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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. The source material is Eastman and Laird's original comics. Which I had, at one stage. They were awesome. NONE of the theatrical releases or animated versions ever captured their original spirit.
  2. At university I was a research assistant, shared between many different faculties, and I met lots of people who were, and would later become, scientists. They ranged from really nice people, to douchebags. I even knew a guy who was physically similar to Fiefield! I must admit though, the biologist's behaviour was poorly written.
  3. I just saw the movie a couple of hours ago. I had steadfastly avoided reviews, PR, interviews etc, so as not to colour expectations. It was AWESOME. Thanks again Mr Scott. It's been too long since you've done SF. Could have done without the final scene though.
  4. I also have - an albeit tiny - view into this as well. The SoCal School of Design really do churn them out with the same design aesthetic. You just have to visit Conceptart.org 'its finished' forums to see this in action. Massive Black also have a bit to answer for in my opinion. It's so refreshing to see NEW designs outside of this milieu. I grimace when i see a design 'created' with inspiration from nothing more than a photoshop brush. Mecha designers benefit from engineering exposure, experience and education in engineering fields. I think the current cadre of mecha designers draw most their inspiration from other mecha designers. This is bad for the field in general.
  5. Stringer Bell is ready to rock and roll! This looks better and better. I do like that armour. I guess you've seen something I haven't. Figures!
  6. I must try Wave epoxy putty. I've tried everything else! What's its cure time?
  7. Very nice start. I've also identified the droopy leg syndrome in a couple of my long-term (ie, never finished) builds. I look forwards to your resolution of the issue!
  8. "The million-year picnic" One of my favourite SF short stories, just beautiful. I remember reading the Martian Chronicles and just loving the lyrical feel of the collection. You will be missed, Ray.
  9. I'm pretty shocked right now! This is completely awesome. MCoG was one of my favourite series as a kid. I recently rewatched the whole series on DVD with the kids, who loved it as well.
  10. I'm really looking forward to this. As for Revengeance being a word... I give you Revengerengance! Or Revengerevengerance!
  11. I'd like to grab this. Where to buy?
  12. Why don't you rub our noses in it some more?
  13. I must admit, the plot does sound like it's cribbed from everything from Evangelion to Escaflowne. I'm sure it will be awesome though!
  14. What a cutie! Very nice.
  15. Very nice. Looking forward to your WAVE versions. I've got another one on the way from HLJ.
  16. I keep forgetting to post my own 'Alaska Base' version, using these decals: http://www.studiostarforge.com/content/un-spacy-male-pilots172 Really interested to see what Yamato have come up with. I hope it's not just 'green'.
  17. So are these kits, or toys?
  18. Yep, the price is a little crazy on this one. I notice that the Defender is on sale at HLJ for 30% off. Nice discount if you're interested!
  19. WMCheng put up a link to an enormous scale model of a major metropolitan airport. I wish I had that link again, I can't seem to do searches on the forum properly anymore.
  20. Yes, it looks like a cross between VOTOMS and the AMP suit from Avatar.
  21. I think that's a bit of overstatement. Personally I don't like the scale. I'm sure the 1/72 version will sell better. The case could be made that this design has more in common with gundam than macross, but it still looks good to me.
  22. I thought they weren't available anywhere else other than the Museum? I could be wrong. When I went there I saw the one where the girl goes for a walk to a little house, and there were all these strange creatures around, I can't remember much of it. Perhaps it was the Valley of the Winds Brewery Beer I had afterwards....
  23. Looks like it's just left ZOIC actually! Very nice work - and good photography!
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