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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Some really nice work there. As others mentioned, the Minmei one is very nice. But I also quite like your execution in old cell-style in the one above it that looks like it's done in markers.
  2. Bump for celebration of Mistah Moscatoh's Macross Modelling Retirement. Enjoy all the cool modelling pics in this thread. Contribute if you can!
  3. That's really sad news. Building your Atmospheric Booster and the Cat's Eye were some of the highlights of my model making in the past few years. Thanks for all the good times to date!
  4. Now you have to build it. I mean it!
  5. Not reading any spoilers here. But if the script was bad... why is it attracting so many great actors? 'Tis a mystery...
  6. Took a look at Maya back in the day, but stuck with 3D Studio Max since... v4? Anyway, still enjoying this one. Love your work, and those 3D prints came out wonderfully.
  7. I mean, as always with any model - if you transform it a few times, bits and pieces are going to start to get loose, and lose traction.
  8. The Silmarillion is really hard going, no doubt about it. I enjoyed The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings - and I read them again every few years - but after ploughing through The Silmarillion once... never again!
  9. Build it. Don't spend too much time on it though - transformation doesn't last. It's not bad for what it is though. Just don't expect anything like a Hasegawa valk! Ignacio I am looking forward to seeing that Regult complete!
  10. Great modelling skills, but one of the attractions for me of the Macross designs was that where possible they were designed to look like engineering solutions to real-world problems for the Zentraedi invasion. These look like fan-art. Which they are, I guess....
  11. Why not? In pre-industrial times, the martial arts - across every civilisation - was way more prevalent than now. Although 'everyone' is a rather long bow to draw!
  12. That ThunderHammer is a monster! Awesome work. I really must finish my own Macross project this weekend...
  13. PetarB

    Kit's Power

    I think this is done for a very specific business reason that has little to do with adhering to 'canon'. From reviewing their other products, I think they care little for the integrity of the subjects themselves.
  14. At least you've got a good cast to work with. And I like what I've seen so far on the viral marketing.
  15. I'm a big Verhoeven fan. Only recently did I discover a friend of mine was a lead on one of his early movies! Robocop, rewatched recently, confirmed to me that it was still a classic. I feel absolutely no need to rewatch Total Recall however, because I never felt that it was. It's a real shame that Verhoeven gave up directing for awhile. Black Book (be sure it watch it if you haven't seen it, subbed) was his last 'big' movie and showed he really still had the magic. What bugs me about the marketing of Total Recall is some commentators saying it is a reboot of the story 'We can remember if for you wholesale.' As a PKD fan who has read everything he ever wrote I can say quite clearly that Verhoeven made his own movie out of this seed of a short story. And from what I've read this movie takes it's inspiration from that movie, rather than the short story. Actually, I really don't get the Hollywood obsession with PKD. To be honest, his oevre was very particular, very paranoid and internal, and certainly not the top tier of SF authors I'd be looking at for movie IPs. There were plenty of other twentieth century authors - and more importantly twenty first century authors who have a lot more interesting, and more importantly exciting things to say that could translate amazingly well to movies. Richard Morgan's Takeshi Kovacs series would translate brilliantly to the big screen, for example. I'm looking forward to seeing this one. As an SF fan, I take what I can get. I LOVE so called 'b-grade' and genre movies, so I'll probably enjoy the hell out of this one. I just hope there's another District 9, Moon, or The Matrix coming my way again soon.
  16. The story in the graphic novel is good, but the artwork in many cases is not so great. Any improvements they make are for the better as far as I am concerned.
  17. Do you understand how much further away Jupiter is than Mars? It is a SIGNIFICANTLY larger energy and time requirement to get there. And the complexity of orbital space around Jupiter itself? And the multitude of unknowns about the moons? Europa is a fascinating place, but putting a rover on it... it's a big ask. Landing on the surface itself is a huge unknown. We don't even know which part of Europa might be safe to land on without the 'surface' collapsing into sublimation. ESA is planning to visit in 2020 I think.... and we will get a much better understanding. But putting a rover on the surface may not even be possible for a long, long time. Compared to Europa, Mars is a stable, known quality, and despite the face that is a couple of hundred million kilometres away, it's relatively 'close' when compared to Europa.
  18. I'm looking forward to seeing it again in the theatre. Now if I could just find the time to...
  19. Remember the Mayor would have been 'credited' for cleaning up Gotham. Remind you of another mayor with a long reign, credited for cleaning up a prominent US city? Not unrealistic at all...
  20. I must admit, as an old aerospace engineering student, the Bat made me wince - especially when I saw the blades underneath the fuselage! Where does the downflow air come from? But it looks cool.
  21. Very cool colour scheme - I have not seen Macross the First, will have to look it up. The geometries of the new paintwork give a nice modern update to the VF-1.
  22. YouTube would be even more dandy, that way we could all see it....
  23. Very awesome!
  24. I really liked the dynamic of Macross Plus, where the pilots and teams were competing against each other. I think a movie or short series (OVA style) for Macross the Ride could work really well from a storytelling format. Of course, I did love the recent Redline. Just... wow!
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