of the jockey - is human.
  11. It's a favourite of mine as well. Looks like you've done all the hard parts.
  12. Hmmm... could be just the shadow from the curve off the hallway. Still, that palette-shift does bring out some extra detail - thank you! I have to look away, I don't want too many spoilers for this movie!
  13. I always thought it was an enigma - maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. As a connosieur of Giger's work, I can say pretty much conclusively that Giger's original intent with the design was meant to be enigmatic - Giger's designs of this period explored the melding of man and machine, where the two blended, an pure amalgamation of flesh and machine. With this design, it seemed the alien was somehow blended with the device he was using, which I always saw as some sort of viewing device, perhaps dimly related to a telescope. Or perhaps it was some sort of device to transmit something - information? Spirit? Giger has always been happy to mix mysticism in his science fiction and did not see a contradiction in this. However, Ridley will have his own spin on this all, and I cannot wait to see it. Already I can see some sort of galactic atlas in the teaser we now have available. Perhaps it was a navigation device? We will see... I was 8 years old when I saw Alien for the first time at the movies. It changed my life. However, my just-seperated mother was not at all amused when she found my father had taken me to see it at this age....
  14. I've been doing some miniature metal work recently. But I could not imagine getting into something like this... amazing work, patience, and dedication!
  15. Oh, I found an oldie with even more Streetfighter, from my comic on the magazine - I think this was my first time using a Wacom tablet!
  16. At one stage, they were including the nosecone fix as a seperate instruction in the kit!
  17. Somehow I doubt it. Predator + Alien = fanboy suckage. No thanks.
  18. I've just finished some simple illustrations for kids' T-Shirts for my dojo. Here is one of the characters I did. The calligraphic and rough outline of the character was inspired by the latest Streetfighter series art style, which I think it quite innovative and cool!
  19. Thanks. You know, the more I look at it, the more I dislike it. Still, I like the paintjob too, so it stays in the cabinet... for now. I really do like the Mk7 Viper designs though. I don't understand why the didn't use the same designer or at least design aesthetic on the Raptor. I read somewhere that one of the actual scriptwriters or show-runners did the original 'design' for the Raptor (only hearsay), and this might go some way to explaining why it looks like such an 'ugly toad'. If not, apologies to the original designer, but I still don't like the design.
  20. Haha. I'm going to be starting my new Macross build soon too, so you get to trash my rep as well!
  21. Here's some 1/72 models I did a couple of years ago. I do wish 'Blood and Chrome' would come soon.
  22. I know its old, but I just saw 'Sword of the Stranger' for the first time yesterday. Highly recommended!
  23. That's very annoying... I did not see the silvering on your other models, so it's clear what happened. Most decal papers I have used are also difficult, so I am hesitant to recommend any. What I do however, is use Future (floor polish). I put a layer of this down first, let it dry, and then use it again as the 'glue' between the decal and the paint, and then once this is dry, I put Future over the top again to totally seal in. The technique may or may not work for you, I think experimentation is the only way. Anyway, I wonder what is next for your collection....
  24. Very nice detailed mesh! What program do you model in? Pity about that photo, I think even a quick coat of Tamiya fine primer would show off this beast a lot better.
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