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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Thank you for the review. I found Ninja Assassin to be quite enjoyable... but it could have been a LOT better. I'm currently half way through Flying Swords of Dragons Gate. Very good fun so far - and I love Wuxia! - but not as good as the last Jet Li movie I saw which was Fearless.
  2. I just saw it. It was actually quite similar to the Tobey's original. Everything was done well except for the fact that we've seen it all before. Filming was fantastic. Effects were top notch, and the acting was great. I think Garfield might be a tad better than Macguire. But it's the same story. I was hoping for something a little... different.
  3. I love the design of this poster. Simple and awesome. As for the design of the mecha, not sure until I see more...
  4. Hey Dan, just checking into this thread after a long absence, and your work is still fantastic. Thanks for all the renders and hard work modelling!
  5. Yes. Not to derail the thread, but I hope to put the first coat of paint on this weekend. I have been sanding and gap-filling for weeks, it seems. It's not a VF-1. I might have to do some setups inspired by this amazing thread here. ron5864, I understand your point on weathering completely. If you take a look at the Shuttle after re-entry, or even the new SpaceX Dragon after its mission, they are dirtied up to hell and back. It's quite surprising actually! And one of the things this type of weathering seems to do is emphasize panel lines quite dramatically. Perhaps it's to do with heating effects not being homogenous over the different panels as well. Anyway, something to think about.
  6. Looking good, although - and this is not your issue, it's the designers - the canopy struts on that thing are huge. Nice raider, Derex. Looks fresh out of Cylon Academy!
  7. Good to hear! Now tell us what the hell a Conn-Pod is (I can guess, but I would love to hear it), without infringing and NDAs you've signed.
  8. I love these type of movies. When I first heard about this - years ago now I think? - I thought it would never get made. Glad to see I was wrong! I look lavish and fun. I'm sold on the typography alone!
  9. That looks awesome. I'm getting my home camera back tomorrow. Been far too long since I posted anything here. I'm going to take some pics which I think you'll enjoy too...
  10. It looks like it's going to be a decent update on a fun movie. The art design looks fantastic, and the leads look like they have the goods. Hopefully the movie holds up.
  11. Looks like fun. I was trying to work out why the bridge climbers until later in the piece. Nice work!
  12. Boxes with good art get trimmed out, laminated, and stuck on the walls of my 'man cave'.
  13. I like how there's a big don't photograph sign on the bottom of this photograph. Not sure I like this one. This kind of treatment looks astounding on WW1 aircraft, where the build works really well. Here, not so much - for me at any rate.
  14. I saw it again recently, and still enjoyed it. Certainly the art direction, while beautiful, did not match my expectations of Barsoom. Although that's always a problem with literary interpretations.
  15. Urban is a great actor and brings it with every role in the last few years he's taken on. Whilst the script might be good (hard to tell from this), the trailer was underwhelming for me. Part of the issue is that I don't think they had enough money to do Dredd justice here (excuse the pun). Production values are bad. OR the art director needed to be changed. The helmet itself looks oversize which makes ther person inside look SMALLER. This is NOT what you want for Dredd! It should be the other way around. The bikes look ridiculous, and they are not show here, but the 'vans' the police drive look straight out of 80's 'C' movie cheese where they paint a truck black and put a 'modern' font on it with weird bullbar and call it futuristic. What rings true for me is Dredd taking on a towerblock - either by himself or with a rookie. It's been decades since I read Dredd, but that sound like a plotline straight out of the comics. I hope it works, I'll certainly see it but my expectations will be low. At least he hasn't taken off his helmet. I didn't mind Stallone's version, but I wish he'd kept his helmet on. Dredd is an 'ideal', not a person.
  16. Thanks Chris, I like the VFX-4, I hope to grab one. I hope they are not Wonderfest-only releases...
  17. This is awesome. I'm about half way through my own mesh. I guess I don't have to finish now! Hopefully Experten release it in 1/72 soon. I love this design.
  18. Old news. I thought we already had a thread. I could be wrong. I think primary shooting may even be wrapped. I loved the first novel. The sequels were a turgid mess. Right now, Enders Game is the only movie being made. Enders Shadow is not yet on the radar.
  19. I love my iPad 2. The Surface tablet looks interesting and seems to address some of the issues of the iPad. One of the problems of that presentation though is that much of the stylings (stripped back typography, etc) are quite similar to Apple. Hopefully the public will not see it as 'me-too-ism'. As much as I love my iPad, Apple really could do with some competition.
  20. Actually that really happened. I remember reading about it a long time ago! I thought it was quite funny at the time. Its very difficult to predict the future, as most good science fiction authors will tell you.
  21. Try and get rid of those bubbles if you can. Looking good!
  22. I've always enjoyed these movies. Trashy, but a lot of fun. Looking forward to this one, my wife was fooled by the ad in the cinema, but I won't be dragging her along to it.
  23. The directors cut on the Bluray is rumoured to be at least half an hour longer.
  24. I just saw it again with my wife, who enjoyed it. Taksraven, that poster shows the person who made it wasn't watching closely, or just simplified things, 1 and 3 aren't even 'right'. Flawed movie, but still great fun, and makes for some good conversation afterwards, unlike the rest of the dross at the movies these days....
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