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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. I'll just leave this here again: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/robocop/news/?a=64751
  2. The interesting thing is that the 'leaked' concept art - which some in the industry discredited - was actually very similar to this final product. Looks generic. But hey, we might be surprised! However, when you compare this to the the original, there was no real precedent for the original design, apart from Hajime Sorayama's work. With this design, it draws from so many sources, it doesn't look new and exciting. But maybe we need to see it in action....
  3. HaveBlue II
  4. A most shameful admission, Sir! Still, I'm hoping the 'other little robot project' you've been working on will make up for it!
  5. Poor customer service + you may never get your kit. Not advised. At all!
  6. Please stop! And Megan Fox is not Wonder Woman.
  7. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was fun. No idea why he had to grab Amy and Rory for this one though. Maybe he just wanted to have a 'gang'. I have to say that I look forward to Oswin turning up again....
  8. Apparently Jose Padhilla is having a really hard time making this movie, with interference from the highest levels. Hopefully we don't get a Frankenstein of a movie. A consistent vision is important in science fiction.
  9. I watched this last night. No spoilers... yet. PROS Interesting premise Miles seems a character I want to know more about Kick ass chicks Death never seems that far away The writers like to surprise us Some of the sets looked good CONS Some of the sets looked cheap The direction (ie flashbacks) seemed a little odd, which considering John Favreu was directing.... I was hoping for a slightly grittier future, there seems like a lot of hair product still available! Apart from Charlie, there seemed little transition in ages between 15 years and now All in all I was a little underwhelmed - I was hoping for more of something. Perhaps my standards are too high now after awesome series like Breaking Bad and Spartacus. However I think it shows promise so I look forward to the next episode.
  10. The boots always did look a little ridiculous on this. Keen to see where you go from here!
  11. Actually it is difficult. A few of us do not have access to an aircraft, or the Mojave desert.
  12. Oh wow, I had no idea this even existed? That looks awesome, if a little on the small side. Do we get a mini Briareos as well?
  13. Very nice work for September Ron.
  14. What a beast, Very nice work!
  15. Ah... great job!
  16. That artwork is awesome. I've never really been a fan of the design, but I'll have to get one now!
  17. Very nice. I have this kit awaiting my attention. Might be awhile until I get to it...
  18. If I was in the country, let alone state, I would come and visit. Exterior signage looks awesome but the interior needs some work. I'd go for some ceiling to floor digital prints that you can stick on the wall - especially behind the counter which you want to guide people to. The exterior is fantastic... although with the window graphic I might have put in a red stripe to tie into the top signage. Best of luck with it!
  19. I don't think the lineage is 'that simple' - I think parts of it were resculpted. It's a good kit. Here's mine: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=23639&st=35
  20. Tony Jaa had a lot of other issues that prevented him following a simple career path in the movies. Issues that I don't think a simple change in agent would have solved! Iko Uwais, however seems to be on the right path - Gareth Evans will make sure of that!
  21. Most models are generally made to be static displays. As for my workbench, I'm just itching to take final pics, but the pilot is holding me up!
  22. I saw it too, back in the day. I like both - but they are completely different beasts. Sue me! I also like both the Tank Girl comic, and the movie and they are quite different as well.
  23. I'm not going to be able to make this one, but maybe I can put together a nice banner or poster for you guys.
  24. I quite liked Aeon Flux! I thought it was original and daring in some respects. I have yet to see Blood Rayne though.
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