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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Phenomenal work. I love all the organic shapes on this one.
  2. That is simply amazing work. Really quite amazing! I would love to see some higher resolution photos.
  3. Very nice. If you're after some advice, I would tone back the black linework in future to a light grey for a more realistic look, but if you're going for more of an anime look, this is fine. In anycase, great work, and I look forward to seeing more projects from you!
  4. Er... maybe you saw a bad translation? That was his sister, and without any more spoilers, she was an important part of the relationship between the two brothers. For the record I quite enjoyed it. The scenes where the pirates boarded the other ship were awesome. The script prevented it from being 'fantastic' but the production design was visually stunning.
  5. Looks fantastic. I like the third-last shot. I haven't built any of the 1/48 Hasegawa valks. Are they easier/harder to put together compared to the 1/72 ones?
  6. Interesting. It's certainly given a unique look. I look forward to seeing more of your work here!
  7. I love and hate these Wonderfest threads! On one hand it's great to see what's new - but on the other I grind my teeth at the models I'll never be able to get... Anyway, that MAXL VF-11 looks great. Kind of what I expected Bandai to do all those years ago, instead we got those tiny 1:144 scale kits.
  8. That's a little too cute for me, too! Otherwise they look fun.
  9. Very nice work. What brand of paints did you use for it?
  10. This is my favourite kit of the Captain's. I think the linework is executed brilliantly and the detail is phenomenal. I would have snapped it up if I had not already built one! Highly recommended.
  11. This looks much, much better than it should, considering the kit. Nice work!
  12. Phenomenal work there Cesar! Loving all the metal details against the banged-up cowlings. Just fantastic!
  13. I'm finding it really - really - hard to get past Deunan's absolutely stupid-looking chest armour. It's like a visual target saying 'shoot here'. Briareos looks awesome though! Love that shot of him with the sniper rifle. Metal Gear at 0:48?
  14. If you haven't seen a series of Science Fiction short movies called 'Black Mirror' (2 series of 3 each) you should check them out immediately. They are around 45mins each and examine future trends through some fairly cool dramatic ideas. Domnhall Gleeson was in one in particular where a woman lost her partner and was able to order - after much soul-searching - a biological android replacement for him as she couldn't get over his death, and new tech had become available. The android/bioroid (played by Gleeson) used all the social-media records, video, etc, to create a simulacrum of her dead lover. She was constantly fighting against her own revulsion and her love of her dead partner in interacting with the android. It was fantastic. And it wasn't even the best one...
  15. If you look up the dates of publication you may see the the reverse is possibly more likely. Anyway, I do think that the armour design looks ugly and stupid in this movie, but I'm still excited to see it. Liman is a great filmmaker, and the premise is quite intriguing.
  16. This is my big problem with all MGS games. I feel if they got rid of 'all this crap' the game itself would be much better. It's like there are these brilliant bits of gameplay, and between them you're just sitting down watching a group of NPC talk to each other and it really takes me out of the game. I love the MGS games, just not the exposition parts which seem to get longer, and longer….
  17. Great kit. Whilst I disagree with the Captain's interpretation a little on this one, the detail cannot be faulted. It looks fantastic! Hopefully you build it. So many resin kits just sit in their little boxes...
  18. Those fighters were also in Macross -as a hidden easter-egg if I recall correctly!
  19. Amazing news. I'd love a new story. But I still really see SDFM as my touchstone on the universe - I'd like a mature, more adult take on the universe. Less Seven and more Plus. Frontier was great but lacked cohesiveness.
  20. Good luck. I have had so many bad experiences with overseas discs on my Aussie PS3 I have all but given up on it as a disc viewer.
  21. I found these guys on sale at a couple of location Akiba, Tokyo when I was there a few years ago. I wished I had picked them up - they were around $50-$60 at the time. No idea of their value now.
  22. As a fan of the original Eastman and Laird comic - when it came out - I think I no longer care about the 'modern' takes on TMNT. Having said this, the trailer doesn't exactly inspire confidence. I don't know what to think...
  23. WOW - that looks straight from the painting on the old Imai box. Amazing!
  24. C'est croissant au crabe est très bon! Love your work Captain, looking fantastic. Translating the lineart on this beast looked like a real chore.
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